Volunteers & HOP Board

What is HOP?

Hough Orchestra Patrons, or HOP, is an amazing group of parents who volunteer their time to support the orchestra program at Hough High School.

We are always in need of an extra hand (or brain) in planning and carrying out the many activities that take place each year.


You can make a difference!

It is only through the involvement and support of families like yours that the orchestra program is as successful as it is! Please consider how how you can contribute your time & talents to help make this year a success! Please contact us to volunteer at houghop@gmail.com

We have several board positions available and a WONDERFUL group of volunteers and past board members who are always willing to help.

Can you help in one of the following ways?

  • Write Howler updates?

  • Help build spreadsheets?

  • Update the website/social media?

  • Order/design t-shirts?

  • Organize fundraisers?

2022-2023 Board of Directors

President: Pam Kiel

Vice President: Joan Sappington


Treasurer: Nicole Olsdal

Committee Chairs:


Membership/Volunteers: Joanna Kunz

Communications: Beata Klecha

Bylaws Review: Kristin Butler

Events: We need you! Help organize events and activities.

Membership: We need you! Help coordinate volunteers and build membership throughout the year.

Members at Large: Kristin Butler, Lily Tu-Boranian