
Best Paper Award

1. Günter Fahrnberger. The Ultimate Victory of White- Over Blacklisting for the Editing of Encrypted Instant Messages without Decrypting nor Understanding Them (Score: 2.4)

2. Christopher Schankula, Emily Ham, Jessica Schultz, Yumna Irfan, Nhan Thai, Lucas Dutton, Padma Pasupathi, Chinmay Sheth, Taranum Khan, Salima Tejani, Dima Amad, Robert Fleisig and Christopher K. Anand. NewYouthHack: Using Design Thinking to Reimagine Settlement Services for New Canadians (Score: 2.1)

3. Amrita Bose Paul, Sushmita Mondal, Santosh Biswas and Sukumar Nandi. TA-ACS: A Trust Aware Adaptive Carrier Selection Scheme for Reliable Routing in DTNs (Score: 2.0)

Best Presentation Award

1. Rajesh Shrivastava and Chittaranjan Hota. Code-tampering Defense for Internet of Things using System Call Traces (Score: 2.17)

2. Günter Fahrnberger. The Ultimate Victory of White- Over Blacklisting for the Editing of Encrypted Instant Messages without Decrypting nor Understanding Them (Score: 2.21)

3. Pradeepkumar Bhale, Satya Prakash, Santosh Biswas and Sukumar Nandi. BRAIN: Buffer Resrvation Attack preventIoN using Legitimacy Score in 6LoWPAN Network (Score: 2.22)

Youth Scientist Award

Pradeepkumar Bhale, Sukanta Dey, Santosh Biswas and Sukumar Nandi. Energy Efficient Approach to Detect Sinkhole Attack using Roving IDS in 6LoWPAN Network