A. Books/Monographs/Dissertation
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2022). Cantonese GIVE and Double-Object Construction: Grammaticalization and word order change. Studies of Chinese Language and Discourse, No. 15. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [LINK]
鄒嘉彥、錢志安. (2021). 《香港法律語言常見拉丁詞彙》(Latin Terms in Hong Kong Legal Language). 香港: 香港城市大學出版社. [LINK]
錢志安、片岡新、張顯達(編)(2020). 第二十二屆國際粵方言研討會, 《中國語文通訊》第99卷第1期專刊,香港,吳多泰中國語文研究中心. [LINK]
Chin, Andy Chi-on, Kwok Bit-chee, Tsou, Benjamin K. (Eds). (2016). Commemorative Essays for Professor Yuen Ren Chao: Father of Modern Chinese Linguistics 《現代漢語語言學之父:趙元任先生紀念論文集》. Taipei: Crane Publishing Company. [LINK]
Ting, Pang-Hsin, Cheung, Samuel Hung-Nin, Tang, Sze-Wing, Chin, Andy Chi-on. (Eds). (2016). New Horizons in the Study of Chinese: Dialectology, Grammar, and Philology — Studies in Honor of Professor Anne Yue. 《漢語研究的新貌:方言、語法與文獻──獻給余靄芹教授》. Hong Kong: T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre, Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. [LINK] [LINK]
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2009). The Verb GIVE and the Double-object Construction in Cantonese in Synchronic, Diachronic and Typological Perspectives, Unpublished PhD dissertation. Seattle: University of Washington.
Chin, Andy Chi-on, Kwok, Bit-chee, Lee Peppina Po-lun & Tsou, Benjamin. (Eds.). (2009). Multi-disciplinary Approaches to Cantonese Studies: Papers from the 13th International Conference on Cantonese and Yue Dialects 《粵語跨學科研究:第十三屆國際粵方言研討會論文集》. Monograph Series: Computational and Linguistic Analysis of Asian Languages, No. 4. Hong Kong: Language Information Sciences Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2006). A Comparative Analysis of Chinese News Headline Language of Hong Kong and Taiwan (港台兩地中文報章標題語言分析). Monograph Series No. 3: Computational and Linguistic Analysis of Asian Languages. Hong Kong: Language Information Sciences Research Center, City University of Hong Kong.
B. Journal articles
錢志安. (2022). 從口語語料探索演變中的語言-以粵語中性問句為例. Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics, 15: 377-388.
錢志安 (2021). 漢語方言語料庫的建構和應用 -- 以《二十世紀中期香港粵語語料庫》為例. 《漢語語言學》,第1輯,207-217.
Lee, Jackie Fung King, & Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2021). Constructing gender using visual imagery –a study of early readers. Language and Communication, 78, 1-18.
胡小娟, 錢志安. (2019). 蓮花贛語的類定冠詞“個”及其來源. 《中國語文通訊》, 98(2): 1-12. [LINK]
Lee, Jackie Fung King, & Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2019). Are females and males equitably represented? A study of early readers. Linguistics and Education, 49, 52-61.
錢志安. (2017). 粵語(四字)歇後語的修辭功能. 《粵語研究》(增刊) - 中國南方語言四音節慣用語研究, 125-134.
Kwok, Bit-chee, Chin, Andy Chi-on, Tsou, Benjamin K. (2016). Grammatical diversity across the Yue dialects. Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 44(1):106-152.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2015). The Gelong language in the multilingual hub of Hainan. Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics, 8(1): 140-156.
錢志安. (2013). 粵語研究新資源:《香港二十世紀中期粵語語料庫》. 《中國語文通訊》, 92(1):7-16. [LINK]
錢志安. (2011). 粵語語法的多角度研究. 《中國語文研究》, 31/32:33-43.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2011). Grammaticalization of the Cantonese Double Object Verb [pei35] 畀 in Typological and Areal Perspectives. Language and Linguistics (語言暨語言學), 12(3):529-563. [LINK]
Kwok, Bit-chee, Chin, Andy Chi-on, Tsou, Benjamin Ka-yin. (2011). Poly-functionality of the preverbal “acquire” in the Nanning Yue dialect of Chinese: an areal perspective. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 74(1):119-137.
錢志安. (2010). 粵語間接賓語標記的發展和相關語法現象. 《語言學論叢》, 42:189-210.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2010). Two types of indirect object markers in Chinese: Their typological significance and development. Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 38(1):1-25.
