MyStreet film compotision - make a short documentary film about your "street"

Post date: Nov 10, 2011 1:29:19 AM

My Street is many things... It's where I live, it's where you live, it's an idea, it's your hood, your locale, your community, your neighbours, it could even be your corridor or your lift.

Now it is 2 more things: it's a nationwide (UK) competition for you to make a short documentary film about your "street" and it is a new website where your film will be seen, telling your nation's stories, street by street ... by you. Anyone can take part. From any country. Professional, amateur, journalist, animator, young, old, activist, artist. You can make a new film or perhaps you already have one.

Each year the shortlisted films will be showcased at the OPEN CITY London Documentary Festival (June 21-24 2012). The submission deadline for this year is May 8st 2012. Films submitted after this date will be eligible for the festival in 2013.

Films must be between 90secs and 9mins. Films made any time in history can be uploaded onto the website, but only those made after 30th May 2011 are eligible for MyStreet competition in Open City 2012.

They will be judged by an acclaimed international jury.

For more information and terms click here or to watch the films that have been submitted already click VIEW in the menu.