Visual and Aural Nuances of Color
"Visual and Aural Nuances of Color"
Over the past several weeks, I have had the pleasure of updating my fonts and colors with graphic designer Jean Chang. We have finalized my new font choices of Raleway and Kaushan Script, and three very specific coded colors. I wanted gentle colors that are inviting and vibrant, and Jean helped me think about how they might contrast well. It's just like how composers choose chords and order the harmonic progressions within in the larger design. Perceptions of color shades are as diverse as that of chord colors in musical composition. In Mozart's many cadences resolving from the dominant 7th chord to the tonic chord, he uses different voice leading and dynamics and rhythm to make each one slightly unique. Deciding how I personally want to present each one is fascinating. I also find it interesting that the images for aqua, aquamarine, teal, turquoise, cyan, and the Chinese color of "Qing", are so varied across the internet! I still don't quite know what to call my blue, but after considering every shade, I found myself returning to my first favorite color from my childhood. Meanwhile, my new logo suggests dynamic motion, moving from a timeless Tiffany blue to a thoroughly Coloradan "Bayer blue" (after German-American bauhaus-designer Herbert Bayer). I went on a Bauhaus architecture walk in Aspen and talked my guide's ear off about fonts and colors.... 2021/10
Another example of "Bayer blue" at the annual Aspen Steinway tent sale, with Schmitt Music's Barry Damerell and piano tech Rick Holcomb.