
Events on our reserve are almost always organised by the Friends Group.


The Nature Reserve walks start from the Preschool/Scout building at the Holtspur Top Lane end of Cherry Tree Road.  The walks are open to everyone, but, if you are not a member of the Friends, we do ask for a voluntary donation.  However, family membership of the Friends is only £5 per year giving you free access for all your family to all of our walks, so you might consider this instead of making a separate donation for each walk you join.

Walks in 2024

All dates and times listed below will be confirmed nearer the date, here, and by emails to members.

Sunday May 12th 2024 at 2:30pm  :    Spring Walk - guided walk led by Derek Bourne and Dick Lister

Sunday June 23rd 2024 at 2:30pm :    Summer Walk (inc. Butterfly Reserve) - guided walk led by Derek Bourne       and Brenda Mobbs

Friday July 12th 2024 at 9:30pm   :    Bat and Glow-worm walk led by Derek Bourne - bring a torch with you!

Sunday September 22nd 2024 at 2:30pm  :    Autumn Walk - guided walk led by Derek Bourne

Sunday October 13th 2024 at 2:30pm  :    Fungus Walk led by Sarah Ebdon

Friends Work Parties in 2023 - 2024

Friends meet in the reserve access off Riding Lane at 10:00 am and continue until 12:00 noon approx.  We recommend that you wear sturdy footwear and leather/gardening gloves whilst working on the Reserve.  We will supply the appropriate personal protective equipment if you use any of our power tools.  We will not be providing refreshments, so please bring your own if you require them.

Friends Work Party Dates

Sunday 24th September 2023

Sunday 29th October 2023

Sunday 26th  November 2023

Sunday 7th January 2024

Sunday 28th January 2024

Sunday 25th February 2024

Sunday 24th March 2024

Sunday 28th April 2024    The Annual Cowslip Count 

Work parties will commence again at the end of September 2024

Work to be done during the Friends work parties will be decided according to requirements and in conjunction with work carried out for the Town Council by John Shaw and the Chiltern Rangers CIC.

Chiltern Rangers Work Parties at the Reserve

Chiltern Rangers also run their own work parties in the Reserve and, in some cases, they welcome help from members of the community as well as members of the Reserve.  If you do want to attend one of these work parties, the Rangers request that you wear sturdy footwear and appropriate clothing suitable for outdoors activities and the weather.  Tools appropriate for the work will be provided.

Details of planned work parties where help is welcomed from members of the community are given below.

Chiltern Rangers Community Work Party Dates

All dates and times listed below will be confirmed nearer the date, here, and by emails to members.

Thursday 9th May 2024 10am to  3pm : Spring Tasks in Cut-Throat Wood and on the Chalk Bank

More information about Chiltern Rangers and their work can be found here.