郭必之, 錢志安, 鄒嘉彥. (2008). 粵語‘陽入對轉’同源異形詞的底層來源. 《民族語文》, 4:51-60.
C. Book chapters
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2023). A corpus-based approach to learning and teaching Cantonese. In Lee Siu-lun (Ed.), The Learning and Teaching of Cantonese as a Second Language (pp.184 - 195). London: Routledge.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2020). What can the corpus of mid-20th century Hong Kong Cantonese tell us about Hong Kong society of half a century ago? In Bianca Basciano, Franco Gatti, Anna Morbiato (Eds.), Corpus-Based Research on Chinese Language and Linguistics (pp. 243-262). Venezia: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari - Digital Publishing. [PDF]
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2019). Initiatives of digital humanities in Cantonese studies: A corpus of mid-twentieth-century Hong Kong Cantonese. In Anna Tso Wing Bo (Ed.), Digital Humanities and New Ways of Teaching (pp. 71-88). Singapore: Springer.
黎奕葆, 錢志安. (2018). 粵語的動詞後綴"着". 收錄於何大安, 姚玉敏, 孫景濤, 陳忠敏, 張洪年編, 《漢語與漢藏語前沿研究—— 丁邦新先生八秩壽慶論文集》, 頁697-710. 北京: 社會科學文獻出版社.
Chin, Andy Chi-on (2016). Language shift in the Gelong community of Hainan. In Ting, Pang-Hsin, Cheung, Samuel Hung-Nin, Tang, Sze-Wing, Chin, Andy Chi-on (Eds.), New Horizons in the Study of Chinese: Dialectology, Grammar, and Philology — Studies in Honor of Professor Anne Yue. 《漢語研究的新貌:方言、語法與文獻──獻給余靄芹教授》, pp. 535-550. Hong Kong: T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre, Institute of of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Kwok, Bit-chee, Chin, Andy Chi-on, Tsou, Benjamin. (2015). Yue dialects. In R. Sybesma, W. Behr, Y. Gu, Z. Handel & C.-T. J. Huang (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Volume 4, 690-702. Leiden: Brill.
鄒嘉彥、錢志安、郭必之. (2015). “再談華南地區語言接觸:從社會語言學角度看詞匯及語法演變”.收錄於洪波, 吳福祥, 孫朝奮編, 《梅祖麟教授八秩壽慶學術論文集》, 125-141頁. 北京:首都師範大學出版社.
Chin, Andy Chi-on, Tsou, Benjamin K. (2013). The development of VOC to VCO in Mai-Cantonese of Sanya in Hainan. In Cao Guangshun, Hilary Chappell, Redouane Djamouri, Thekla Wiebusch (Eds.), Breaking Down the Barriers: Interdisciplinary Studies in Chinese Linguistics and Beyond, pp. 817-830. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica.
Tsou, Benjamin K., Chin, Andy Chi-on, Mok, Kenny. (2010). Accelerated urbanization, triglossia and language shift: A case study of Sanya of China’s Hainan province. In Marinus van den Berg and Daming Xu (Eds.), Industrialization and the Restructuring of Speech Communities in China and Europe, pp.269-282. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Company.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2010). The GO-type and the GIVE-type indirect object markers in the Conghua dialect. In W. South Coblin & Anne O. Yue (Eds.), Studies in Honor of Jerry Norman 羅杰瑞先生七秩晉三壽慶論文集, pp.245-276. Hong Kong: The Ng Tor-tai Chinese Language Research Centre, Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
錢志安, 鄒嘉彥, 莫宇航. (2010). 廣西南寧、百色和玉林地區粵語族群的「語言轉移」現象. 收錄於義祥輝, 劉村漢編《第十四屆粵方言國際學術研討會論文集》, 頁182-186. 桂林: 桂林師範高等專科學校學報.
Tsou, Benjamin K., Chin, Andy Chi-on, Ouyang Jueya, To, Carol, Mok, Kenny, Yang, Weihui. (2007). Critical multilingual shift in Sanya, China: Accelerated urbanization and possible sociolinguistic repair. In Maya David, Nicholas Ostler and Caesar Dealwis (Eds.), Proceedings of The Eleventh Conference of the Foundation for Endangered Languages, pp.67-74. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya.
Lee, Peppina, Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2007). A preliminary study on Cantonese GWAI. In Tang Sze-wing and Joanna Sio (Eds.), Studies in Cantonese Linguistics 2, pp.33-54. Hong Kong: Linguistic Society of Hong Kong.
