How To Make A Boat Targa Top
Or are you looking
for a Bimini Top?
Hi Fishing & Boating Enthusiast, I have had frustrated fishermen say things to me like :
“This is exactly what I have been looking for, a bimini top is a nuisance”
Are you feeling the same way?
Now, at last, a targa bar of T-Top for your boat for your fishing boat or tinnie. Fishing can get a whole lot better.
Check out the features:-
You get much better access to the water.
A bimini top has many obstacles in the way, but as you can see here, so much more room to maneuver when casting and landing that tricky fish that drags you all around the boat.
How can you do this…
…... in this?
You need this.
Plenty of shade from the glaring sun – plenty of room under cover, so you are not cramped or having to crouch down.
Shelter from the cold driving so you can be DRY
and fishing. Oh, I can just feel those freezing
fingers fumbling to bait the hook.
Why ever do we do it?
Well, now you don’t have to.
You can STAND fully undercover to fish.
Or sit, whatever you feel like through the day.
6 Permanent Rod Holders – or 8 if you want.
No more tangled rods on the floor or the bow of your boat.
to this
Fit the Targa any way that suits you best – at the front, back, middle or turned around and facing the opposite direction.
Sturdy welded construction, providing a handle to steady yourself getting into or out of your boat and plenty strong enough to hold a cover and your fishing rods.
Or steady you while holding up the monster of a fish you caught – good one Craig & Billy. In case you are wondering this cod is 4′ long (1.2 meters) and weighs 52.8 lbs (24 kgs).
Or steady you while holding up the monster of a fish you caught – good one Craig & Billy. In case you are wondering this cod is 4′ long (1.2 meters) and weighs 52.8 lbs (24 kgs).
It Easily folds down for storage and traveling.
No problem fitting your boat with a targa in the
garage or the backyard.
1) Unclip and remove the cover
2) Undo thumb screws and drop cover holder
3) Undo wing bolts and swing targa down into
the boat
This takes all of 1 minute to do:
to this.......
to this......
to this.....
This takes 1 minute to do. If you are slow.
1 Year Guarantee – a ‘no obligation’ return policy – if you are not completely happy with your “How to Build A Fishing Boat Targa Top” eBook & Video.
For any reason at all, simply request your money back within 1 year, yes that’s 12 months or 365 days if you prefer
That gives you heaps of time to give it a good go at it.
Is your day out fishing being made unpleasant with sunburn or messed up by cold soaking rain? Are you frustrated by rods getting tangled up because there is nowhere to put them out of the way?
If you have a bimini top, do you find that the legs and straps take up most of the sides of your boat? And makes it difficult to cast or to get clear access to the water in order to fish.
Or if you are landing that fighter of a fish, you really don’t want to be fighting with straps and brackets as well as the fish – the big one you don’t want to get away.
Then the Fishing Boat Targa Top has to be the best solution that covers all angles. You can fish longer – in the heat of the day when the sun is beating down, you can stay fishing because you have cover and convenience.
(Notice here that I have been making them out of my garage?)
If it rains or is going to rain, you can still go, or stay out longer when it does. The Fishing Boat Targa Top or Tinnie Targa Top, allows you take more control over your fishing – how, when, where and how long for.
The only question left to answer is Why – Why you are going fishing yet again? When your wife wants to know why :)
For the avid fishermen, this targa is great, so much more freedom and more possibilities when you go fishing. One day you might want to sell your boat for another, but you won’t want to sell the T-Top with it. Would you like to have one of these on your boat? If so, we can help you with that. There is a great new ebook (electronic book) called :
“How To Build A Fishing Boat Targa Top”
It covers everything you need to know about how to build your own Boat Targa Top. That’s what this brand new e-book could help you to do. And it’s not like any other book you’ve ever seen on making your own Targa bar with a Cover. No fluff, just the real answers you want to know. You’ll discover all types of exciting tips.
Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll discover in the……
“How To Build Fishing Boat Targa Top”
Step-by-step Manual
which aluminum tubing to choose for the best option
and where you can get it
how to measure your boat for the top you want
a calculator to identify cutting sizes
and where exactly to bend it
how to easily bend it at home
who to take it to for welding
what you should be charged – don’t be ripped off
what is the best cover fabric to use
and where to get it
step-by-step how to sew it
or the maximum you should have to pay to have it done
how to make simple hinges so the top can easily fold down into your boat
how to mount the top to your boat/tinnie
The maximum you should have to pay to get someone to make up the whole thing for you using this manual.
I did tell you that this was a step-by-step no-fluff manual and you can see why.
You may prefer to see how it is done, so, I have also made a 20-minute video to help give you an added perspective on how to build your own Boat Targa.
You can download the ‘how to’ video and watch it as many times as you wish.
Here are just a few of the pages from the ‘How to’ manual:-
The formula for measuring, cutting and bending the frames.
Making and fitting the cover Materials list
& Suppliers
Here is your opportunity to make up a Fishing Boat Targa Top for yourself, from a great DIY boat top manual with step-by-step drawings, photos and a video, so that even a novice can do it AND if you still decide not to build it yourself, we tell you who to ask and for what right price.
