Sunday 29 C (2010)

[Nearly fifty of our young people were to be confirmed the following Saturday]

Today Jesus stresses the need to

Keep-at-it in prayer.

He tells us about ‘the need to pray continually’

and he illustrates this with a story about ordinary dogged persistence;

persistence of the kind we see around us in everyday life:

in the determination of a child who wants something and will not stop asking;

in the determination of a young person working for a qualification;

in the determination of campaigners going on and on about the issue that makes them passionate;

we know what persistence is.

Jesus tells us that this is what is needed in our prayer.

The disciples were sometimes a bit slow to get what Jesus was saying.

However they did get this message eventually.

Luke says

very near the start of the Acts of the Apostles that

just after Jesus has died, risen and ascended

the apostles were in the upper room:

in continuous prayer together with several women, including Mary the mother of Jesus (Acts1:14)

Continuous prayer.

That was the how they prepared for Pentecost,

That was the final part of their preparation for the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Next Saturday the Holy Spirit is to be given to our young people

through the ministry of Bishop John.

It is their Pentecost.

Mary prayed with the apostles as they waited for the Holy Spirit.

The whole parish is ‘Mary’ this week

We, the confirmed, especially parents and sponsors,

must join these young people in prayer throughout this week.

And, consider coming to the cathedral at 3.00pm next Saturday:

wouldn’t it be wonderful if every seat were taken and all the standing room too!

Support our young people with your prayer: be Mary.

I talk now to those to be confirmed:

You are in the upper room now.

This is a week of prayer, every day,

prayer of humility at being called to follow Jesus;

prayer of commitment as you accept your calling;

prayer of sorrow for the ways you have failed;

prayer of gratitude for the gift

of the fullness of God’s Holy Spirit in confirmation;

real prayer, every day,

give time to it,

make the days different from usual, so that you can,

perhaps go to your bedroom a bit earlier

to give yourself some extra time with God, praying.

This is what Jesus wants and expects of you this week,

And of us all.