Open postdoc position in spatial statistics [postdoc] - Closed
2 Research internships proposals on spatial point processes [sujet1] [sujet2] Email me with references and letter of motivation if interested. - Closed
Signatory of the manifesto for the use of airplanes in mathematics laboratories [manifeste] - No more than 20,000km over 2 years and use of train for less than 8-hour travels!
Don't miss Spatial Econometrics Workshop (23-24 May 2024). Co organized with A Fadhuile, N Massard (FEG, UGA).
What you may have missed SSIAB15 at Grenoble (24-26 May, 2023).
Check out this nice shiny app, presenting locations of lucrative and cooperative banks in France here (made by B Amistadi, C Bayou, C Champ, A Grancher and A Lorandi, M1 SSD students).
One of the organizers of the Online Seminar on Spatial and spatio-temporal Point processes and beyond (OSSP)
Check out the program for next talks, see again previous talks [here]
For undergraduate, graduate, PhD students, Post-doctoral fellows:
If you're interested in my research topics (mainly spatial statistics) and would like to work under my supervision, do not hesitate to get in touch with me. I ask you to provide a motivation letter, a cv, eventually academic transcript,...and will let you know if positions/fundings are available.
Who's that guy?
Professor, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France.
Born at Lille (France), forty-(more than)something years, two children
Runner and ultra-runner...used to say my legs are my means of transport - Campaigner for active commuting!
Associate Editor for Scandinavian Journal of Statistics (2019-); former Associate Editor for Statistics and Probability Letters (2016-2022),
Since 2021, head of the department DATA of the LJK (45 permanent members - approximately 75 members)
Former Director of the StatLab of the CRM, 2019/06-2020/07 and former co-director (with G Lefebvre) of the research faculty center STATQAM, 2018-2020 (12 regular and associate members).
Co-head (with Adeline Samson) of the track SSD (Statistics and Data Science) of the Master Mathematics and Applications.
Member of the GDR GeoSto and its scientfic council (2012-2023) and then member of the board of the RT MAIAGES (2024- with Hermine Biermé [head], Julie Delon and Nicolas Papadackis); co-head of the axis Data Science of the Labex Persyval-lab; member of the cnu 26 (national council of applied mathematicians) (2024-)
E-mail address: jean-francoisDOTcoeurjollyATuniv-grenoble-alpes.fr
Appointments and education
Sept. 2020-: Professor of Statistics, University Grenoble Alpes, France.
Aug. 2016-Aug. 2020: Professor of statistics, Department of Mathematics, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada.
Sep. 2001-July 2016 : Associate Professor in statistics, Economics Department, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France.
Feb. 2012-Jul. 2012 Visiting Professor at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Aalborg University, Denmark.
Sep. 2009-Aug. 2011: On secondment at the GIPSA-lab.
Nov. 2010: Habilitation Thesis, Grenoble University, France. [link]
Dec. 2000: Phd Thesis, University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France. [link]