Sheep Organ Dissection

Sheep Organ Dissection

For this demo project, I will be doing the dissection of a sheep's eye, heart, kidney, and brain. Its help understand the circulatory,excretory,and nerve system a little better and understand how the organs work together.All of the organs help maintain homeostasis. I will explain more in the video that I will make.


Splash Proof Safety Goggles





Teasing needle

Dissection Tray or something impermeable like it


The Eye

Sheep Eye

1. Cut the extra stuff around the sclera.

2.Hold the eye gently between your fingers.

3.Make a cut through the middle of the eye or cornea through the sclera.(Don't cut deep or you will damage internal parts). As you cut the vitreous humor will come out the eyeball, let it come out slowly.

4. Cut it into halves and let the rest of the vitreous humor come out. The vitreous humor is clear and jelly like.

5.Look at the inside front part of the eye and spot the lens or"little white ball"

6.Look at the vitreous body, lens, and other parts. The hyaloid fossa is an dent in the center of the vitreous body that supports the lens. The dark lines are pigments from the iris. The blind spot is behind the eyeball and the retina is behind the vitreous humor.

7.Keep going the eye and use the diagram for help.

8. When you are done having fun, please dispose of it safely.

The Kidney

1. First look at the outer layer or capsule, this is part made of dense tissue, that keeps the shape and provides protection.

2.Look at the hilus near the ureter. This part is where the ureter and blood vessels enter and exit the kidney.

3. Cut the kidney in half from the top. There is the cortex and medulla. The medulla is below the cortex.The medulla has things called pyramids. The base of the pyramid lies next to the cortex, while the tip forms a papilla. The space under it is called a minor calyx. The minor calyxes drip into the major calyx near it.

4. Renal pyramids are separated by bands of tissue called renal columns. The renal columns separate the papilla and pyramids.

5. When you are done, please dispose of safely.

The Heart

Sheep's Heart

  1. Place heart on dissecting tray. The bottom of the heart is called apex. You want to cut it in half, but it will take some minutes because the heart is a tough muscle.

  2. You can easily tell the right and left ventricles by gently squeezing the chambers on each side of the heart. The right ventricle has thinner walls and squeezes more easily than the left, which has thick muscular walls because it pumps blood through the system while the right pumps blood to the lungs.

  3. Check the right side first. Look at the tricuspid valve and the "heart-strings" that are called chordae tendinae right by the right atrium. Use something to push through the valve’s opening and into the right ventricle and see the number of flaps that make up this valve.

  4. Now on the left side, you can find the left atrium right by the biscuspid valve. Use something to push the valve open and see the details.

  5. The pulmonic semilunar valve is hidden behind the Aortic semilunar valve. The aortic semilunar valve that prevents blood from entering the left ventricle. All of the parts flow together to pump blood to the right places.

  6. Now look at the ventricles' pathway for blood through the aortic and pulmonic semilunar valves.

  7. When you are done, please dispose of safely.

The Brain

  1. Place the brain on a dissecting tray, pointing up.

  2. Look at the cerebrum and cerebellum. In the cerebrum's area , there the grooves known as sulci. Also look at the ridges called gyri. The cerebellum when cut in half has a tree like pattern on it. The optic nerve is right under the brain with the olfactory bulbs.

  3. Lay up the brain on the dissecting table and cut it in half. Then look at the things within like the 4 ventricles, thalamus, and pineal body.

  4. After the check out t the things within like the ventricles, thalamus, pineal body, pons, hypothalamus, and medulla. The parts between the thalamus and the pons have important nerve tracts. Ventricles are little openings are the part or organ. Pons are the little lumps under the brain stem and the medulla being located on the brain stem is the most inferior.

  5. When you are done, please dispose of safely.

Dissection hand out.docx