SS Connection

Creating less best possible is really important, for example the Tazz ride at Six Flags thats also been around for years. Its a ride that people sit around in a circle and goes up while spinning. It creates a less force when going up because of the peoples weights and gravity on it.

This is all relates to social studies because this type of math or logical intelligence was needed long ago other than that we wouldn't be enjoying from all the rides today now that they are some improved as we discover new ways of fun.The roller first made was made out of steel in the late 1990's later during the years it was getting better with lighter weight steel and products.

These slides first appeared during the 17th century throughout Russia, with a particular concentration in the area of in what would become St. Petersburg. The structures were built out of lumber with a sheet of ice several inches thick covering the surface. Riders climbed the stairs attached to the back of the slide, sped down the 50 degree drop and ascend the stairs of the slide that laid parallel to the first one. The slides gained favor with the Russian upper class and some were ornately decorated to provide entertainment fit for royalty. They say that Catherine the Great was a large fan of the thrills provided by the slides and had a few built on her own property. During the winter festival season slides were built between seventy and eighty feet high, stretched for hundreds of feet and accommodated many large sleds at once.