
Group Leader Prof. Jayh H. Park

Jayh Hyunhee Park, Associate Professor (March 2020 ~ current)

Myongji University - Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea (명지대학교 ICT융합대학 정보통신공학과 부교수 박현희)

email: hhpark [at] / parkhyunhee [at]

I am working for Department of Information and Communication at Myongji University as an assocate Professor. From March 2017 to February 2020, I have been working Department of Computer Software at Korean Bible University as an assistant professor. From November 2014 to February 2017, I have been working in LG Electronics as a Senior Researcher for Wi-Fi standardization (IEEE 802.11ax, Wake Up Radio, Wi-Fi Alliance, etc.). From January 2013 to October 2014, I joined INRIA Research Center as a Postdoctoral Researcher where I works in DIONYSOS Research Group and in Télécom Bretagne as a Postdoctoral researcher where I undertake the system implementation for Multi-path TCP on wireless networks. Research activity was focused on wireless communications and networks: QoE (Quality of Experience), security and resource management with QoE Net Member who consists of sar VIHO - IRISA/INRIA & Université Rennes 1, Jean-Marie BONNIN - Telecom Bretagne & IRISA/OCIF, Kandaraj PIAMRAT - University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, and Kamal Deep SINGH - Telecom Bretagne. From September 2011 to February 2013, I joined Korea University (Information technology center) as a Research Professor. I was also working at Mobile Networks and Communications Laboratory with Prof. Sangheon Pack at Korea University, Korea. I received Ph.D. degree from School of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Korea University (supervisor: Prof. Chul-Hee Kand and Prof. Sangheon Pack), Korea in August 2011.

DAN (Data Analysis and Networking) Lab

Group Leader: Prof. Jayh H. Park

Office: 5502 Engineering College5

[Google Scholar]


Myongji University / Associate Professor (2020.03 ~ Current)

    • Department of Information and Communication

Korean Bible University / Assistant Professor (2017.03 ~ 2020.02)

    • Department of Computer Software

LG Electronics / Senior Research Engineer (2014.10 ~ 2017.02 / Work scope: Wi-Fi Standardization - IEEE 802.11ax, 11ba (Wake Up Radio), etc.)

    • Internet of Things (IoT) Team / IEEE 802.11ax 표준화 그룹 멤버, IEEE 802.11ba(WUR) 표준화 그룹 멤버 / Seocho R&D Campus (CTO Division/Advanced Standard R&D Lab.), Seoul KOREA

INRIA / Postdoctoral researcher, France (2013.01 ~ 2014.10) Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique

French Institute for Research in Computer, 2 rue de la Châtaigneraie 35576 Cesson Sévigné Cedex, FRANCE

    • DIONYSOS (Team of Dependability, Interoperability and Performance Analysis of Networks) Research Group

    • Télécom Bretagne / Postdoctoral researcher, France (Grande École d'ingénieur et un centre de recherche international en sciences et technologies de l'information) Institut Mines-Télécom (Dépt. Réseaux, Sécurité et Multimédia)

Korea University / Research professor/Postdoctoral fellow, South Korea (2011.09 ~ 2013.01)

Professional Activities

    • The Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (KICS)

      • Board Member 2017.11 ~ Present: KICS Technical Committee on Communication Networking (한국통신학회 통신네트워크연구회 위원, 수석총무)

    • The Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (KICS)

      • Editors 2018.01 ~ Present: The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (J-KICS) (한국통신학회 논문지 이사, 교육분과 위원)

    • (주) 이글루 커뮤니케이션즈 (e-Glue Communications)

      • Technical Advisor (기술 자문) 2017.11 ~ Present

    • (주) 디브레인 사이언스 (D-Brain Science)

      • Technical Advisor (기술 자문) 2018.01 ~ Present

    • Journal of Advanced Transportation (Hindawi)

      • Lead Guest Editor for Special Issue (Data Analysis for Self-Driving Vehicles in Intelligent Transportation Systems)

    • International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing 2019

      • Track Co-Chair for Context and location-aware computing

    • International Workshop on Future Internet and Next Generation Networks (FINGNet)

      • Chair

Funded R&D Projects (2017 ~ current)

    • 카메라 디바이스 기반 인물 영상인식 기술 개발

      • BM 기술 컨설팅 (주)이노피아테크, 연구책임자 (2020.08.01 - 2020.10.30)

    • Intelligent IoT 구현을 위한 Digital Twin 기술 연구

      • 명지대학교 신임교수 학술연구지원 사업, 연구책임자 (2020.04.01 - 2021.03.31)

    • 클라우드부터 엣지컴퓨팅 상에서의 massive IoT 보안을 위한 빅데이터 분석 및 보안 프로토콜 개발

      • 한국연구재단 이공분야기초연구사업, 연구책임자 (2019.06.01 - 2022.02.28)

    • ADAS(Advanced Driver Assistance System)를 위한 딥러닝 기반의 객체인식 기술 연구

      • 교내학술연구지원사업, 연구책임자 (2019.04.01 - 2019.12.31)

    • 확장 가능한 허가형 블록체인 기반 신뢰 데이터 공유 체계 연구

      • KISTI 위탁연구과제, 공동참여 (2019.03.01 - 2019.08.31)

      • PI: 상명대학교 이종혁 교수

    • 클라우드 기반의 인공지능 검색광고 플랫폼 개발

      • 중소기업청 산학연협력기술개발사업 연구, 연구책임자 (2017.12 - 2018.11)

      • 검색광고 데이터 셋을 기반으로 선형회귀분석이 가능함을 검증

      • Random Forest, ANN, DNN을 비롯한 머신러닝 알고리즘을 적용한 예측 분석 및 정확도 검증 진행

    • 머신러닝 기반의 의료 데이터 분석 연구

      • 서울성모병원 정신건강의학과 정신건강교실 연구팀, 공동연구책임자 (2017.12.01 – 현재)

    • 차세대 와이파이가 연계된 IoT 무선 커넥티비티 융합 플랫폼 구축 및 보안 활용에 관한 연구

      • 한국연구재단, 연구책임자 (2017.03 - 2020.02)

      • 연구과제의 1차 결과물로써 802.11ax의 TF(Trigger frame)에 대한 분석 및 채널 접속에 관련된 논문 작업 중

    • 초저전력 IoT 단말 구현을 위한 무선 플랫폼 구현

      • 교내학술연구과제, 연구책임자 (2017학년도)

