
Page Contents:

1. Research Resources

a. Journals of interest

b. Professional societies

c. Atmospheric and aerosol resources

d. Products

i. Instruments

ii. Particles

e. Misc. research resources

2. Seminars and Conferences

a. Local Seminars

b. Webinars

c. Conferences

d. Short Courses

e. Workshops of particular interest

3. Selected Aerosol & Related Researchers

a. University of Denver

b. Colorado

c. Selected Collaborators

4. Funding Opportunities

a. Grants

b. Student Fellowships

c. University of Denver funding

5. Miscellaneous Links

a. Institutions

b. Science Humor

6. Practical Group Info

a. University of Denver Links

b. Other Links

1. Research Resources

a. Journals of interest

Aerosol Science and Technology

Analytical Chemistry

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics and ACP Discussions

Atmospheric Environment

Atmospheric Measurement Techniques and AMT Discussions

Biogeosciences and BGS Discussions

Chemical and Engineering News

Environmental Science and Technology

Geophysical Research Letters

Journal of Aerosol Science

Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres


Nature Geoscience


Links to other useful journals

b. Professional societies and resource groups

American Chemical Society (ACS)

American Geophysical Union (AGU)

American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR)

European Geophysical Union (EGU)

European Aerosol Assembly (EAA)

Chemists Without Borders (CWB)

Scientists Without Borders (SWB)

Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN)

c. Atmospheric and aerosol resources

Biological Ice Nucleators: Blog and Forum

Useful literature

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2007: Summary for Policymakers

University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR): Home, Members, NCAR Atmospheric Chemistry Division

Weather Coalition

d. Products

i. Instruments

Droplet Measurement Technologies (DMT): Waveband Integrated Bioaerosol Sensor (WIBS; see also: Univ. Hertfordshire)

TSI: Model #3314 UV-APS

Aerodyne: Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS)

Swagelok: fittings

ii. Particles

iii. Other

conductive rubber

e. Miscellaneous research resources

2. Seminars and Conferences

a. Local Seminars

i. Univ. Denver

DU Chemistry & Biochemistry, Analytical Supergroup

DU Geography

DU Engineering

DU Biology

DU Physics

ii. Boulder (~30 minutes)

Univ. Colorado: Analytical Chem., Physical Chem., Mechanical Eng., Environmental Eng., Atmospheric Sciences


NCAR, Earth System Lab

NOAA, Earth System Research Lab

iii. Other

Colorado State Univ.: Atmospheric Science

b. Webinars

ACS webinar series

C&E News webinar series

TSI global education webinar series

c. Conferences

AAAR Annual Meeting (October; rotates)

AGU Fall Meeting (December; San Francisco, CA)

ACS National Meeting (Spring & Fall; rotates)

ACS Rocky Mountain Meeting (Fall; rotates)

EGU General Assembly (April; Vienna, Austria)

EAC (September; rotates Europe)

d. Short courses

The Atmosphere as Bacterial Habitat

Aerosol and Particle Measurement & Bioaerosol Measurement

e. Workshops of particular interest

Bioaerosol Effects on Clouds (August 2012; Steamboat Springs, CO)

Microbiology of the Built Environment (May 2012; Boulder, CO)

Aerosols and Clouds: Connections from the Laboratory to the Field to the Globe (August 2012; Telluride, CO)

3. Selected Aerosol & Related Researchers

a. University of Denver

Chemistry: Gary Bishop, Brian Majestic, Keith Miller, Dwight Smith

Mechanical Engineering: Chuck Wilson

Geography: Matthew Taylor

b. Colorado

i. Univ. Colorado; Boulder

Atmospheric Science: Darin Toohey

Chemistry & Biochemistry: Jose Jimenez, Margaret Tolbert, Rainer Volkammer

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology: Noah Fierer

Environmental Engineering: Mark Hernandez

Mechanical Engineering: Mike Hannigan, Shelly Miller

ii. Colorado State Univ.; Fort Collins

Atmospheric Science: Jeff Collett, Paul DeMott, Sonia Kreidenweis, Tony Prenni

Chemistry: Delphine Farmer

iii. NCAR; Boulder

iv. NOAA; Boulder

v. Other

Gannet Hallar, Desert Research Inst. / Storm Peak Laboratory

c. Selected Active Collaborators

4. Funding Opportunities

a. Grants

NSF Atmospheric Chemistry

NSF Major Research Instrumentation (MRI)

NSF Particulate and Multiphase Processes

EPA Grants

NIEHS Grants

DOE Grants

b. Student fellowships


Spreadsheet of Fellowships Overview Summary

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP; due approx. late October)

NASA Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST); due approx. early Februrary)

NOAA Nancy Foster Scholarship (due approximately December)

Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Individual Predoctoral Fellowship (Parent F31; due approx. early March)

Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31 - Diversity; due approx. early March)

ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Graduate Fellowship (due approx. mid December)

Hertz Foundation Fellowship (due approx. late October)

Environmental Research & Education Foundation (EREF; variety of scholarships/fellowships) (due approximately early May)

Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships (US minorities; due approx. late November)

National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship (due approx. mid December)

Air & Waste Management Association Scholarship (due approx. early January)

American Meteorological Society (AMS) Graduate Fellowship (due approx. early January)

ORISE Graduate Fellowships

NCAR: Capitol Hill Visits Essay Contest (2017 link)

Other miscellaneous lists compiled by: (1) ACS, (2) EPA, (3) NIH, (4) Univ. Chicago, (5) Univ. Colorado, (6) MELDI, (7) UC-Riverside, (6) Jimenez Group

Now defunct:

EPA STAR Graduate Fellowship (due approx. late November)


Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship (sophomore applicants; due during Fall quarter)

NSF Undergraduate Fellowship Programs

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Scholarship Program

NOAA Scholarship Programs (general)

ORISE Undergraduate Fellowships

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)

NASA Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) (rising seniors; due approx. early Feb.)

NCAR Summer Internship (SOARS) (due approx. early Feb.)

NCAR Undergraduate Leadership Workshop (ULW) (due April)

Marshal Scholarships (graduating undergraduates)


AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowship

The National Research Council (NRC) Research Associateship Program (RAP)

Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH)/EPA Environmental Health Fellowship

c. Univeristy of Denver Funding

DU Internal Funding Overview

Faculty Research Fund (FRF); Biannual (Fall, Spring)

Professional Research Opportunities for Faculty (PROF)

Partners in Schloarship (PinS)

Faculty conference travel awards

Graduate Student Associate Conference Funding

Graduate Student Professional Development Grant (GSPDG)

5. Miscellaneous Links

a. Institutions

Max Planck Institute for Chemistry

University of Colorado, Boulder

Pepperdine University

b. Science humor

PhD Comics

xkcd Comics

6. Practical Group Info

a. Univ. of Denver links

i. Online systems and portals


DU webmail

Blackboard (course-related sites)

ii. Library:

General site

Web of Science access

Inter-library loan

Chemistry resources

iii. Requests and forms

CO tax exempt forms

Misc. forms (including travel related)

UTS help desk (computer issues)

Facilities management (work order requests)

ORSP institutional information

DU Brand and Logo

iv. Other DU links

Policies and handbooks: Chemisty graduate, DU graduate, NSM faculty

DU academic calendar

Laboratory safety: Forms, Training video 2010

Waste questions & pick-up: Roger Clark; (303) 871-3473,

b. Other links