Soft Matter Earth & Planetary Physics (SMEPP) Subgroup
Welcome to Hiroaki Katsuragi's SMEPP web page. We are studying experimental soft matter physics relating to earth and planetary phenomena. In particular, granular physics is mainly studied by various experiments. Join us if you are interested in.
Soft Matter Earth and Planetary Science Group
Department of Earth and Space Science, Osaka University, Japan (admission info)
(Complete list of publication is here)
Resistive force modelling for shallow cone penetration into dry and wet granular layers
N. Iikawa and H. Katsuragi,
Acta Geotechnica, doi:10.1007/s11440-024-02456-z, (2024).
Floating drift on a vibro-fluidized relaxing granular slope
Y. Yamamoto and H. Katsuragi,
Phys. Rev. Research, 6, 043178 (2024).
Air-jet impact craters on granular surfaces: a universal scaling
P. Sonar and H. Katsuragi,
J. Fluid Mech., 998, A29 (2024).
Drop impact on wet granular beds: effects of water-content on cratering
W. Zhang, H. Katsuragi, and K. Yamamoto,
Energy dissipation of a sphere rolling up a granular slope: slip and deformation of granular surface
T. Fukumoto, K. Yamamoto, M. Katsura, and H. Katsuragi,
Phys. Rev. E, 109, 014903 (2024).
Disordering two-dimensional magnet-particle configurations using bidispersity
K. Tsuchikusa, K. Yamamoto, M. Katsura, C.T. de Paula, J.A.C. Modesto, S. Dorbolo, F. Pacheco Vazquez, Y.D. Sobral, and H. Katsuragi,
J. Chem. Phys., 158, 214501 (2023).
Impact drag force exerted on a projectile penetrating into a hierarchical granular bed
F. Okubo and H. Katsuragi,
Astron. Astrophys. 664, A147 (2022)
Deformation of a rotated granular pile governed by body-force-dependent friction
T. Irie, R. Yamaguchi, S. Watanabe, and H. Katsuragi,
Phys. Rev. E 104, 064902 (2021)
Undulating compression and multi-stage relaxation in a granular column consisting of dust particles or glass beads
F. Pacheco Vazquez, T. Omura, and H. Katsuragi,
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013190 (2021)
Centroid migration on an impacted granular slope due to the asymmetric ejecta deposition and landsliding
T. Omura, S. Takizawa, and H. Katsuragi,
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 502, 293 (2021)
Scaling laws for the oblique impact cratering on an inclined granular surface
S. Takizawa and H. Katsuragi
Impact-induced energy transfer and dissipation in granular clusters under microgravity conditions
H. Katsuragi and J. Blum,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 208001 (2018).
See also Physics - Synopsis: Throwing Dust at Planet Formation.
Void structure stability in wet granular matter and its application to crab burrows and cometary pits
A. Shinoda, S. Fujiwara, H. Niiya, and H. Katsuragi,
Relaxation Dynamics of a Granular Pile on a Vertically-Vibrating Plate
D. Tsuji, M. Otsuki, and H. Katsuragi,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 128001 (2018).
The Physics of Protoplanetesimal Dust Agglomerates. IX. Mechanical properties of dust aggregates probed by a solid-projectile impact
H. Katsuragi and J. Blum,
Obstacle-shape effect in a two-dimensional granular silo flow field
K. Endo, K. Anki Reddy, and H. Katsuragi,
Phys. Rev. Fluids 2, 094302 (2017).
Sensitivity of Granular Force Chain Orientation to Disorder-induced Metastable Relaxation
N. Iikawa, M. M. Bandi, and H. Katsuragi,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 128001 (2016).
Timescale of asteroid resurfacing by regolith convection resulting from the impact-induced global seismic shaking
T. M. Yamada, K. Ando, T. Morota, and and H. Katsuragi,
Morphology scaling of drop impact onto a granular layer
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 218001 (2010).
See also Phys. Rev. Focus 25, Story 20 (2010).
Jamming and growth of dynamical heterogeneities versus depth for granular heap flow
H. Katsuragi, A. R. Abate, and D. J. Durian,
Unified force law for granular impact cratering
H.Katsuragi and D. J. Durian,
Diffusion-induced spontaneous pattern formation on gelation surfaces
Europhys. Lett. 73, 793 (2006).
Explosive fragmentation of a thin ceramic tube using pulsed power
H. Katsuragi, S. Ihara, and H. Honjo,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 095503 (2005).
Multiaffinity and entropy spectrum of self-affine fractal profiles
H. Katsuragi and H. Honjo,
Hiroaki Katsuragi
Department of Earth and Space Science,
Graduate School of Science,
Osaka University
1-1 Machikaneyama, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, JAPAN
Phone: +81-(0)6-6850-5799
E-mail: katsuragi ”AT”
Converted: April 29, 2021
Open: Aug. 22, 2015