Late Work Policy

Highmore High School FACS Department Make-up and Late Work Policy

Rationale: Highmore High School is establishing a High School Make-up and Late Work policy in order to provide consistency across the district with regard to the acceptance and credit awarded for work that is turned-in by students beyond a prescribed deadline. The expectation is that all students turn in assignments on time. But, when this does not occur, we need to encourage students to show responsibility for their learning by completing the assignments. The philosophy of awarding partial credit for late work takes into account the following assumptions:

1.0 The teacher had a valid reason for assigning the work.

2.0 The assignment is aligned to the curriculum.

3.0 The assignment is designed to help inform the student and teacher of the student’s level of mastery of the course objectives.

If these assumptions are true, then the student should be expected to complete all assignments, even if the work is turned in late.

Make-up Work: Make up work is defined as any assignments or tests students need to complete due to an excused absence. Students will be allowed the same amount of days equal to the number of excused absent days to make up assignments for full credit.

Late Work: Late work is defined as any work completed and turned in after a designated due date. Work becomes late when an absence is unexcused, for truancy or when a student turns in assignments after the equal number of days allowed for excused absences. Late work will be accepted up to the day prior to the last day of the grade-in progress period (each 4 ½ weeks/midterm & quarter). Students will receive a grade with a minimum of 50% of the grade the student would have originally earned if the assignment was turned in on the actual due date (Possibly more due to student effort and teacher discretion). Note: these assignments will be marked “late” in the gradebook until the check in points (every 4 ½ weeks) and at that time they will be marked as “missing” and will be calculated as a zero.