
Membership is open to everyone, and gives you free entry to all lectures and a free copy of the Transactions. Members also receive the newsletter and email news, with notices of meetings and excursions. 

Membership Rates from 2023:

Individual (excursions extra): £20

An additional member, permanently living at the same address, who does not then receive a separate copy of the Transactions nor of any notices of meetings and excursions: £5

Students are welcome to meetings for free; student membership (to include Transactions and newsletters) is £5.

Subscriptions are due 1 January each year.

For anyone joining the Society after 1 July, the subscription for that year is half the appropriate annual subscription.

To apply for membership of the Society please download and complete a membership application form (see below), pay by cash at a meeting or send the form with a cheque to the Honorary Treasurer of the Hunter Archaeological Society:

email :

Details of how to pay by bank transfer and standing order may also be obtained from the Honorary Treasurer.

The Society, as a registered charity, welcomes subscriptions under the Gift Aid Scheme from which it derives valuable tax concessions towards Society funds. There is a tick box on the application form to do so. Further details of how this works may be obtained from the Honorary Treasurer.

The Hunter Archaeological Society's Rules - it's constitution - can be provided on request.  Connected to the Rules is a Procedures document, which is an operations manual on how we implement the Rules.  It includes a series of appendices, including our Policy on General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), which came into force on 25 May 2018, and outlines how we hold data only for the purposes of communicating with members and dealing with administration.  The appendices also include details of risk assessment, site monitoring and trustee declarations.



Membership Application


I wish to apply for membership of the Hunter Archaeological Society.


Title  (Mr Mrs Ms Miss Dr etc)..........................................................................













Please indicate if you wish to receive newsletters and other information by email  Y/N


I enclose £....................... for subscription to the end of 20..........................






If you are a UK taxpayer and you wish this subscription and all other subscriptions from the above date to be made under Gift Aid please indicate Y/N


Please remember to notify the Treasurer if you no longer pay Income or Capital Gains tax equal to the tax which the Society will reclaim on your donation.


Membership is £20 per year, £25 for two people at the same address, and £5 for students.


Please either: