What is ILL?

Inter-Library Loan: is a program that some libraries participate in which allows us to request materials from another library that we do not have in our library. Movies, audio-books, and music cannot be borrowed from another library.

Policy for the Use of the ILL program:

To use this program:

    1. You must have a library card.

    2. You must have had your library card with us for 2 months and be in good standing with us

    3. You may only request 4 ILL books at a time

ILL Information:

The Houston County Library is part of a program allowing us to request a book from another library to be sent to us for a period of time to be checked out by one of our patrons. After requesting a book, it can take anywhere from a week to a month to receive the book. Once the book is received we call the patron who requested it and let them know it is at the library waiting for them to check it out from us. We hold any received ILL materials on our card for 1 week then we send them back. If you miss your book you are more than welcome to request it again.