Additional Websites of Interest

Additional places across the web that provide more information on homicide victimization:

  1. The Homicide Monitor provides a global interactive representation of homicide around the world.
  2. The World Health Organizations 7th Milestones of a Global Campaign for Violence Prevention Meeting where Dr. William Alex Pridemore recently presented on Social Protection and Poverty.
  3. The WorldValues Survey. Provides an easy to use online data analysis tool that can be utilized to measure a host of relevant latent constructs for cross-national research.
  4. World Health Organization provides a survey on Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children.
  5. International Social Survey Programme Social Inequality IV provides another rich source of information to generate measures relevant to many of the theories and constructs presented within cross-national research.
  6. International Labour Organization Statistics and database provides a lot of labor information including female labor force participation and paid maternity leave.