Palm Sunday C (2019)

We gather: a crowd, a people.

With solemnity,

we call to mind Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on a colt

we call to mind the events of Good Friday;

in a way, we are there, sharing in the events.

We can draw close to numerous participants,

but today I want us to be with the crowd.

The crowd honours Jesus as he rides towards Jerusalem:

spreading their cloaks on the road in front of him.

The crowd abandons Jesus in front of Pilate:

shouting that he should be crucified.

The crowd escorts Jesus to the place of the Skull,

to see the barbaric, macabre proceedings.

Now Luke has a line for us:

Just after Jesus dies Luke says:

When all the people who had gathered for the spectacle

saw all that had happened:

they went home beating their breasts.

…they went home beating their breasts.

Jesus’ crucifixion moves hearts.

We join that crowd:

horrified by what has happened,

knowing humanity is disgraced by what has been done.

We beat our breasts in sorrow, and hang our heads in shame.

But, look deeper, and see that, in this disgrace,

humanity is graced.

Jesus, God made human, Word made flesh,

arms outstretched, prays:

Father forgive them’.