Welcome to the sixth workshop on the Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of Object-Oriented Languages, Programs and Systems (ICOOOLPS) being held on July 26th, at ECOOP 2011 in Lancaster, UK.

Brief Overview

The ICOOOLPS workshop aims to address this crucial issue of optimization of languages, programs and systems. It intends to do so by bringing together researchers and practitioners working in the field of implementation and optimization of programing languages. Its main goals are identifying fundamental bases and key current issues pertaining to the efficient implementation, compilation and optimization of programming languages, and outlining future challenges and research directions. For more information please read the call for papers.


The proceedings for ICOOOLPS 2011 are now available online through the ACM digital library.

Congratulations to Carl Friedrich Bolz, Antonio Cuni, Maciej Fijałkowski, Michael Leuschel, Samuele Pedroni and Armin Rigo on winning the best paper prize for their paper Runtime Feedback in a Meta-Tracing JIT for Efficient Dynamic Languages.

Special thanks for this year's key note speakers:

    • Mario Wolczko: Past, Present and Future of Virtual Machines: A Personal View

    • Tony Clark: XMF - A Language for Language Oriented Programming

Program Committee

To cover the broad areas of interest to the ICOOOLPS workshop the program committee comprises 19 independent specialists in the design, implementation and optimization of programming languages and systems from around the world.