DAN Lab.

Data Analysis and Networking Lab.

Go to the lab page (https://danlab.mju.ac.kr)

DAN lab is established by prof. Hyunhee Park (assistant professor of the department of Information and Communication at Myongji University). Major research topics are big data analysis, protocol design, and information security on the Internet of Things (IoT) environment and various operating systems. Currently, the DAN lab member is focused on following types of topic:

    • Study on a big data analysis with social networking and human activity
      • Hadoop framework, Machine/Deep Learning, Programming for Big data analysis
    • Study on a MAC protocol design for extremely low power devices
      • Extremely low power IoT devices, channel access control, wireless data center, wireless home networking
    • Study on an anomaly traffic analysis in IoT environment
      • intrusion detection system, traffic monitoring, traffic analysis and modeling, security management systems
    • Development of Autonomous monitoring RC Car for object recognition using TensorFlow

You may see lab news and research topics on the web page.

2018년 한국통신학회

하계학술발표회 (2018.06.20)

지민준 연구원이 2018년 한국통신학회 하계학술발표회에서 논문 발표를 하였습니다.

Artificial Neural Networks 기법을 적용한 검색 광고 가격 예측 알고리즘 – 지민준, 박현희


Best Paper Award (2018.07.06)

IMIS 2018 in Matsue Japan

Best Paper Award (올해의 논문상)를 수상하였습니다.

– Prediction Model of Optimal Bid Price Based on Keyword Auction Data through Machine Learning Algorithms


안드로이드 앱 개발 (2018.09.27)

연구실 멤버 – 이경민, 김용호 학생이 개발한 안드로이드 앱 성서봇이 출시 되었습니다.

이는 공식적으로 학교에 공개되어 전교생이 사용하게 될 예정입니다!


    • dan.lab.manager@gmail.com
    • 경기도 용인시 처인구 명지로 116 명지대학교 제5공학관 5502호 연구실