Previous teaching

Fall semester 2021

  • Special topics in Condensed Matter Physics I (PHYS701) for graduate students

    • Lecture: Mon, Wed 13:00 -- 14:15, online lecture

    • (*) Joint lecture with Prof. Chun-Yeol You (DGIST) & Prof. Se-Kwon Kim (KAIST)

Spring semester 2021

  • Introduction to Quantum Physics (PHYS201) for undergraduate students

    • Lecture: Tue, Thur 09:30 -- 10:45 @ online lecture

Fall semester 2020

  • Introduction to Quantum Physics (PHYS201) for undergraduate students

    • Lecture: Tue, Thur 09:30 -- 10:45 @ online lecture

Spring semester 2020: Sabbatical leave of absence

Fall semester 2019

  • Introduction to Quantum Physics (PHYS201) for undergraduate students

    • Lecture: Tue, Thur 09:30 -- 10:45 @ Science building 3-113

Spring semester 2019

  • Introduction to Quantum Physics (PHYS201) for undergraduate students

    • Lecture: Tue, Thur 09:30 -- 10:45 @ Science building 3-113

Fall semester 2018

  • Introduction to Quantum Physics (PHYS201) for undergraduate students

    • Lecture: Tue, Thur 09:30 -- 10:45 @ Science building 3-109

Spring semester 2018

  • Introduction to Quantum Physics (PHYS201) for undergraduate students

    • Lecture: Tue, Thur 09:30 -- 10:45 @ Science building 3-111

Fall semester 2017

  • Quantum Mechanics II (PHYS506 & ADMS533) for graduate students

    • Lecture: Tue, Thur 11:00 -- 12:15 @ Science building 3-109

Spring semester 2017

  • Quantum Mechanics I (PHYS505 & ADMS504) for graduate students

    • Lecture: Tue, Thur 11:00 -- 12:15 @ Science building 3-111 ==> Mueunjae 307

Fall semester 2016

  • Thermal Physics (PHYS304) for undergraduate students

    • Lecture: Mon, Wed 11:00 -- 12:15 @ Science building 3-111

  • Speical Topics in Condensed Matter Physics - Topological insulators (PHYS701) for graduate students (Joint lecture with Profs. Hu-Jong Lee, Heehoon Kim)

    • Lecture: Tue, Thur 14:00 -- 15:15 @ Science building 3-111

Fall semester 2015 -- Spring semester 2016: Sabbatical leave of absence

Spring semester 2015

  • Solid State Physics (PHYS401) for undergraduate students

    • Lecture: Mon, Wed 09:30 -- 10:45 @ Science building 3-111

Fall semester 2014

  • Thermal Physics (PHYS304) for undergraduate students

    • Lecture: Mon, Wed 09:30 -- 10:45 @ Science building 3-113

Spring semester 2014

  • Special Topics in Condensed Matter Physics - Spintronics (PHYS701) for graduate students

    • Lecture: Tue, Thur 14:00 -- 15:15 @ Science building 3-111

Fall semester 2013

  • Topics in Condensed Matter Physics I - Topological Insulators (PHYS701) for graduate students (Joint lecture with Prof. Hu-Jong Lee)

    • Lecture: Tue, Thur 15:30 -- 16:45 @ Science building 3-111

  • In charge of Deparment Colloquium

Spring semester 2013

  • Quantum Physics I (PHYS301) for undergraduate students

    • Lecture: Tue, Thur 09:30 -- 10:45 @ Science building 3-111

Fall semester 2012

  • Quantum Physics II (PHYS302) for undergraduate students

    • Lecture: Tue, Thur 09:30 -- 10:45 @ Science building 3-109

  • Special Topics in Condensed Matter Physics - Topological Insulators (PHYS701) for graduate students (Joint lecture with Prof. Hu-Jong Lee)

    • Lecture: Tue, Thur 15:30 -- 16:45

  • In charge of Department Colloquium

Spring semester 2011

  • Quantum Physics I (PHYS301) for undergraduate students

    • Lecture: Tue, Thur 09:30 -- 10:45 @ Science building 3-111