Current Constitution



1. (a) The name of the Club shall be Hornsby RSL Computer Club.

(b) Constitution and By-laws of Hornsby RSL Club Limited will be accepted by all members of the Computer Club.

2. Wherever in these laws the words “This Club” or “HRSLCC” appear, they shall mean Hornsby RSL Computer Club. .“Member” means a person who is a financial member of both Hornsby RSL Club and Hornsby RSL Computer Club.


To promote Friendship, Technological knowledge and mutual assistance with digital technology usage.


(a) Office bearers shall consist of:-

President (1)

Vice President (1)

Honorary Secretary (1)

Honorary Treasurer (1)

Committee member (2)

and shall form the Committee of the Club. (One office bearer to be appointed delegate to Hornsby RSL Sports Council by Committee).

(b) Nominations for positions of office bearers (as listed) may be accepted off the floor or in writing prior to the opening of Annual General Meeting.

(c) Any vacancy on committee occurring before the expiration of the term of office (12 months) may be filled at the first Committee meeting after the vacancy occurs, and that person shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting.

(d) Regular meetings of Committee shall, unless otherwise arranged, be held once each month.

The President may at any time, or Secretary on the requisition of three (3) members of Committee, summon a meeting of Committee without restriction as to the period of giving notice.

The Honorary Secretary shall record in the minutes, the names of all committee members present.

(e) At all meetings the President shall occupy the chair. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall occupy the chair. In the absence of the Vice President as well as the President, the meeting shall elect its own chairman for that meeting.

(f) The Chairman shall have a deliberate, as well as a casting vote.

(g) Four (4) financial committee members shall form a quorum of the Committee. If a quorum is not present the meeting will be unable to make decisions that affect the operations of the club.

5. Annual General Meeting of the Club

(a) The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held in March of each year or such date as the Committee shall determine.

(b) At least 21 days notice of the Annual General Meeting must be given to all members

(c) Only financial members of Hornsby RSL Club Limited and Hornsby RSL Computer Club shall be entitled to vote or stand for office.

(d) An audited statement of Receipts and Payments and associated documents (as required by Board of Directors) to be presented to members for their approval at Annual General Meeting prior to presentation to Board of Directors of Hornsby RSL Club Limited.

(e) The regular business of Annual General Meeting shall be:-

(i) To receive and confirm the minutes of previous Annual General Meeting.

(ii) To receive the annual report from the President and audited Statement of Receipts and Payments and associated documents.

(iii) To elect office bearers for the ensuing twelve months.

(iv) General business as may be brought forward in conformity with these rules.

(vi) Approved reports to be presented to the next Hornsby RSL Board of Directors meeting immediately following the Annual General Meeting.

(vii) A Director of Hornsby RSL Club Limited as appointed by the said Board must be present and act as returning officer at the Annual General Meetings of the Club.

6. A formal meeting of members of the club other than the Annual General Meeting shall be termed a General Meeting (including Extraordinary General Meetings).

(a) The club in General Meeting shall have complete control of all club affairs and wherever in these rules it is provided that any act of thing may be done by the Committee, then it shall be read subject to the right of a General Meeting, to vary, add to or rescind any resolution of the committee.

(b) Four (4) financial members shall form a quorum for a General Meeting.

7. An Extraordinary General Meeting of members of the Club may be requested (see 4d)

(a) Upon motion of the Committee.

(b) Upon a requisition of General Meeting signed by not less than five financial members and stating the business to be considered.

(c) No business except that for which the meeting shall have been called for, may be transacted at any Extraordinary General Meeting.

(d) Seven (7) days notice at least (exclusive of both of the days of which the notice was served or deemed to be served and of the day for which the notice is given) of an extraordinary general meeting, specifying the place, the day and the hour of the meeting and in the case of special business the general nature of that business shall be given to the members who are entitled to vote at a General Meeting.

(e) The club in General Meeting shall have complete control of all club affairs and wherever in these rules it is provided that any act of thing may be done by the Committee, then it shall be read subject to the right of a General Meeting, to vary, add to or rescind any resolution of the committee.

(f) All notices of motion must be given in writing to the Honorary Secretary seven (7) clear days prior to the meeting.

8. In the case of any questions arising as to the correct interpretation of any of these rules or any other questions not provided for herein, such questions shall be dealt with by the Committee whose decision shall be final, subject to the provisions of these Rules as to the powers of a General Meeting.

9. All correspondence shall be addressed to the Honorary Secretary.

10. The Financial year of the Club shall end 31 December of each year.

11. Annual subscriptions for club membership shall be determined annually at a Committee meeting before the end of the financial year

12. Membership fees will cover the financial year and should be paid at the first meeting after the start of the club’s financial year’

13. All members shall conduct themselves such as to comply with the rules and By- Laws of Hornsby RSL Club Limited.

Alleged breaches of this clause will be dealt with by Committee

14.The intentional promotion of any Computer Product or Service by any Commercial Organisation must first be approved by Board of Directors of the Hornsby RSL Club Limited.

15. The Committee may raise funds for use in the pursuit of HRSLCC goals. These funds shall be deposited in a bank account in the name of the 'Hornsby RSL Computer Club' (HRSLCC).Three members of the Committee shall be authorised to operate the account, any two of whom may sign cheques on behalf of the HRSLCC.

16. Equipment held by the society should be stored at the RSL club or may be held by officers of the club for the purposes of meeting preparation. Members using their own equipment do so at their own risk.

17. Winding Up

Should the HRSLCC cease to exist its assets will revert to Hornsby RSL club



PRESIDENT DATE........................................

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HONORARY SECRETARY DATE........................................