鄒嘉彥, 歐陽覺亞, 江荻, 錢志安. (2006). 三亞邁話族群的語言使用狀況. 收錄於余瑾, 林亦編《第十一屆粵方言國際研討會論文集》, 頁356-364. 南寧: 廣西人民出版社.
錢志安, 鄒嘉彥. (2005). 粵語‘畀’字句語法化演變過程初探. 收錄於鄧景濱, 湯翠蘭編《第九屆國際粵方言研討會論文集》, 頁302-311. 澳門:澳門中國語文學會.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (1998). A quantitative and qualitative analysis of words in Chinese news headlines. In Tsou Benjamin, Lai Tom, Chan Samuel, Wang William S-Y. (Eds.), Quantitative and Computational Studies on the Chinese Language, pp.235-252. Hong Kong: Language Information Sciences Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong.
D. Invited lectures/presentations/conference Presentations/proceedings
錢志安. (2024, November). 大資料下的粵語教學——從一個開放式網上粵語自學平台談起. 2024首屆數智華文高峰論壇暨第二屆嶺南數字人文學術研討會, 暨南大學華文學院, 廣州
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2024, August). Exploring Early Chinese Dialects Through Textual Analysis and Bible Translations. Roundtable on Written Colloquial Chinese Past and Present, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2024, August). Exploring the Interplay of Language, Culture, and Society. School of Cantonese Studies, Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Hong Kong
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2024, July). From Humanities to Digital Humanities: Cantonese Studies in the Big Data Era. Workshop on Cantonese (WOC-24), PolyU Hung Hom Bay Campus, Hong Kong
錢志安. (2024, May). 方言文獻數據庫的建構. 早期漢語文獻語言研究論壇, 中山大學, 廣州.
錢志安. (2023, December). 大數據時代下的語言文化研究. TCCSL 2023 Lecture Series, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2023, December). An Analysis of Cantonese Conversations with a Special Reference to Xiehouyu. The 27th International Conference on Yue Dialects, The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA
錢志安. (2023. November). 大資料時代下的語言文化研究:以香港二十世紀中期粵語語料庫為例. 《首屆嶺南數位人文學術研討會》. 暨南大學, 廣州.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2023, October). From Humanities Research to Digital Humanities Research: The Corpus of Mid-20th Century Hong Kong Cantonese. Fall Symposium on Digital Scholarship 2022, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2023, June). Digital Language Archives for Hong Kong Studies in the Big Data Era. State of Hong Kong Studies: A Workshop. University of British Columbia, BC, Canada.
錢志安. (2023, June). Everyday Cantonese Research 生活化的粵語研究. Guest lecture for Intermediate Cantonese, Cantonese Language Program, Department of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver B.C., Canada.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2023, June). From Humanities to Digital Humanities: Cantonese Studies in the Big Data Era. UBC Cantonese Culture Master Class, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
錢志安. (2023, March). 從「港式中文」探索方言和現代漢語之間的互動關係. 漢語語言接觸與類型研究國際會議, 香港教育大學.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2022, May). Learning Cantonese with a big data approach. The 6th Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics (WICL-6) , Ohio State University, Columbus, USA
錢志安. (2021, December). 漢語方言在漢語語法研究中的角色:以雙賓句為例. BK21中日教育研究團海外專家邀請演講, 高麗大學,首爾,韓國
錢志安. (2021, December). 從口語語料庫探索演變中的語言—以《香港二十世紀中期粵語語料庫》為例. 北京大學-香港教育大學語言學名家學者聯合講座.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2021, August). Integrating MALL and DDL into Cantonese Learning and Teaching: A Case Study of the CanPro Mobile App, The Second International Symposium on Teaching Cantonese as a Second Language, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2021, February). Language Archiving in the Digital Era. UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative, Vancouver, Canada.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2020, August). Learning and Teaching Cantonese in the Big Data Era: Experience from The Corpus of Mid-20th Century Hong Kong Cantonese, 中文方言論壇 Chinese Dialects Festival, Moscow, Russia
錢志安. (2020, March). 粵語的修辭現象 (Rhetorical Devices in Cantonese). Guest lecture (via Zoom), Cantonese Language Programme, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
錢志安. (2019, October). 演變中的語言—以粵語中性問句為例. Invited presentation. 《海外珍藏漢語文獻與漢語研究高端論壇》. 中山大學中文系. 廣州.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2019, October). A Corpus-based Approach to Teaching and Learning of Cantonese. Invited presentation. International Symposium on Teaching Cantonese as a Second Language, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
錢志安. (2019, 9). 漢語方言語料庫的建構和應用-- 以《香港二十世紀中期粵語語料庫》為例. Invited presentation. 第一屆“域外漢文文獻語言學工作坊”. 中山大學珠海校區中文系.