      • 연구과제의 1차 결과물로써 802.11ba(Wake Up Radio)의 표준화 정리

    • 빅데이터 분석을 위한 응용 프레임워크 구현 및 머신러닝 알고리즘 기술 연구

      • 교내학술연구과제, 연구책임자 (2018학년도)

      • 빅데이터 분석의 프레임워크 구현을 위하여 DB 구축 및 머신러닝 알고리즘 적용

      • 관련 프로그램의 1차 결과를 2017년 10월 교내 소프트웨어 경진 대회에 출전 - 우수상 수상

    • Tensor Flow를 활용한 객체인식 기반의 자율주행 모니터링 RC 카 개발

      • 이미지 데이터 분석 및 딥러닝 기법을 활용한 차선검출 기법 연구

      • TK1 보드를 이용하여 RC 카 개발 완료

      • TX2 보드를 활용한 RC 카 개발 진행

Work in Progress

    • CAN 통신 (보안 관점)

    • AI 기반의 악성코드 탐지, AI 기반의 취약점 자동 탐지, AI 기반의 안드로이드 악성 앱 탐지 (혹은 안드로이드 앱 취약점 탐지)

    • CIC Data analysis for attack detection

    • 802.11bb (802.11-18/1423r4 - Simulation scenarios)


    • 2020 Fall for Undergraduate course

      • 센서기반사물인터넷

      • 통신네트워크

    • 2020 Spring for Undergraduate course

      • 정보통신응용프로그래밍

      • 컴퓨터네트워크

    • 2019 Fall for Undergraduate course

      • Computer Programming Basics II(컴퓨터프로그래밍기초II)

      • Wireless and Mobile Communications (무선및모바일통신)

    • 2019 Spring for Undergraduate course

      • Computer Programming Basics I(컴퓨터프로그래밍기초I)

      • Machine Learning Programming (머신러닝프로그래밍)

      • Big Data Technology (빅데이터기술)

    • 2018 Fall for Undergraduate course

      • Wireless and Mobile Communications (무선및모바일통신)

      • Introduction to Information Security (정보보호개론)

      • Internet Security and Applications (인터넷보안과응용)

    • 2018 Spring for Undergraduate course

      • Machine Learning Programming (머신러닝프로그래밍)

      • Big Data Technology (빅데이터기술)

      • Advanced System Programming (고급시스템프로그래밍)

      • Project management and Engineering Patent (프로젝트관리론)

    • 2017 Fall for Undergraduate course

      • Computer Architecture (컴퓨터구조)

      • Advanced Objected Oriented Programming (객체지향프로그래밍)

      • Advanced Mobile Programming (고급모바일프로그래밍)

    • 2017 Spring for Undergraduate course

      • Advanced Window Programming (고급윈도우즈프로그래밍)

      • Internet Security (인터넷보안)

      • Project management and Engineering Patent (프로젝트관리론)

      • Advanced Software Seminar (고급소프트웨어세미나)


Ph.D. Thesis

Hyunhee Park, "Medium Access Control Schemes for mmWave Wireless Networks and Security Implementation,"

Ph. D. Thesis, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, 2011.

(Advised by Prof. Chul-Hee Kang and Sangheon Pack, School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University)

    • Book Chapter: 1

    • International / Domestic Journals: 26

    • International / Domestic conferences: 23

    • Patents: 34

    • Software: 2

Book Chapter

    1. Kandaraj Piamrat, Hyunhee Park, and Kamal Deep Singh, and César Viho, "QoE-based Network Selection in Heterogeneous Environment," a Book Chapter in Quality of Experience Engineering for Customer Added Value Services: From Evaluation to Monitoring, Wiley, Online Published July 2014.

Journal Publications (2009 ~ Present)

[Under review]

1. Hyunhee Park, "Performance Analysis of Trigger Frame under Enhanced UL and DL MU MIMO Transmissions", Springer WWW journal, Under Review.


    1. Hyunhee Park, "Anti-Malicious Attack Algorithm for Low-Power Wake-Up Radio Protocol", IEEE ACCESS, (SCIE/IF: 3.745), July 2020.

    2. Hyunhee Park, "Adaptive Backoff enabled WUR on non-Cellular local IoT for extreme low power operation," Future Generation Computer Systems (SCIE/IF: 5.768), Jan. 2020.


    1. Hyunhee Park, "Land Detection Algorithm based on Hough Transform for High-Speed Self Driving Vehicles," International Journal of Web and Grid Services (SCIE/IF:1.071), July 2019.

    2. Hyunhee Park, "MLP Modeling for Search Advertising Price Prediction," Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (Springer) (SCIE/IF: 1.423), April 2019.

    3. Hyunhee Park and Minjun Ji, "Comparative Analysis of Optimizer Methods for Machine Learning Algorithm using Search Keyword Ad Data," International Journal of Engineering and Technology (Scopus), Jan. 2019.


    1. Hyunhee Park and Minjun Ji, “Prediction algorithm for optimal ranking of search keyword by TensorFlow (TensorFlow를 활용한 검색 키워드의 최적 순위 예측 알고리즘),” Journal of KICS (한국통신학회논문지) (KCI), August 2018.

    2. Hyunhee Park and Minjun Ji, “Prediction of serious depressive symptoms by blood test and environmental factor in adult men and women (건강한 성인에서 피검사 결과와 환경적 요인에 의한 중증 우울도 데이터 예측),” Journal of KICS (한국통신학회논문지) (KCI), August 2018.

    3. Hyunhee Park, "Implementation of Lane Detection for Self-Driving Vehicles using GPS (GPS의 위치 정보 시스템을 활용한 자율 주행 차량의 차선 검출 구현)," Journal of KICS (KCI), July 2018.

    4. Hyunhee Park and Eui-Jik Kim, "Wake-up Radio-resilient Scanning Mechanism for Mobile Device in IEEE 802.11ba," Sensors and Materials (SCIE), May 2018.


    1. Wonjung Kim, Taewon Song, Tae-Yoon Kim, Hyunhee Park, and Sangheon Pack, "VoIP Capacity Analysis in Full Duplex WLANs,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, (TVT), Vol. 12, No. 12, pp. 11419-11424, December 2017.


