Background Research

The center of Mass is the point where an object balances. The center of mass point has equal weight around it 360 degrees, thus cancelling out the masses from making an object fall off its points, for example and object 90 degrees from the center of mass point is balanced by an object around the 270 degree point area as it is opposite of the 90 degree area.

The photo above is a formula for the center of mass.

The above Image is a way to prove the center of mass, it is the torque formula. "F" resembles force and "r" is the distance. Usually another variable would exist in the torque formula which would be the angle of force, but we shall assume forces should be directed downwards (Sin 90 degrees) which is equal to to 1 for the purposes of explaining center of mass.

One important factor of the center of mass is all object rotate on the center of mass, meaning when an object is turned, it will rotate around the center of mass.

*Image from American Flight*

Look at a plane closely, Why aren't the wings on the plane straight? Why are the engines where they are? Think about it like this, the engines are the heaviest component of the aircraft and they're placed forward. Now when the wings are slanted towards the back of the aircraft that adds more rear weight already provided by the tail and any cargo in the aircraft to counter the front weight provided by the engines. The front and rear weights countering each other is partially why a plane can fly leveled, Center of Mass.