How Do I Get A Library Card?
Library cards are free to all residents of Houston County. Each person who will be using library materials must complete an address card. A proof of residence will be required to receive your card.
Children must be at least 6 years of age to apply for a library card. Applications by children and minors (under 18) must be signed by a parent or legal guardian. An adult who is not a parent or guardian will not be accepted (Aunt, Uncle, Cousin, Friend, etc.)
For all those who do not live in Houston County the Houston County Public Library does participate in the TLC Program (Tennessee Library Card Program) Special Rules Do Apply.
(Anyone wishing to check out materials though this program must be in good standing with the library of their county. This will be verified. If you do not have a library in your home county this must be gotten first.
All patrons who wish to use our computers must have filled out the Internet Access Agreement. This paper was requested to be filled out when the patron applied for their library card.
All patrons under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult at all times when using the computer. Children ages 16-17 must have parent/guardian written permission and the Internet Access Agreement signed.
Q: Does my Older sibling count?
A: No it must be a parent or legal Guardian.
Q: If I am 8-11 years old can I be alone at the library without a parent?
A: Yes but only for 1 hour if a parent is not present after that you will be asked to leave. 7 and under
must be accompanied by a parent at all times.