Speech Arts

Primary Speech Arts - January 20-24

All students should have their poem memorized. Students doing a bible reading are to read from the provided missal.

All school books will be in a labeled bin with the student's name on a sticky note. Students need to bring this book up to the adjudicator before their presentation. Books from home/public library must be provided by the parents unless your child has brought their book to school, in which case the book will also be in the bin. 

Please note that the competition is at:

St. Anthony Elementary

595 Keith Road

West Vancouver, BC

Please arrive approximately 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time. (See the schedule attached below.) On occasion, the festival will run ahead of schedule. 

You are encouraged to bring a donation for the food bank. There will be a box at the door where donations can be dropped off.

Students need to be dressed in full uniform. This includes a sweater, tucked in white shirt and regulation shoes. 

Pre-school children are also discouraged from coming. If you need to bring younger siblings, please ensure that they can sit and remain quiet for up to an hour.

  Primary Speech Arts Schedule - click the link below for the full week's schedule.

Final - PRIMARY SPEECH ARTS Schedule JANUARY 2025.docx.pdf