A Simple Zombie Game



For reasons lost in the mists of time, zombies are big in simulations, possibly because they encourage more radical approaches. This is a simple effort to explore negotiating dynamics.

How to Play

The simulation requires at least 12 students (split into 4 groups of 3) and can be run in one hour thirty (including the feedback).

Students are each provided with the attached information file prior to the game.

Feedback Points

This is a very open game. Feedback can focus on the dynamics of two-level negotiations between sub-groups with very different approaches and (potentially) interests. The open-source nature of the game means you can explore where information is drawn from and the way it is incorporated into game-play. Finally, the game raises some issues of underlying values, most obviously in the matter of 'zombie rights.'


This is a very simple base upon which can be built a whole range of modifications: sub-groups can be collapsed or created; crisis-type elements can be added to 'mix things up' (see attached example below); the whole game can be grown to much greater length, to simulate evolving situations and to embed wider research. Given the range and variety of zombie simulations online, it might also be possible to incorporate these into the game-play.

I've also produced a de-zombie-d version of this game here.

ZERT game.doc
ZERTSitRep example.ppt