    1. Hyunhee Park and Eui-Jik Kim, "Location-oriented Multiplexing Transmission for Capillary Machine-to-Machine System," Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP), Springer, Vol. 75, No. 22, pp. 14707-14719, Nov. 2016. (SCIE / IF: 1.346)

    2. Hyunhee Park, Changhoon Lee, Yang Sun Lee, and Eui-Jik Kim, "Performance Analysis for Contention Adaptive of M2M devices with Directional Antennas," Journal of Supercomputing (JoS), Springer, Vol. 72, No.9, pp. 3387-3408, Sept. 2016. (SCI / IF:0.858)

    3. Sangheon Pack, Seongman Min, Taewon Song, Wonjung Kim, Nakjung Choi, and Hyunhee Park, "RA-PSM: A Rate-Aware Power Saving Mechanism in Multi-Rate Wireless LANs," Springer Wireless Networks, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 1767-1777, August 2016.

    4. Hyunhee Park, Seunghyun Park, and Eui-Jik Kim, "A Road Condition-based Routing and Greedy Data Forwarding Algorithm for VANETs," Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, Old City Publishing, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 301-319, Jan. 2016. (IF: 0.587)


    1. Hyunhee Park, Seunghyun Park, Taeshik Shon, and Eui-Jik Kim, "Multi-hop-based Opportunistic Concurrent Directional Transmission in 60GHz WPANs," Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP), Springer, vol. 74, Issue 5, pp. 1627-1644, March 2015 (SCIE / IF: 1.346)

    2. Hyunhee Park, Yongsun Kim, Taewon Song, and Sangheon Pack, "Multi-band Directional Neighbor Discovery in Self-Organized mmWave ad-hoc Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT), Vol. 64, No. 3, pp. 1143-1155, March 2015. (SCI / IF: 2.063)


    1. Hyunhee Park, Kamal Deep Singh, Kandaraj, Piamrat, Jean-Marie Bonnin, and César Viho, "Adaptive Beam Scheduling for Scalable Video Multicast in Wireless Networks," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 50, no. 16, pp. 1165-1167, July 2014. (SCI / IF: 1.16)

    2. Seunghyun Park, Hyunhee Park, and Eui-Jik Kim, "Distributed Relay Assisted Retransmission Scheme for Wireless Home Networks," International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Hindawi, Online Published, March 2014. (SCIE / IF: 0.727)

    3. Hyunhee Park, Kamal Deep Singh, Kandaraj Piamrat, "Density-Based Opportunistic Broadcasting Protocol for Emergency Situations in V2X Networks," Journal of Information and Communication Convergence Engineering, vol.12, no.1, pp. 26-32, March 2014. (KCI)

    4. Hyunhee Park, Kandaraj Piamrat, Kamal Deep Singh, "Concurrent Channel Time Allocation for Resource Management in WPANs," Journal of Information and Communication Convergence Engineering, vol.12, no.2, pp. 109-115, June 2014. (KCI)


    1. Hyunhee Park, Seunghyun Park, Taewon Song, and Sangheon Pack, "An Incremental Multicast Grouping Scheme for mmWave Networks with Directional Antennas," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 616-619, March 2013. (SCI / IF: 1.16)


    1. Hyunhee Park, Taeshik Shon, Seunghyun Park, and Eui-Jik Kim, "An Adaptive Allocation Algorithm using Directional CSMA/CA over mmWave Wireless Personal Area Networks," International Journal of Advanced Robotics Systems, Published online June 2012. (SCIE / IF: 0.821)

    2. Hyunhee Park, Taeshik Shon, Seunghyun Park, and Eui-Jik Kim, "Adaptive anomaly control for alleviating the exclusive channel occupation in wireless networks," International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley, Published online April 2012. (SCIE / IF: 0.712)

    3. Hyunhee Park, Wonjoong Kim, and Sangheon Pack “A Deterministic Channel Access Scheme for Multimedia Streaming in WiMedia Networks,” Wireless Networks, Springer, Vol. 18, No. 7, pp. 771-785, Oct. 2012. (SCI / IF: 0.736)


    1. Hyunhee Park, Sangheon Pack, and Chul-Hee Kang, “Dynamic Adaptation of Contention Window for Consumer Devices in WiMedia Home Networks,” IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, vol.57, no.1, pp. 28–34, February 2011. (SCI / IF: 1.087)

    2. Hyunhee Park and Chul-Hee Kang, “Dynamic Beam Steering using Directional Antennas in mmWave Wireless Networks,” IEICE Electronics Express, vol.8, no.6, pp. 378–384, March 2011. (SCIE / IF: 0.268)

    3. Hyunhee Park and Chul-Hee Kang, “A Group-aware Multicast Scheme in 60 GHz WLANs,” Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol.5, no.5, pp. 1028–1048, May 2011. (SCIE / IF: 0.56)


    1. Bogun Kim, Hyunhee Park, Byungseok Kang, and Chul-Hee Kang, “A Scheme for Detection and Handling of MAC Layer Greedy Misbehavior in IEEE 802.11 WLANs,” Korea Journal of Information Society, vol.10, pp.31–47, 2009.

    2. Seungjoon Seok, Joosang Yoon, Kyunghoe Kim, Hyunhee Park, and Chul-Hee Kang, “Strategies for IT-based Wise SOC,” Korea Journal of Information Society, vol.15, pp. 49–73, June 2009.

    3. Hyunhee Park, Meejoung Kim, and Chul-Hee Kang, “Traffic Anomaly Detection for Campus Networks using Fisher Linear Discriminant,” Journal of IKEEE, vol.13, no.2, pp. 140–149, June 2009.

    4. Hyunhee Park, Sangheon Pack, Yongsun Kim, Chul-Hee Kang, “A Deterministic Access Protocol in WiMedia Wireless Personal Area Networks,” Journal of IKEEE, vol.13, no.3, pp. 267-277, September 2009.

Conference papers (2009 ~ Present)


    1. Hyunhee Park, "Securing wake-up radio: RSA algorithm for denial-of-sleep (DoSL) attack," in Proc. Future ICT 2019, Oct. 2019.

    2. Hyunhee Park, "Classifying Serious Depression based on Blood test: A Machine Learning Approach," in Proc. IMIS 2019, July 2019.

    3. Kyungmin Lee and Hyunhee Park*, "Malicious Adware Detection on Android Platform using Dynamic Random Forest," in Proc. IMIS 2019, July 2019.

