After school is dismissed on Friday afternoon volunteers begin transforming the high school.  All 6th - 12th grade band students are asked to volunteer.  Volunteers have a few hours to get everything ready before vendors begin arriving.  It makes a long day for students who have come straight from class, and parents who have come straight from work.  

When vendors arrive Friday night, volunteers assist vendors unloading their vehicles and trailers.  

At 9:30pm we send everyone home to rest and get some sleep. Volunteers are asked to return 

to the high school starting at 5:30am to continue assisting vendors who begin arriving at 6am.  

Everything is expected to be set up and ready before the show opens to the public at 9am.

When the show ends our volunteers assist the vendors by helping carry out and reload their remaining goods and supplies. By 4pm, vendors and volunteers alike have had a long day, everyone works together, and most are still smiling. Our goal is to have the high school cleaned and reset by 7pm.

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