First "Building a Portfolio" Session

Post date: Sep 27, 2010 6:21:25 PM

The first Building a Portfolio session happened Thursday evening, 9/23. The combined .PDF of the presentations is found here. This is the blurb from the 2.009 announcement:

A portfolio is essential for anyone pursuing design work beyond 2.009. This 45 minute seminar will give you the basics about developing your portfolio — a visual representation of your design and engineering work that complements the words in your resume. We'll talk about why you should start thinking about it now and what you can do to start documentation habits, especially in the midst of your 2.009 work.

Michael Miller (Contour Design) is an industrial design graduate from MassArt who will show his portfolio and share from his experiences in job hunting. Connie Yang (Nemo Equipment) is a 2.009 alumna who will share from her experiences reviewing job applicants’ portfolios.