    4. Hyunhee Park, "Robust Road Lane Detection for High Speed Driving of Autonomous Vehicles," in Proc. AINA 2019, Mar. 2019.


    1. Hyunhee Park, "Passive Neighbor Discovery with Scanning Mechanism for Mobile Ad hoc devices in WUR Networks," in Proc. International Conference on Broad-Band Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications, Oct. 2018.

    2. Minjun Ji and Hyunhee Park*, "Prediction Model of Optimal Bid Price Based on Keyword Auction Data through Machine Learning Algorithms," in Proc. International workshop on Future Internet and Next Generation Networks (FINGNet-2018) , July 2018. (Best Paper Award)

    3. Hyunhee Park, "Implementation of Lane Detection Algorithm for Self-Driving Vehicles using Tensor Flow", in Proc. 12th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing 2018, July 2018.


    1. Teawon Song, Hyunhee Park, and Sangheon Pack, "A Probabilistic Neighbor Discovery Algorithm in Wireless Ad hoc Networks," in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2014-Spring, May 2014.


    1. Kamal Deep Singh, Kandaraj Piamrat, Hyunhee Park, César Viho, and Jean-Marie Bonnin, "Optimising QoE for Scalable Video Multicast over WLAN," in Proc. IEEE PIMRC, September 2013.


    1. Seongman Min, Hyunhee Park, and Sangheon Pack, "A Rate-Aware Power Saving Mechanism in Multi-Rate Wireless LANs," in Proc. Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC 2012), October 2012.

    2. Taewon Song, Hyunhee Park, Youngjun Shim, Haneol Ko, and Sangheon Pack, "Directional Relay Selection Scheme with Hybrid ARQ in mmWave Networks," in Proc. Summer Workshop on Computer Communications (SWCC 2012), August 2012.

    3. Wonjung Kim, Hyunhee Park, Minsu Shim, Insun Jang, and Sangheon Pack, "Concurrent Transmission Scheme using Spatial Reuse in mmWave Networks," in Proc. Summer Workshop on Computer Communications (SWCC 2012), August 2012.

    4. Hyunhee Park and Seunghyun Park, "Concurrent Directional-Multicast Protocol in Relay-based mmWave Networks," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile and Wireless Networking (iCOST), July 2012.

    5. Hyunhee Park, Yongsun Kim, Insun Jang, and Sangheon Pack, "Cooperative Neighbor Discovery for Consumer Devices in mmWave Ad-hoc Networks," in Proc. International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) 2012, January 2012.

    6. Sangheon Pack, Hyunhee Park, Sungman Min, and Insun Jang, "Energy Efficiency Analysis of IEEE 802.11 PSM in Multi-Rate Environment," in Proc. IEEE International Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) 2012, January 2012.

    7. Junghyuk Kwon, Eui-Jik Kim, Hyunhee Park, and Chul-Hee Kang, "DC-MAC: Directional Cooperative MAC for Ad-Hoc Networks," in Proc. International conference on Information Networking (ICON) 2012, February 2012.


    1. Hyunhee Park, Eui-Jik Kim, Taeshik Shon, and Chul-Hee Kang, "Mitigated Exclusive Occupation based on Misbehavior Control Scheme in Wireless Networks," in Proc. International Symposium on Wireless sensor network Technologies and Applications for Smart Space (WCC-WTA) 2011, December 2011.

    2. Eui-Jik Kim, Sungkwan Youm, Hyunhee Park, Taeshik Shon, and Chul-Hee Kang, "Statistical Characterization of Service Time in Saturated IEEE 802.11e networks," in Proc. international Symposium on Wireless sensor network Technologies and Applications for Smart Space (WCC-WTA) 2011, December 2011.

    3. Junghyuk Kwon, Eui-Jik Kim, Hyunhee Park, and Chul-Hee Kang, "Enhancement of Directional MAC protocol by using cooperative transmission in ad-hoc network," in Proc. Summer IT-Convergence Service & Applications for Future Environment (ITCON) 2011, July 2011.

    4. Hyunhee Park, Yongsun Kim, and Chul-Hee Kang, “Cooperative Neighbor Discovery in 60GHz Ad-Hoc Networks using Directional Antennas,” in Proc. KICS (Korea Information and Communication Society) Conference, June 2011.

    5. Hyunhee Park, Junghyuk Kwon, and Chul-Hee Kang, “A Dynamic Beam Steering Scheme in mmWave Networks using the Directional Antenna” in Proc. KICS (Korea Information and Communication Society) Conference, June 2011.

    6. Pham Hong, Hyunhee Park, and Chul-Hee Kang, “A Road and Traffic-aware Routing Protocol in Vehicular Ad hoc Network,” in Proc. ICACT 2011, February 2011.

    7. Hyunhee Park, Sangheon Pack, Jaeduck Ko, and Chul-Hee Kang, “A Distributed and Dynamic Adaptation Scheme for Contention Window in WiMedia Networks,” in Proc. IEEE Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2011), January 2011.


    1. Hyunhee Park, Sangheon Pack, Yongsun Kim, Chul-Hee Kang, and Sungho Hwang, “Deterministic Channel Access in WiMedia MAC Protocol,” in Proc. IEEE VTC 2010 Spring, May 2010.

    2. Hyunhee Park, Yongsun Kim, and Chul-Hee Kang, “A Hybrid Architecture to Fast Transfer over VANET", in Proc. KICS (Korea Information and Communication Society) Conference, February 2010.

    3. Pham Hong, Hyunhee Park, and Chul-Hee Kang, "A Data Forwarding Scheme Based on Predictable Parameters in VANET,” in Proc. KICS (Korea Information and Communication Society) Conference, February 2010.


    1. Hyunhee Park, Meejoung Kim, and Chul-Hee Kang, “F-TAD: Traffic Anomaly Detection for Sub-Networks using Fisher Linear Discriminant,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Network and System Security, October 2009.

    2. Hyunhee Park and Chul-Hee Kang, “A reliable relay protocol in WiMedia WPANs,” in Proc. IEEK (The Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea) Conference, July 2009.

IEEE 802.11 Standardization activity

1. Kiseon Ryu(LG), Jeongki Kim(LG), Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), Suhwook Kim(LG), Hangyu Cho(LG), “Overall MAC Procedure for WUR”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1445r1, 08 Nov 2016.

2. Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), Kiseon Ryu(LG), Jeongki Kim(LG), Matthew Fischer(Broadcom), James Wang(MediaTek), “SR Backoff Procedure”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1403r1, 07 Nov 2016.

3. Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), Kiseon Ryu(LG), Jeongki Kim(LG), “Early TWT SP Termination in TWT Operation”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1404r1, 07 Nov 2016.

4. Jeongki Kim(LG), Kiseon Ryu(LG), Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), Alfred Asterjadhi(Qualcomm), “Spec text for section 25.4 Block Acknowledgement”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1442r0, 06 Nov 2016.

5. Suhwook Kim(LG), Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), Jeongki Kim(LG), Kiseon Ryu(LG), Hangyu Cho(LG), “11ax PAR Verification through OFDMA”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1363r0, 01 Nov 2016.

6. Jeongki Kim(LG), Kiseon Ryu(LG), Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), Yunbo Li(Huawei), Yanchun Li(Huawei), Chittabrata Ghosh(Intel), “Comment resolution on OFDMA Random access procedure”, doc.:IEEE 802.11-16/1158r3, 15 Sept 2016.

7. Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), Jarkko Kneckt(Apple), Alfred Asterjadhi(Qualcomm), Reza Hedayat(Newracom), Xing Weimin(ZTE), Robert Stacey(Intel), “Operating Mode Indication – PART Ⅱ Tx OMI (TOMI)”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0882r3, 14 Sept 2016.

8. Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), Jarkko Kneckt(Apple), Alfred Asterjadhi(Qualcomm), Reza Hedayat(Newracom), Xing Weimin(ZTE), Robert Stacey(Intel), “Operating Mode Indication – PART Ⅰ Rx OMI (ROMI)”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0881r2, 13 Sept 2016.

9. Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), Alfred Asterjadhi(Qualcomm), “MAC General – Misc. (CID 152)”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-16-0883r1, 12 Sept 2016.

10. Zhou Lan(Broadcom), Matthew Fischer(Broadcom), Yasuhiko Inoue(NTT), Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), “Comment resolution section 9.3 TWT”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0869r2, 09 Sept 2016.

11. Suhwook Kim(LG), Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), Jeongki Kim(LG), Kiseon Ryu(LG), Hangyu Cho(LG), “OFDMA performance in 11ax”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1095r10, 10 Sept 2016.

12. Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), Kiseon Ryu(LG), Jeongki Kim(LG), Suhwook Kim(LG), “UL MU Transmission Rules – EDCA Backoff”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0880r2, 26 Jul 2016.

13. Suhwook Kim(LG), Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), Jeongki Kim(LG), Kiseon Ryu(LG), Hangyu Cho(LG), “OFDMA performance in 11ax”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1095r9, 25 Jul 2016.

14. Alfred Asterjadhi(Qualcomm), Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), Guoqing Li(Apple), Raja Banerjea(Qualcomm), Simone Marlin(Qualcomm), Jarkko Knekt(Apple), “HE variant HT control -buffer status report”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0806r0, 28 Jun 2016.

15. Suhwook Kim(LG), Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), Jeongki Kim(LG), Kiseon Ryu(LG), Hangyu Cho(LG), “OFDMA performance in 11ax”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1095r7, 31 May 2016.

16. Jeongki Kim(LG), Kiseon Ryu(LG), Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), “TXOP Duration field in HE-SIG A”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0636r2, 17 May 2016.

17. Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), Kiseon Ryu(LG), Jeongki Kim(LG), “Buffer Status Report in HE Control field”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0628r1, 16 May 2016.

18. Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), Kiseon Ryu(LG), Jeongki Kim(LG), “ROM Recovery Rules”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0627r1, 16 May 2016.

19. Jeongki Kim(LG), Kiseon Ryu(LG), Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), “Ack Policy of UL MU frame”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0361r0, 13 May 2016.

20. Suhwook Kim(LG), Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), Jeongki Kim(LG), Kiseon Ryu(LG), Hangyu Cho(LG), “OFDMA performance in 11ax”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1095r6, 11 Mar 2016.

21. Suhwook Kim(LG), Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), Jeongki Kim(LG), Kiseon Ryu(LG), Hangyu Cho(LG), “OFDMA performance in 11ax”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1095r5, 17 Jan 2016.

22. Kiseon Ryu(LG), Jeongki Kim(LG), Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), Suhwook Kim(LG), “Indication for UL MU Carrier Sensing”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0057r0, 17 Jan 2016.

23. Kiseon Ryu(LG), Jeongki Kim(LG), Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), Suhwook Kim(LG), “Ack policy for UL MU Ack transmission”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1346r2, 10 Nov 2015.

24. Kiseon Ryu(LG), Jeongki Kim(LG), Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), Suhwook Kim(LG), “Trigger type specific information”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1345r1, 08 Nov 2015.

25. Suhwook Kim(LG), Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), Jeongki Kim(LG), Kiseon Ryu(LG), Hangyu Cho(LG), “OFDMA performance in 11ax”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1095r3, 08 Nov 2015.

26. Jeongki Kim(LG), Kiseon Ryu(LG), Jayh Hyunhee Park(LG), “A method of transmitting Multi-STA Block ACK”, doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/1330r0, 07 Nov 2015.

Patent List (제1발명자에 해당하는 경우만 기술 - 공동발명자의 특허건은 추후 업데이트 예정)

    1. 박현희 외, METHOD FOR UPDATING PROXY SERVICE IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND DEVICE THEREFOR (무선 통화 시스템과 장치에서 프록시 서비스를 개정하기 위한 방법), 공개번호/일자 20180205800 (2018.07.19)

    2. 박현희 외, METHOD AND DEVICE FOR PERFORMING SERVICE DISCOVERY IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (무선 통화 시스템에서 서비스 디스커버리를 수행하기 위한 방법과 장치), 공개번호/일바 20180115618 (2018.04.26)

    3. 박현희 외, METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PERFORMING REGISTRATION TO NAN PROXY SERVER IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (NAN 프록시 서버에 무선 통화 시스템에서 레지스트레이션을 수행하기 위한 방법과 장치), 공개번호/일자 20180098211 (2018.04.05)

