Our server and missions

Our Rise of Flight server

Currently we have no dedicated server, but we usually hosts missions every Monday from 8pm - 10 pm (GMT) and often in the weekends. Our server is based in either The Netherlands or the UK.

Look for "Hornet Squadron Server" in the server list. Because our hardware resources are limited we expect to host up to 12 players (6 vs 6). Sometimes we are testing new missions, the server name will then list as "Hornet Squadron Test". If there is no password you are welcome to join, but things may be a bit less organised :). Since update 1.012 we will also run Multiplayer Dogfight maps with a historical setting.

Minimum planeset

Our missions normally feature at least two types of aircraft per side, but we will not always include the four aircraft that came with game:


    • Fokker D7

    • Albatros DVa

    • Nieuport 28

Besides these four aircraft we expect you to have bought at least the following aircraft:

    • Sopwith Camel F1

    • Fokker Dr.1

    • Se5a

    • Pfalz DIIIa

Server settings

Our missions

Our main goal is immersion. We want to get a feeling of what it would be like to get up there, strapped in a contraption of wooden struts and canvas, looking out for the "Hun in the Sun". Although we seek realism, we realise it is a game after all and it's all about having fun. We don't like missions where everyone starts close to the front and meets over the trenches to get trapped in a low level dogfight. On the other hand we also don't want to fly for an hour or so to get to the objective area. That is why we have two types of missions we normally mix:

    • Instant Action Furball - Consider these as a snaphot from a full, realistic mission. Usually you will start in the air, close to the objective point and the enemy. You may find yourself at a tactical advantage or disadvantage, just make the best of it. These missions usually don't take more than 15 minutes to complete.

    • Patrol Missions - During the Great War, a lot of time was spent in the air searching for enemy aircraft. Here, tactics come into play. Where is the sun? Which way is the wind blowing? Your task will be to patrol a sector and protect a certain object or it will be to destroy the object. These missions contain some random elements so you may run into a friendly flight or an unexpected enemy; make sure you brush up on aircraft recognition! Since these missions require to take-off (and land) they will take a little longer to complete but will usually be time-limited to 25-30 minutes.