SS Component

The Social Studies Connection that I have found is that it will have an economic influence. This is because when people have road trips, they are usually going to places that have a large amount of tourists. Occasionally, that can affect where those people

are, since some cities depend on that tourist attraction. So basically, road trips are interrelated with their destinations. Those destinations, most of the time, are extremely tourist "infested" which rely mostly on the thriving tourists that flock there.

One example of a city that is dependent on tourism is New York. Every year they have had a steady increase in the number of tourists that come to visit. In 2011, there were was a close estimate of 50.9 tourists in New York. Whereas in 2012, we can't be exactly sure, but we are able to estimate that there were approximately 52.7 million tourists. This helped New York to make 55 billion dollars in just the year 2012, meaning as their tourism increases, so will the income.

All of that is happening in just one city though, tourism has the ability to span throughout the entire world. There are many, numerous places that easily get just as much tourist traffic. Think about Machu Pichu in Peru, or the Taj Mahal in India. What about the Great Wall of China, or Las Vegas, California! Just hearing of Las Vegas can make a person instantly think of drunken laughter, crooked gambling, and lots of

interesting stories to tell those back at home (or not, what happens in Vegas!). Areas like this can practically become dependent on the tourist industry, emphasizing the culture or the fun and embracing their literally foreign providers of revenue.