    4. 박현희 외, METHOD AND DEVICE FOR SETTING AWAKE PERIOD OF DISCOVERY WINDOW IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (무선 통화 시스템에 발견 윈도우의 깨어 있는 기간을 넣기 위한 방법과 장치), 공개번호/일자 20180070308 (2018.03.08)

    5. 박현희 외, METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TRANSMITTING DATA USING MULTI-CHANNELS IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (무선 통화 시스템에 다중-채널을 사용하는 데이터를 전달하기 위한 방법과 장치), 공개번호/일자 20180041941 (2018.02.08)

    6. 박현희 외, METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TRANSMITTING DATA IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (무선 통화 시스템에 있는 데이터를 전달하기 위한 방법과 장치), 공개번호/일자 20180041946 (2018.02.08)

    7. 박현희 외, METHOD FOR UPDATING PROXY SERVICE IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND DEVICE THEREFOR (무선 통화 시스템과 장치에서 프록시 서비스를 개정하기 위한 방법), 공개번호/일자 2017010731 (2017.01.19)

    8. 박현희 외, METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PERFORMING RELAY DEVICE FUNCTION BY NAN PROXY SERVER IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (무선 통화 시스템 릴레이 장치 기능을 수행하기 위한 방법과 장치), 공개번호/일자 2016204497 (2016.12.22)

    9. 박현희 외, Method and apparatus for providing proxy service via nan proxy server in wireless communication system (무선 통화 시스템에서 nan 프록시 서버를 경유하는 프록시 서비스를 제공하기 위한 방법과 장치), 공개번호/일자 2016/190721 (2016.12.01), 국제출원번호: PCT/KR2016/005689

    10. 박현희 외, METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PERFORMING REGISTRATION TO NAN PROXY SERVER IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (무선 통신 시스템에서 NAN 프록시 서버에 등록을 수행하는 방법 및 장치), 공개번호/일자 2016171527 (2016.10.27), 국제출원번호 PCT/KR2016/004290, Publication number WO2016/171527

    11. 박현희 외, METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PERFORMING SERVICE DISCOVERY IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (무선 통신 시스템에서 서비스 디스커버리를 수행하는 방법 및 장치), 공개번호/일자 2016167618 (2016.10.20), 국제출원번호 PCT/KR2016/003987, Publication number WO2016/167618

    12. 박현희 외, METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SWITCHING INPUT CHARACTER IN WFD (WFD에서 입력 문자 전환 방법 및 장치), 공개번호/일자 2016167475 (2016.10.20), 국제출원번호PCT/KR2016/002459, Publication number WO2016/167475

    13. 박현희 외, METHOD AND DEVICE FOR SETTING AWAKE PERIOD OF DISCOVERY WINDOW IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (무선 통신 시스템에서 디스커버리 윈도우 어웨이크 주기를 설정하는 방법 및 장치), 공개번호/일자 2016148354 (2016.09.22), 국제출원번호 PCT/KR2015/008520, Publication number WO2016/148354

    14. 박현희 외, METHOD AND DEVICE FOR EXECUTING SERVICE DISCOVERY IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (무선 통신 시스템에서 서비스 디스커버리를 수행하는 방법 및 장치), 공개번호/일자2016148523 (2016.09.22), 국제출원번호 PCT/KR2016/002685, Publication number WO2016/148523

    15. 박현희 외, METHOD AND DEVICE FOR SUPPORTING SERVICE BY USING APPLICATION SERVICE PLATFORM IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (무선 통신 시스템에서 어플리케이션 서비스 플랫폼을 이용하여 서비스를 지원하는 방법 및 장치), 공개번호/일자 2016148406 (2016.09.22), 국제출원번호 PCT/KR2016/001624, Publication number WO2016/148406

    16. 박현희 외, METHOD AND DEVICE FOR PERFORMING SERVICE DISCOVERY IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (무선 통신 시스템에서 서비스 디스커버리를 수행하는 방법 및 장치), 공개번호/일자2016148506 (2016.09.22), 국제출원번호 PCT/KR2016/002647, Publication number WO2016/148506

    17. 박현희 외, METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ESTABLISHING APPLICATION SERVICE PLATFORM SESSION IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (무선 통신 시스템에서 어플리케이션 서비스 플랫폼 세션 형성을 수행하는 방법 및 장치), 공개번호/일자 2016148550 (2016.09.22), 국제출원번호 PCT/KR2016/002815, Publication number WO2016/148550

    18. 박현희 외, METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TRANSMITTING DATA USING MULTI-CHANNELS IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (무선 통신 시스템에서 멀티 채널을 이용하여 데이터를 전송하는 방법 및 장치), 공개번호/일자 2016144088 (2016.09.15), 국제출원번호 PCT/KR2016/002326, Publication number WO2016/144088

    19. 박현희 외, METHOD FOR POSITIONING NAN TERMINAL IN WIRELESS LAN SYSTEM, AND DEVICE USING SAME (무선랜 시스템에서 NAN 단말에 위치 측위 방법 및 이를 이용한 기기), 공개번호/일자2016144085 (2016.09.15), 국제출원번호 PCT/KR2016/002308, Publication number WO2016/144085

    20. 박현희 외, DATA COMMUNICATION METHOD BETWEEN NAN DEVICES OPERATING IN POWER SAVE MODE AND DATA COMMUNICATION-PERFORMING NAN DEVICE OPERATING IN POWER SAVE MODE (파워 세이브 모드로 동작하는 NAN 장치간의 데이터 통신 방법 및 데이터 통신을 수행하는 파워 세이브 모드로 운용되는 NAN 장치), 공개번호/일자 2016140423 (2016.09.09), 국제출원번호PCT/KR2015/013469, Publication number WO2016/140423

    21. 박현희 외, METHOD FOR PERFORMING PAGING IN WIRELESS LAN SYSTEM AND DEVICE USING SAME (무선랜 시스템에서 페이징 수행 방법 및 이를 이용한 기기), 공개번호/일자 2016140466 (2016.09.09), 국제출원번호 PCT/KR2016/001874, Publication number WO2016/140466

    22. 박현희 외, METHOD FOR DATA COMMUNICATION BETWEEN NAN DEVICES, AND NAN DEVICE FOR PERFORMING DATA COMMUNICATION (NAN 장치간의 데이터 통신 방법 및 데이터 통신을 수행하는 NAN 장치), 공개번호/일자 2016137097 (2016.09.01), 국제출원번호 PCT/KR2015/013467, Publication number WO2016/137097