Lee, J. F. K., & Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2019, August). Construction of gender in primary literacy resources – A Hong Kong case. The 10th Malaysia International Conference on Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Malacca.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2019, June). Some contact-induced linguistic features in languages spoken in Hainan. XXXIIèmes Journées de Linguistique d’Asie Orientale (32nd Paris Meeting on East Asian Linguistics), INALCO, Paris, France.
Chin, Andy Chin-on. (2019, June). What can a corpus of Cantonese tell us about the Hong Kong society? First Annual Conference – Society for Hong Kong Studies, Hong Kong.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2019. April). Digital Humanities Research on Language Studies – Linguistic Corpus and Corpus Linguistics. Invited lecture, Department of English, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2018, June). Cantonese Studies in the Big Data Era: Applications and Implications of The Corpus of Mid-20th Century Hong Kong Cantonese. Keynote speech, The 4th Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2018, April). 唔好客氣 vs. 咪走寶: A corpus-based study of Cantonese prohibitive markers. The 18th Workshop on Cantonese, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Lee, J. F. K., & Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2018, March). Gender representation in early readers – Are women and men equal?. The 53rd RELC International Conference, Singapore.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2018, March). Discourse markers in Cantonese. The 30th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
錢志安. (2016). 粵語(四字)歇後語的修辭功能,《百越語言研究:中國南方語言四音節慣用語論文集》, pp.159-170. [LINK]
錢志安. (2016, 4). 早期粵語文獻中慣用語和社會文化之關係,《海外珍藏漢語文獻與南方明清漢語研究研討會》, 廣州.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2015, December). A corpus of mid-20th century Hong Kong Cantonese. Conference on Digital Humanities 2015, Hong Kong.
錢志安. (2015, 12). 從《香港二十世紀中期粵語語料庫》探討粵語多元研究. 《第二十屆國際粵方言研討會》, 香港.
錢志安, 片岡新, 張顯達. (2015, 12). 粵語數位研究.《第六屆數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會》, 台北.
錢志安. (2015, 5). 粵語(四字)歇後語的修辭手法,《「中國南方語言四音節慣用語」研討會》, 香港.
謝明燊, 錢志安. (2015, 4). 粵語「名-量-名」結構的同指用法, 《第十五屆粵語討論會》, 香港.
錢志安, 黎奕葆. (2014, 11). 粵語動詞的後「着」,《海外珍藏漢語文獻與南方明清漢語研究研討會》, 廣州.
錢志安. (2013, 12). 香港語言學學會《粵語拼音詞表》的編纂工作,《第十八屆國際粵方言研討會》, 香港.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2013, December). New language resources for Cantonese linguistics research. Pacific Neighborhood Consortium 2013 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, Kyoto.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2013, August). The development of the Gelong language in the context of language contact. Invited presentation at the LFK Society Young Scholars Symposium, University of Washington, Seattle.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2013, June). Sharing of language resources for research on Cantonese linguistics. HKIEd Knowledge Transfer Sharing Session, Hong Kong.
錢志安, 片岡新, 郭必之, 姚玉敏. (2013, 6): 粵語的「歷時」和「共時」研究.《海外珍藏漢語文獻與南方明清漢語研究”討論會》, 廣州中山大學.
Chin, Andy Chi-on (2013, May). Extending an Early Cantonese Corpus for Multi-modal Analysis. Paper presented at Roundtable Conference on Corpus Linguistics - with special focus on parallel, comparable & multimodal corpus, Hong Kong.
錢志安. (2012, 4). 粵方言歷時研究新資源 -- 《香港二十世紀中期粵語語料庫》,2012 RCLIS Seminar Series on Chinese Language and Linguistics from Multidisciplinary Perspectives (HKIEd), 香港.
Chin, Andy Chi-on (2012, March). A transcribed spoken corpus of mid-20th century Cantonese (http://hkcc.livac.org/). Invited presetation at The Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics, Ohio State University, Columbus.
