My School

The name of my school is Harmony Science Academy of San Antonio. Harmony Science Academy is a great school that focuses on math and science. It allows students to participate in activities like Stem club, Science Fair, Science Olympiad, STEM Expo, etc. We are a charter school and we are part of the Cosmos Foundation. We have several schools all over Texas.

Interview with a parent:

What do you think of Harmony Science Academy of San Antonio?

Parent: Well my son hasn't even been there for one year and he has already learned so much. I recommend this school for any children who want to learn and needs a push in the right direction. Harmony Science Academy of San Antonio has pleased me.

“Harmony Public Schools: Where Excellence is Our Standard”

Harmony blends:

The highest standards and expectations,

A rigorous math and science-centered curriculum, and

Engaged and Dedicated teachers and families,

… to cultivate excellence and prepare students to succeed in college, careers and life.”

We are equipping Harmony students for college, preparing them for life and helping them achieve excellence, while making a positive impact on our community, our state and our nation.

At Harmony, we are dedicated to creating an academically rigorous environment that nurtures students, expects excellence and helps all students realize their full potential.

At Harmony, we believe every child can succeed, and we are committed to helping them realize their full potential

At Harmony, we believe families play an important role in helping students achieve excellence and are an integral part of our school’s community.

A Harmony education fosters excellence as a life-skill, and opens the door to a world of opportunity.

At Harmony, by focusing on math and science, we are developing the next generation of innovators and thinkers we need to succeed in the global economy and environment.

At Harmony, we are leading the way in math and science education, so our children can lead our state and our nation in the future.

At Harmony, we provide a safe, nurturing academic environment that expects excellence and prepares students for success in college and in life.