Firefox updates

Mozilla is changing the way Firefox installs on computers in an apparent concession to enterprise users it previously ruled were irrelevant. Future versions of the open-source browser will download and install silently on your machine, saving you the bother of downloading and authorising the update. It is hoped switching to Chromesque updates in the background will eradicate "update fatigue" creeping in following Mozilla's decision to pump out upgrades more frequently.

The plan for 2011 was four updates. That changed half way through 2011, with Mozilla now trying to squeeze out a further two updates before the end of the year bringing the total number of new Firefoxes in 2011 to six under a new, six-weekly release schedule. Firefox 8 is due on November 8 and Firefox 9 in December.

Silent updates are expected in versions of Firefox, starting with number 10 in 2012.

Since this all blew up, meanwhile, Google's Chrome - which also does silent updates - has continued to see its share of the worldwide browser market expand while Firefox has remained more or less stuck on a plateau, albeit dropping slightly.

From The Register