8 days - documentery about newspaper jurnalist who 'cracked videojournalism in 8 days'.

Post date: Feb 08, 2012 12:51:31 PM

The story of the first newspaper journalists in the UK to turn to Video journalism. They brought no visual or technical skills with them, but a passion to learn, patience to understand, and a need to know how.  In the ensuing months their video journalism skills would reap huge rewards. They'd also begin to break national stories. Their trainer and veteran video-journalist, David Dunkley Gyimah, one of the first video-journalists in the UK in 1994 tells the story of how they cracked video-journalism in 8 days. Something you could do too.

Films official wesite is @ http://www.mrdot.co.uk/

"David Dunkley Gyimah is an international award winning videojournalist, independent filmmaker and future of news designer.

His career spans 25 years working for the likes of for BBC e.g. Newsnight, BBC World Service, ABC News, Channel 4 News, ITN/ London Tonight, Channel One, and several other creative outlets and dot.coms.

He regularly contributes to the media either through reports and his acclaimed blog or presentations of media ideas; more recently to BBC World Service Executives, BBC Journalism college, and as a panelist at the Sheffield Documentary Festival.

Previous work and collaborations include: The Financial Times, UK Press Association, Nato, Chatham House and Fortune 100 companies.

APPLE calls him A One-Man Hurricane and Channel 4's Jon Snow says he is an original. Based in London, he is also a senior lecturer in digital journalism at the Universty of Westminster, and an artist in residence at London's cultural milleau, The Southbank Center.

He produces the award-winning online magazine viewmagazine.tv, is a director of the UK's governing body linking universities and broadcast institutions, and has been a member of London's foreign policy think tank, Chatham House since 1994."
