How to change theme in hotmail?

You often use your Hotmail account for your job. Maybe the default design of Hotmail make you feel boring; you can change it and make it more exciting. Hotmail has many themes for you choose. You can follow a few steps:

Step 1: Go to your Hotmail account.

Step 2: Click icon cog on the right top page.

Step 3: Click Options.

Step 4: Choose General and click Change theme.

Step 5: You will see about 50 themes, you can click icon theme you want to change to see it. When you see the theme suitable for you click Save on the top.

Note: Have a quicker method to change the theme in Hotmail account. This is:

    1. Go to your Hotmail account.

    2. Click icon cog on the top right of your account. Then click Change theme.

3. You will see about 50 themes; you can click icon theme you want to change to see it. When you see the theme suitable for you click OK on the top box.