


A Section Representative is elected each year in June or July from amongst those leaving the school. Section Representatives are elected for a minimum of five years. They form, with the Officers of the Association, the General Committee.

An annual meeting of the General Committee is held on Reunion Day before the AGM.


    1. A Section Representative is responsible for sending out to all members of her section notices of the AGM and any other notices which she receives from the Secretary. She will receive particulars of all those who join and may keep their membership applications.

    2. Early each year she will send News Forms to each member of her section, upon receipt of such forms and a reminder from the Secretary, and will collect the completed forms. These should be edited and typewritten (or rewritten legibly) and sent to the News Editor by the date requested that year. When possible they should be sent electronically. If sent on paper, they should be typed, or written legibly.

    3. Any changes of name or address, or deaths, should be notified to the Secretary, who will inform the other members of the Executive Committee and the database as appropriate. A resume of births, deaths and marriages should be listed for inclusion in the annual return to the News Editor.

    4. Claims for reimbursement of second-class postage , envelopes and necessary photocopying should be accompanied by relevant receipts and submitted to the Treasurer before the end of May for each twelve-month period. Expenses can only be paid for the current year (August-July).

    5. At the end of her term of office, the Section Representative is responsible for finding a successor to replace her, or may continue in office if she so wishes. The Secretary and News Editor must be informed of any change(s) in representatives.

    6. The representative should keep an updated list of all her section members and their addresses. This should be passed to her successor, with a copy of the Rules of the Association and these Notes for Section Representatives.

    7. If a member has been asked for news, but not replied for 5 years, or if her contact details are found to be invalid, she may be made "inactive" and not receive mailings until she makes contact or a new address is acquired. The Secretary should be informed of such changes in status.

Stop Press

Westonbirt Association index

    1. last amended 20 May 2012