HTML Images

13. HTML Images

Create a new page on your Google Sites.

    1. With HTML you can display images in a document.


Insert images

    1. What does this example demonstrate?

Insert images from different locations

    1. What does this example demonstrate?
    2. The Image Tag and the Src Attribute
    3. What is the src attribute?
    4. What does the image closing tag look like?
    5. What is the value of the src attribute?
    6. Describe how the src attribute works with a url?

The Alt Attribute

    1. What is the alt attribute?
    2. why is it a good idea to use the alt attribute?

Basic Notes - Useful Tips

If an HTML file contains ten images - eleven files are required to display the page right. Loading images take time, so my best advice is: Use images carefully.

More Examples

Background image

    1. What does this example demonstrate?

Aligning images

    1. What does this example demonstrate?

Let the image float

    1. What does this example demonstrate?

Adjust images to different sizes

    1. What does this example demonstrate?

Display an alternate text for an image

    1. What does this example demonstrate?

Make a hyperlink of an image

    1. What does this example demonstrate?

Create an image map

    1. What does this example demonstrate?

Turn an image into an image map

    1. What does this example demonstrate?

Project: Go back and add an image to each page of your project.


until you score 100%.

Then copy and paste the results on your page.