Student Honor.


Dean’s Award of Postgraduate on College of Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2024.

・ 指導碩士簡揚開,獲得第47屆全國力學會議學生論文競賽固體力學組佳作獎,中華民國力學學會,民國112年。

Honorable Prize Award of Students Paper Competition of the 47th CTAM (Conference of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) of R.O.C. (Taiwan), Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (STAM), 2023.


Dean’s Award of Postgraduate on College of Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2023.


College Student Research Creativity Award, National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, 2023.


Dean’s Award in Thesis of Bachelor Degree, National Taiwan University, 2023.

・ 指導博士生閻建佑獲得非破壞檢測協會論文競賽第2名臺灣非破壞檢測協會,民國111年。

Second Prize of the Competition of the CNDT (Chinese Society of Non-Destructive Testing), 2022.


Honorable Award in Student Paper Competition, 2022 CSME Conference, Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering of the Republic of China, 2022.

・ 指導碩士張秀宜,獲得第46屆全國力學會議學生論文競賽固體力學組佳作獎,中華民國力學學會,民國111年。

Honorable Prize Award of Students Paper Competition of the 46th CTAM (Conference of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) of R.O.C. (Taiwan), Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (STAM), 2022.


Dean’s Award of Postgraduate on College of Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2022.


Excellence Award in Thesis of Bachelor Degree, National Taiwan University, 2022.


Honorable Award in Engineering Paper Competition (Mechanical Group), Chinese Institute of Engineers, 2022.


College Student Research Scholarship, Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C., 2022.


The Student Presentation Award of the Asian Conference on Mechanics of Functional Materials and Structures (ACMFMS2020 +1), Tohoku University, Japan, 2021.


Dean’s Award of Postgraduate on College of Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2021.


Honorable Prize Award of Paper of the CSSV (National Conference on Sound and Vibration), Taiwan, 2021.


First Prize Poster Paper Competition Award of the AASRC (Aeronautical and Astronautical Society of the Republic of China), Taiwan, 2020.


Third Award of Students Paper Competition of the 44th CTAM (Conference of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) of R.O.C. (Taiwan), Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (STAM), 2020.

・ 指導碩士生陳冠宇,獲得第十屆美律電聲論文獎,電聲工程特別獎,美律實業股份有限公司,民國108年。

Electroacoustic Engineering Special Honorable Prize of the 10th Merry Electroacoustic Thesis Award, 2019.

・ 指導碩士王惠儀,獲得第43屆全國力學會議學生論文競賽固體力學組佳作獎,中華民國力學學會,民國108年。

Honorable Prize Award of Students Paper Competition of the 43th CTAM (Conference of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) of R.O.C. (Taiwan), Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (STAM), 2019.

・ 指導碩士生周禹廷,獲得民國108年中國機械工程學會碩士論文獎佳作,中國機械工程學會,民國108年。。

Honorable Prize of the master thesis of the CSME (Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering) of R.O.C. (Taiwan), 2019

・ 指導碩士陳冠宇獲得第61屆中華民國航太研討會論文競賽二名,中華民國航太學會,民國108年。

Second Prize Paper Award of the AASRC (Aeronautical and Astronautical Society of the Republic of China), Taiwan, 2019.

・ 指導基隆安樂高中陳懷璞獲得以「The Development and Application of Harvesting Kinetic Energy from Marine Fish」榮獲美國英特爾科學與工程展覽會(2019 Intel ISEF, International Science and Engineering Fair)工程力學領域二等獎(Second Award, Engineering Mechanics)與臺灣國際科展工程學科一等獎(科教館),民國108年。

The Second Prize in 2019 Intel ISEF, International Science and Engineering Fair (@Phoenix, US) & Gold Medal of the Taiwan Science International Fair, National Taiwan Science Education Center, 2019.

・ 指導碩士劉美丞獲得非破壞檢測協會論文競賽佳作,非破壞檢測協會,民國107年。

Honorable Prize of the Competition of the CNDT (Chinese Society of Non-Destructive Testing), 2018.

・ 指導博士江信遠獲得中國機械工程博士論文獎第二名,中國機械工程學會,民國106年。

Second Prize of the PhD thesis of the CSME (Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering) of R.O.C. (Taiwan), 2017

・ 指導碩士黃柏鈞獲得尖端材料科技協會106年度學生論文優等獎,中華民國尖端材料科技協會,民國106年。

Excellence Prize of Student Paper Competition of the SAMPE (Society of the Advancement of Material and Processing Engineering) of R.O.C. (Taiwan), 2017

・ 指導碩士陸承楷、黃柏琮(與趙振綱教授共同指導)力學會議學生論文競賽固體力學組佳作獎,中華民國力學學會,民國106年。

Honorable Prize Award of Students Paper Competition of the CTAM (Conference of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) of R.O.C. (Taiwan), Society of     Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (STAM), 2017

・ 指導大學專題生入圍2017年全國技專校院學生實務專題製作競賽。

・ 指導大學專題生於105年度獲得第一屆北區二校機械工程學系專題製作競賽第二名。

・ 指導大學專題生分別於104年度與105年度獲得校級「最佳專題獎」。

・ 指導碩士朱冠威獲得非破壞檢測協會論文競賽佳作,非破壞檢測協會,民國105年。

Honorable Prize of the Competition of the CNDT (Chinese Society of Non-Destructive Testing), 2016.

・ 指導碩士鄭雅倫獲得尖端材料科技協會105年度學生論文佳作獎,中華民國尖端材料科技協會,民國105年。

Honorable Prize of Student Paper Competition of the SAMPE (Society of the Advancement of Material and Processing Engineering) of R.O.C. (Taiwan), 2016

・ 指導碩士黃泰榮獲得中國機械工程碩士論文獎佳作,中國機械工程學會,民國104年。

Honorable Prize of the master thesis of the CSME (Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering) of R.O.C. (Taiwan), 2015

・ 指導學生黃泰榮、黃至偉獲得尖端材料科技協會104年度學生論文佳作獎,中華民國尖端材料科技協會,民國104年。

Honorable Prize of Student Paper Competition of the SAMPE (Society of the Advancement of Material and Processing Engineering) of R.O.C. (Taiwan), 2015

・ 曾國舜、黃育熙、馬劍清獲得尖端材料科技協會101年度學生論文特優獎,中華民國尖端材料科技協會,民國101年

Premium Prize of Student Paper Competition of the SAMPE (Society of the Advancement of Material and Processing Engineering) of R.O.C. (Taiwan), 2012