    23. 박현희 외, ASSOCIATION METHOD FOR DATA TRANSMISSION IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND DEVICE USING SAME (무선 통신 시스템에서 데이터 전송을 위한 결합 방법 및 이를 이용한 기기), 공개번호/일자 2016137198 (2016.09.01), 국제출원번호 PCT/KR2016/001751, Publication number WO2016/137198

    24. 박현희 외, METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TRANSMITTING DATA IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (무선 통화 시스템에 있는 데이터를 전송하는 방법 및 장치), 공개번호/일자 2016137224 (2016.09.01), 국제출원번호 PCT/KR2016/001796, Publication number WO2016/137224

    25. 박현희 외, METHOD FOR TRANSMITTING DATA IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND DEVICE USING SAME (무선 통신 시스템에서 데이터 전송 방법 및 이를 이용한 장치), 공개번호/일자2016129915 (2016.08.18), 국제출원번호 PCT/KR2016/001359, Publication number WO2016/129915

    26. 박현희 외, METHOD AND DEVICE FOR PERFORMING DISCOVERY IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (무선 통신 시스템에서 디스커버리를 수행하는 방법 및 장치), 공개번호/일자 2016129834 (2016.08.18), 국제출원번호 PCT/KR2016/000930, Publication number WO2016/129834

    27. 박현희 외, METHOD AND DEVICE FOR TRANSMITTING AND RECEIVING SIGNAL BY NAN TERMINAL IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (무선 통신 시스템에서 NAN 단말의 신호 송수신 방법 및 장치), 공개번호/일자 2016126137 (2016.08.11), 국제출원번호 PCT/KR2016/001305, Publication number WO2016/126137

    28. 박현희 외, METHOD AND DEVICE FOR ESTABLISHING SESSION IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (무선 통신 시스템에서 세션 수립 방법 및 장치), 공개번호/일자 2016126138 (2016.08.11), 국제출원번호 PCT/KR2016/001307, Publication number WO2016/126138

    29. 박현희 외, METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ESTABLISHING SESSION IN WI-FI DISPLAY DEVICE (와이파이 디스플레이 장치에서 세션을 설정하는 방법 및 장치), 공개번호/일자 2016126148 (2016.08.11), 국제출원번호 PCT/KR2016/001358, Publication number WO2016/126148

    30. 박현희 외, WIRELESS LAN STATION HAVING PLATFORM CAPABLE OF CHANGING WIRELESS LAN CONNECTION TECHNIQUE (무선랜 연결기법을 변경할 수 있는 플랫폼을 구비한 무선랜 스테이션), 공개번호/일자 2016122209 (2016.08.04), 국제출원번호 PCT/KR2016/000886, Publication number WO2016/122209

    31. 박현희 외, METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR REPORTING BATTERY STATE IN WFD (WFD에서 배터리 상태를 리포트하는 방법 및 장치), 공개번호/일자 2016111562 (2016.07.14), 국제출원번호PCT/KR2016/000139, Publication number WO2016/111562

    32. 박현희 외, METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR OUTPUTTING SUPPLEMENTARY CONTENT FROM WFD (WFD에서 보조 컨텐츠를 출력하는 방법 및 장치), 공개번호/일자 2016093623 (2016.06.16), 국제출원번호 PCT/KR2015/013464, Publication number WO2016/09362

    33. 박현희, 김의직, VANET 환경에서의 라우팅 경로 설정 방법 및 장치(METHOD AND APPARTUS FOR SETTING UP ROUTING PATH IN VANET ENVIRONMENT), 출원번호: 1020150099726, 출원일자: 2015.07.14, 등록번호: 1016792750000, 등록일자: 2016.11.18

    34. 박현희, 김의직, 빔포밍을 사용한 위치 기반 멀티플렉싱 전송 방법 및 장치(The method and apparatus for location-oriented multiplexing transmission using beamforming), 출원번호: 1020150111845, 출원일자: 2015.08.07, 등록번호: 1016792760000, 등록일자: 2016.11.18

    35. 박현희, 김의직, mmWave 무선 네트워크에서 데이터를 송신 및 수신하는 방법(The method and apparatus for transmitting and receiving in mmWave wireless network), 출원번호: 1020150111841, 출원일자: 2015.08.07, 등록번호: 1016642800000, 등록일자: 2016.10.04

    36. 박현희, 김의직, 박승현, 손태식, 피코넷 조정 장치와 이를 이용한 무선 통신 방법(PICONET COORDINATOR AND METHOD FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATING USING THE SAME), 출원번호: 1020150056183, 출원일자: 2015.04.21, 등록번호: 1016384260000, 등록일자: 2016.07.05

    37. 박현희, 김의직, 박승현, 무선 통신 방법 및 장치(METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATION), 출원번호: 1020150056184, 출원일자: 2015.04.21, 등록번호: 1016205240000, 등록일자: 2016.05.04

    38. Hyunhee Park, Sangheon Pack, Chul-Hee Kang, Chulgyun Park, Jounsup Park, "Apparatus and method for establishing contention window in WiMedia wireless network (WiMedia 무선망에서 경쟁 윈도우를 수립하기 위한 장치와 방법)," US Patent, Application No. US 9042284B2, May 26, 2015.

    39. Hyunhee Park and Sangheon Pack, "Adaptive Antenna Beam Forming Method and Multicast Service Providing Method, Data Transmission Apparatus (적응적 안테나 빔 형성방법 및 멀티캐스트 서비스 제공방법, 데이터 전송 장치)," Korea Patent, 등록번호: 10-1392105-0000, 2014.04.28.

    40. Hyunhee Park, Chulkun Park, Chul-Hee Kang, Sangheon Pack, and Junsang Park, “Apparatus and Method of Establishing Contention Window in WiMedia Wireless Network (와이미디어 무선 네트워크에서의 경쟁 윈도우 설정방법 및 장치),” Korea Patent, Application No. 10-2010-0093883, September 2010.

    41. Hyunhee Park, Chulkun Park, Chul-Hee Kang, Sangheon Pack, and Junsang Park, “Media Access Control Method in Wireless Network (무선 네트워크에서의 매체 접근 제어 기법),” Korea Patent, Application No. 10-2009-0134373, December 2009.

    42. Hyunhee Park, Chulkun Park, Chul-Hee Kang, Sangheon Pack, and Junsang Park, “Development of a deterministic access protocol in WiMedia wireless personal area networks,” Korea Patent, Application No. 10-2009-0134373, December 2009.

    43. Hyunhee Park, Meejeong Kim, and Chul-Hee Kang, “Method for Detecting Traffic Anomaly using Fisher Linear Discriminant,” Korea Patent, Application No. 10-2009-0098199, October 2009.


    1. Simulator, 온라인 키워드 광고의 가격 예측을 위한 머신러닝 알고리즘 모듈, No. C-2018-015438, August 2018.

    2. Simulator for an Incremental Multicast Grouping Scheme with Directional Antennas in Wireless Networks (지향성 안테나를 사용하는 무선 통신 네트워크에서의 멀티캐스트 그룹핑 적용 시뮬레이터), No. C-2013-002250, January 2013.

Involved project list (2002 ~ 2013)

    • ITRC Core Technology for Next Generation Internet

      • Sponsored by a grant from Korea IT industry Promotion Agency, August 2002 – August 2007

    • Traffic Engineering in KOREN/APII-Testbed (Korea Research Network)

      • Sponsored by NIA (National Information Society Agency), September 2002 – 2004

    • International Development of Remote Medical Education and Video-conferencing System using KOREN (Korea Research Network)

      • Sponsored by NIA (National Information Society Agency), September 2002 – 2003

    • Implementation of SLM Model for Diff-Service Network

      • Sponsored by ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), April 2003 – September 2003

    • Anytime/Anywhere Service Technology and Convergence Home Service Technology for Security/Automation Life

      • Sponsored by ITEP (Industrial Technology Evaluation & Planning), September 2005 – August 2006

    • The Second Stage of Brain Korea (BK) 21

      • Sponsored by MEST (Ministry of Education Science and Technology), May 2006 – February 2009

    • KOREN BGP Routing Management System Development

      • Sponsored by NIA (National Information Society Agency), 2006

    • Leading Development of PCAS Platform Based on IMS

      • Sponsored by Samsung Electronics, February 2008 – December 2008

    • P2P USN Application Services Based on Overlay Network

      • Sponsored by NIA (National Information Society Agency), 2008

    • Wireless Local Area Communication Systems on Tera Hertz Band

      • Sponsored by a grant from Korea IT industry Promotion Agency, March 2008 – August 2011

    • Advancement Technology of KOREN Services Based on Open-Flow

      • Sponsored by NIA (National Information Society Agency), 2009

    • IT Evolution and Direction Strategies in Convergence Environment

      • Sponsored by ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), June 2009 – November 2009

    • Internet Service Technology in Future Mobile Hotspot

      • Sponsored by KRF (National Research Foundation of Korea), May 2009 – April 2010

    • Wireless Communication Technology based on 60 GHz Networks using Directional Antennas

      • Sponsored by NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea), September 2010 – August 2011

    • Wireless Local Area Communication Systems on Tera Herts Band

      • Sponsored by KCA (Korea Communications Agency), March 2012 ~ 2013

Invited Reviews

    • IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications

    • IET Wireless Sensors Systems

    • International Journal of Communication Systems

    • IEEE Communications Letters

    • IET Communications

    • Elsevier Computer Networks

    • Transactions on Internet and Information Systems

    • Mobile Networks and Applications (Springer)

    • Journal of Communications and Networks

    • IMIS 2018, Fingnet 2018

    • IEEE GLOBECOM 2017

    • IEEE INFOCOM 2016

    • IEEE ICOIN (International Conference on Information Networking) 2013

    • IEEE ICC (International Conference on Communications) 2013

    • iCOST (International Conference on Smart homes and Health Telematics) 2011

    • ICTC (International Conference on ICT Convergence) 2011

International Committee

    • Technical Program Committee - IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Asia (ICCE-Asia) 2018

    • Technical Program Committee - The International workshop on Future Internet and Next Generation Networks (FINGNet-2018)

    • Technical Program Committee - The Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC) 2013

    • Technical Program Committee - IEEE International Power and Energy Conference (PECON) 2012

    • Technical Program Committee - IEEE Symposium on Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications 2012

    • Technical Program Committee - International Workshop on Smart Devices, Applications, and Services 2012

    • Technical Program Committee - International Conference on ICT Convergence 2012

Technical Skills

    • Program language

      • Tensor Flow, Open CV, Python, Visual Basic, VBScript, C, C++, Visual C++, MS SQL, JAVA (JAVA++, JAVAScript), HTML

    • Operating system

      • MS-DOS, Windows NT Server, Linux

    • Simulation tool

      • Matlab, Qualnet, NS2

    • etc.

      • Jupiter Notebook, Github, Slack, Bitbucket, Latex

Teaching Experiences

    • Teaching Assistant:

      • Engineering mathematics (Sept. 2002 – Jun. 2003, Mar. 2009 – Jun. 2009, Mar. 2010 – Jun. 2011)

      • Data Communications (Mar. 2002 – Jun. 2002, Mar. 2003 – Jun. 2003, Sept. 2006 – Dec. 2006)

      • Engineer’s leadership (Sept. 2008 – Dec. 2008, Sept. 2009 – Dec. 2009)


    • Best Paper Award from International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS 2018), July 2018.

    • Excellent Research Award from International Conference on Information Networking (ICON), February 2012.

      • DC-MAC: Directional Cooperative MAC for Ad-Hoc Networks (with J. Kwon, E. Kim)

Special Activities and Achievement

    • APAN (Asia-Pacific Advanced Network) community - Network/Medical Engineering Area

      • Student Research Member (September 2002 – February 2009)

    • Remote Surgery Video Transmission, Remote Video Conferencing, and Remote Education using cross-border links

    • in APAN (Asia-Pacific Advanced Network) / ATMC (Asia Tele-Medicine Conference) (September 2002 – February 2008)

    • KOREN Engineering Study Group

      • Student Research Member (February 2005 – June 2010)

    • Brain Korea 21 (BK21) - Korea Univ.

      • Web design and construction (Mar. 2005 – Aug. 2005)

    • MIT Sharing Experience 2009

      • Technical helper

      • Invited talk (August 2009)

    • License

      • International Certification: Sun Certified Java Programmer (July 2002)