PLEASE NOTE: Before you purchase this DIY package, bear in mind that you will need to have some aluminum welding done for you if you cannot do it yourself, and the vinyl/acrylic canvas sewn on an industrial sewing machine if you do not know anyone who has an industrial sewing machine. Do any of your friends do these things? If not, not a problem, we will tell you where to get them done and how much you should have to pay for it too.
Welding – As one buyer of this manual (Frank) found, you can fix it together with brazing rod (like soldering) that anyone can do with a cheap blow torch. One buyer did not like this method as it puts a lot of heat into the aluminium tubing. It’s up to you.
Sewing – This same clever buyer came up with another way of fixing the cover to the cover bow so that you do not need to do any fancy sewing. Thanks Frank
Frank sent me some photos of his handy work:
And while I am showing you photos of what some buyers have made, here are some pics of the completed targa by John.
You will notice that John opted not to include rod holders on his set up.
Thanks for the pics John.
And these pics from another buyer.
You notice that this John opted for rod holders but wanted a rear-facing targa:
So, what would you like to do?
A couple of things to consider:
1) You could just pay someone to make one up for you, costing around $2500 maybe, because they have not made one before and they will charge you plenty for trying to figure out how to do it.
2) Whereas, if you were to purchase this manual, you could make one up yourself and save about $1500.
3) Or, you could give this manual to a tradesman to make up a targa from, which would save him having to figure it out and save you maybe a $1000.
Just present it to him and say ”I want one like this” and he can’t charge excessively for having to design and figure out how to make it.
You can do it I know because I saw the idea and just figured out how to make them by asking questions, and you don’t even have to figure it out – I’ve done it for you.
You can see from my photos that I have made these from my garage. By the way, – if you are thinking that this might be too hard for you to do, consider that I started in this field about 3 years ago, with my daughter’s industrial sewing machine, a few hints from friends, and a trimmer friend living 2000 miles away that I could ask some questions via email.
I am of only average intelligence; even now when I make something I take way too long because I am not a whiz at things. Doing this type of work was to create an income because I was having trouble to get a job.So to quote an old cliché – ‘if I can do it, anybody can do it’
Why do I no longer make them? Simply because I am moving more into an internet business and away from manufacturing.
And so all that is just a fraction of what you’ll find out in:
“How To Build A Fishing Boat Targa Top”
That’s why you should own this book today (in fact, you can be reading it in as little as 5 minutes from now, day or night!)
What’s a resource like this worth?
To learn this by yourself would probably take 2 years and cost heaps (I should know, that’s what did.) Particularly laser-guided accurate information like this – SPECIFICALLY for how to build your own Boat Targa Top. This isn’t some boiler-plate collection of answers and vaguely described processes.
I went to a lot of trouble to draw, explain, photograph and video how to do it. Everything is explained in PLAIN English. Which means it’s dead-easy to read and understand. And it’s logically laid out.
Which is why “How To Build A Fishing Boat Targa Top” is such a bargain at $27 USD That’s right, a fraction of what it’s really worth or what it cost me to learn. Why would I make it so affordable? Simply because my costs to deliver it to you are so low.
This is an electronic book (e-book) that can be downloaded to your computer in a flash and I do not have to package and post it to you. Which means you can be reading it and discovering all these amazing secrets in as little as 5 minutes from now. So I figure I’ll be able to offer this resource of information to more people and make my investment back over time. No matter what, however, it’s a bargain for you.
If you would like to purchase our how-to manual, Click the button to buy through PayPal:
(All you need is a credit card, no special internet accounts or anything like that. And it’s totally secure. Your credit card data is passed directly to the bank and no one but the bank has access to your sensitive information.) $27 is a drop in the ocean compared to what you learn with these secrets. And don’t worry, if for any reason you’re not happy with the content, you have a complete guarantee to protect your investment.
Hey, you’re my customer. And if you’re not happy, it looks bad on me. So if you’re not happy with what you discover from “How To Build Fishing Boat Targa Top” I don’t expect … or want … to keep your money. Just simply whip off an email to me and I’ll happily refund your money in full (in fact, I’d be embarrassed to keep it).
That’s about as fair as it gets, don’t you agree?
Well, let me tell you what I’ll also do to make this the best investment you ever make. I’m going to throw in some free bonuses.
Simply grab your copy of “How To Build Better-than-a-Bimini Fishing Boat Targa Top” right now, and here’s what I’ll throw in:
BONUS #1: “A Guide To Saltwater Fishing”
This amazing 160-page bonus is like an encyclopedia of saltwater fishing.
Take a look at the chapters headings:
Not bad, right? But that’s not all you get!
Because I’m also throwing in:
BONUS #2: 7 eBooklets on:-
• How To Catch Trout
• How To Catch Grouper
• How To Catch Kingfish
• How To Catch Redfish
• How To Catch Snook
• How To Catch Pompano
• How To Catch Tarpon
YOURS when you order “How To Make A Fishing Boat Targa Top” Manual?
For a mere $27 USD, you’re getting the answers you need … PLUS MORE.
Now, you can only get this product from me. It’s not available in libraries or anywhere else on the net. Wishing you great success.
Neil Baulch
If you have any questions, just email me at :