錢志安. (2012, 2). 香港少數族裔學童「漢語」學習的機遇和挑戰 (Opportunities and Challenges Faced by Hong Kong Ethnic Minorities in Learning "Chinese"), 《「漢語國際化的契機與挑戰」圓桌會議 (Roundtable Conference on The Globalization of the Chinese Language: Opportunities and Challenges)》, 香港.
錢志安. (2011, 12). 粵語間接賓語標記省略現象的共時和歷時研究 (The synchronic and diachronic studies of indirect object marker elision in Cantonese), 《早期粵語語法工作坊 (Workshop on Early Cantonese Grammar)》, 香港.
錢志安. (2011, 12). 香港二十世紀中期粵語語料庫構建及應用 (The construction and application of a linguistic corpus of mid-20th century Cantonese), 《第十六屆國際粵方言研討會》(The 16th International Conference on Yue Dialects), 香港.
Chin, Andy Chi-on, Kwok Bit-chee, Tsou, Benjamin K. (2011, July). When typology meets language contact: The resultative-verb complement construction in Cantonese dialects. The Workshop on Typological Studies of Languages in China (中國語言類型學工作坊), Hong Kong.
錢志安, 鄒嘉彥, 鄺藹兒, 周嘉寶. (2011, 6). 漢語文白自動對照及檢索平台:「雅歌匯」. 《第七屆全球華文網絡教育研討會》, 台灣.
Chin, Andy Chi-on, Tsou, Benjamin K., Kwong, Oi-Yee Olivia. (2011, May). A Corpus Linguistic Study of Categorial Fluidity in Chinese on the Basis of Pseudo-Verbs (從虛義動詞探討漢語詞類兼類問題). The Roundtable Conference on Linguistic Corpus and Corpus Linguistics 《漢語語料庫及語料庫語言學圓桌會議》, Hong Kong.
Tsou, Benjamin K.,Chin, Andy Chi-on, Kwong Oi-Yee Olivia, Tsoi, Wingfu. (2011, May). From Synchronous Corpus to Monitoring Corpus: An Update on the Linguistic Variation Across Chinese Communities (LIVAC) Corpus (從共時語料庫延伸到追踪語料庫:LIVAC《漢語共時語料庫》的新發展). The Roundtable Conference on Linguistic Corpus and Corpus Linguistics 《漢語語料庫及語料庫語言學圓桌會議》, Hong Kong.
錢志安. (2011, 4). 語言接觸下的語法演變. 《「漢語語言學研究新進展」工作坊》, 香港.
錢志安. (2011,3). 從粵語方位名詞談語言對稱現象. 《第十一屆粵語討論會》, 香港教育學院.
Tsou, Benjamin K., Chin Andy Chi-on, Kwong Oi-Yee. (2011, January). From Synchronous Corpus to Monitoring Corpus, LIVAC: The Chinese Case. The Third International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications (DBKDA 2011), St. Maarten.
Tsou, Benjamin K., Chin, Andy Chi-on (2010, December). Studies on Cognitive Variation in the Chinese Language Across the Taiwan Straits. Paper presented at The 2010 Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) Annual Conference, Hong Kong.
鄒嘉彥, 錢志安, 游汝杰, 蔡永富. (2010, 12). 數位化時代和全球性的漢語詞典編纂. 《第五屆海峽兩岸現代漢語問題學術研討會》, 廣州.
鄒嘉彥, 莫宇航, 錢志安. (2010, 12). 從量詞探討粵語語言內部和外部的關係. 《第十五屆國際粵方言學術研討會》, 澳門.
錢志安. (2010, 12). 從粵語被動句的發展探討語法演變機制. 《第十五屆粵方言國際學術研討會》, 澳門.
Chin, Andy Chi-on (2010, November). Cantonese Linguistics Studies in Diachronic, Synchronic and Typological Perspectives 粵語的三維研究方法. The Tenth LSHK Workshop on Cantonese (WOC-10) 香港語言學學會第十屆粵語討論會, Hong Kong.
Tsou, Benjamin K, Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2010, October). A Large Synchronous Corpus as Monitoring Corpus:Some Comparative Content Analysis of Chinese and Japanese Language Developments. The 4th International Universal Communication Symposium (IUCS 2010), Beijing.
錢志安. (2010, 8). 現代漢語雙賓句的幾種句型. 《紀念朱德熙教授誕辰90周年和陸儉明教授從教50周年學術研討會》, 北京.
Tsou, Benjamin K., Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2010, June). Urbanization and language drift and shift: From the perspective of minority groups in Sanya. The 8th Urban Language Seminar, Changchun.
