2A. Simple HTML Webpage

Create a simple Webpage using Sublime Text.

Watch: 1. Sublime Setup

Download: Sublime Text 2 - Install

Set up Sublime Text 2

Use the examples to help you complete your Web page.

Create a Template

1. A very simple HTML document

Create your first webpage.

  1. Go to the link above.
  2. Replace the text in the Try-It Editor.
  3. Copy and paste the code into Sublime Text 2.
  4. Then save the page as asimplepage.html in your folder.

Write your name for the Heading.

Write a short paragraph. About this class.

(Example: I am taking HTML at East Orange Campus High School. This is my first webpage. How do you like it?)

Save the page as asimplepage.html in your folder.

2. HTML headings

Add 3 different size headers with the date, class name and school.

3. HTML paragraphs

Add another paragraph that includes a interesting fact about yourself.

4. Insert comments in the HTML source code

Inset a comment above your name.

(Example: Comments are invisible on the webpage.)

5. Insert horizontal lines

Insert a horizontal line after your headings.

6. The use of line breaks

Write a 3 line poem or lyrics from your favorite song.

Use the line break tag to format the poem.

Save the page as asimplepage.html in your folder.

Turn your completed page in on Engrade.