Other research activities

Conferences organization

  • Associated member in the organizing committee of the 1st International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences and System Modeling (ICEASSM). Accra, Ghana, April 18-21, 2017
  • Volunteer member in the organizing committee of the 9th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes, Paris, France, September 2-4, 2016.

Review activities

Reviewer and Subreviewer of

  • International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS)
  • IFAC World Congress
  • Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis

Co-supervisor of research internships

  • Co-supervision with Dr. Komi M. Pekpe of the research internship of Jordan Razafindraibe, students in IMA 4 (4 years of Computer sciences, Microelectronics and Automatic Control). Duration of the internship: May 18, 2016 to July 18, 2016; internship interests: Modelling and control of Robotino.