Tsou, Benjamin K., Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2010, May). From Incipient to Categorical Changes in Classification: The Chinese Case. The Final Conference on Categorizing Human Experience: Classification in Languages and Knowledge Systems, Paris.
錢志安, 鄒嘉彥, 莫宇航. (2009, 12). 廣西南寧、百色和玉林地區粵語族群「語言轉移」現象比較和分析. 《第十四屆粵方言國際學術研討會》, 桂林.
鄒嘉彥, 莫宇航, 錢志安, 郭必之. (2009, 11). 廣西地區「語言飄離」和「語言轉移」現象與語言瀕危探索. 《瀕危方言學術研討會》, 廣州.
Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2009, July). Two Types of Indirect Object Markers in Chinese: Their Typological Significance and Development. Shortlisted paper for the Young Scholar Award of the 17th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics, Paris.
Mok, Kenny, Tsou Benjamin K. Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2009, July). The spread of nominal Classifiers ―Tong (通) and ―Qi (起) in the written Chinese of Hong Kong: A study on language contact. The 17th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics, Paris.
錢志安. (2008, 12). 粵語的兩個間接賓語標記. 《第十三屆國際粵方言研討會》, 香港.
Chin, Andy Chi-on, Tsou, Benjamin K. (2008, July). Some considerations on the mechanism of linguistic change: Grammaticalization of GIVE in the Yue dialects of Chinese. The 18th International Congress of Linguistics, Seoul.
Chin, Andy Chi-on, Tsou Benjamin K., You Rujie, Tsoi Wing-fu. (2008, July). Some aspects of divergence in neological development: The Chinese case. The 18th International Congress of Linguistics, Seoul.
Tsou Benjamin K., Chin Andy Chi-on, Ouyang Jueya, Mok, Kenny. (2008, July). Language policy and implementation, and accelerated urbanization in China: Transitional triglossia and language shift. The 18th International Congress of Linguistics, Seoul.
Tsou Benjamin, Chin, Andy Chi-on. (2006, August). Some aspects of the nature and extent of lexical variation in Chinese. International Conference on Terminology, Standardization and Technology Transfer Proceedings 2006 (TSTT-2006), Beijing.
E. Knowledge Transfer Workshops / lectures
Language Archiving in the Digital Era. UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative, Vancouver, Canada, 2021.2.5 [LINK]
Digital Humanities Research on Language Studies – Linguistic Corpus and Corpus Linguistics. Hang Seng University, Hong Kong, 2019.4.18.
大數據下的語文研究—以粵語為例, 《前沿講壇第十七講》, 中山大學中國語言文學系(珠海), 2019.4.2
The Role of English in Non-English Speaking Communities: A Comparison of Russia & Hong Kong. English Workshops at Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 2018.4.3-4.
The Role of English in Non-English Speaking Communities: A Comparison of Kazakhstan & Hong Kong. English Workshop for the Kazakhstan Training Programme, Suleyman Demirel University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2017.10.25.
The Role of English in Non-English Speaking Communities: A Comparison of Kazakhstan & Hong Kong. English Workshop for the Kazakhstan Training Programme, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2016.12.19.
Language Resources for Cantonese Linguistics Research, Department of Linguistics & Modern Languages, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014.10.9.
Guest lecture for RPg and EdD students on Development of Research Proposal, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2014.6.21.
Guest lectures for BA(Hons) Language Studies students on Methodology in Linguistics Research (2013 and 3/2014).
Guest lectures for BA(Hons) Language Studies students on 《香港二十世紀中期粵語語料庫》及其應用, 10/2013.
Guest lecture for BA(Hons) Language Studies students on《漢語的動態研究》, 3/2013.
Guest lectures for MEd and EdD/RPg students on Research Methodology and Quantitative Research Methods, 9/2012 and 10/2012.
Guest lectures on Cantonese Grammar for School Teachers for the EDB commissioned Thematic Course on Supporting Students with SEN - Sensory, Communication and Physical Needs (Focusing on the needs of students with Hearing Impairment & Speech & Language Impairment), organized by Department of Special Education & Counseling [March 3, June 12 2015, January 16, March 28, July 4 2014, May 2, June 13 2013].
Guest lectures on Cantonese Grammar for School Teachers for the EDB commissioned Thematic Course on Education for Students with Hearing Impairment & Speech and Language Impairment, organized by Department of Special Education & Counseling [25, 28 June 2012, 24 April, 3 February 2012, 26 October, 24 June, 16 February 2011].