Targeted Product Design (with Guillermo Caruana and Vicente Cuñat) American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2023, 15(2), 157-86.

Search, Showrooming and Retailer Variety (with Sandro Shelegia) Marketing Science, 2023, Vol 42(2), 251-270. 

Training, Recruitment, and Outplacement as Endogenous Asymmetric Information (with Clare Leaver), Economica, 2022,  89, 849–861

Motivating Employees through Career Paths (with Raphaël Lévy) Journal of Labor Economics, Vol 40 (1), 2022, 95-131.

Adverse Selection, Efficiency, and the Structure of Information (with Ian Jewitt and Clare Leaver) Economic Theory, 72, 2021, 579-614.

Reputation with Opportunities for Coasting (with Joyee Deb) Journal of the European Economic Association, 19(1), Feb 2021, 200-236.

Blockholder voting (with Joel Shapiro) Journal of Financial Economics, June 2020, Vol 136 (3), 695-717. Final version here.

Vertical Information Restraints: Pro- and Anti-Competitive Impacts of Minimum Advertised Price Restrictions  (with John Asker) Journal of Law and Economics, February 2020, 63 (1), 111-148.

Advertising and Related Restraints, (with John Asker) CPI Antitrust Chronicle, January 2018, 43-48.

Introduction to Symposium on Market Structure, Competition and Economic Outputs, Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol 64(3), September 2016, 367-374.

Special Issue: Selected Papers, European Association for Research in Industrial Economics 41st Annual Conference, Milan, Italy/29–31 August 2014, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol 43, November 2015, 136.

Brokers' Contractual Arrangements in Manhattan Rental Markets (with Alessandro Gavazza) Journal of Urban Economics, Vol 86, 2015, 73-82.

(Good and Bad) Reputation for a Servant of Two Masters (with Joyee Deb) American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Vol 6(4), 2014, 293-325.

Long-term debt and hidden borrowing (with Vicente Cuñat) The Review of Corporate Finance Studies Vol 3 (1-2), 2014, 87-122. 

Specialized Careers (with Johannes Hörner), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Vol 23(4), 2014, Fall 2014, 601–627

What is a Good Reputation? Career Concerns with Heterogeneous Audiences (with Joyee Deb) International Journal of Industrial Organization (Papers and Proceedings of the EARIE Conference 2013), Volume 34, May 2014, 44-50. 

Raising Retailers' Profits: On Vertical Practices and the Exclusion of Rivals (with John Asker), American Economic Review, February 2014, Vol 104(2): 672-86. Erratum  Appendix

Ratings Quality over the Business Cycle (with Joel Shapiro) (Additional materials: Technicial Appendix) Journal of Financial Economics, April 2013, 108(1), 62-78.

Search, Design, and Market Structure (with Guillermo Caruana and Vicente Cuñat), American Economic Review, April 2012, 102(2): 1140–1160.

Information gathering externalities in product markets (with Guillermo Caruana and Vicente Cuñat), Journal of Industrial Economics, March 2012, Vol. LX, No. 1, 162–185.

Transparency, Career Concerns, and Incentives for Acquiring Expertise, The B. E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, Vol. 12: Iss. 1, Article 4, 2012. 

Credit Ratings Accuracy and Analyst Incentives (with Joel Shapiro), American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings), May 2011, Volume 101:3, 120–124.

Information gathering and marketing (with Guillermo Caruana and Vicente Cuñat), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Volume 19, Number 2, Summer 2010, 375–401.

Interrogation Methods and Terror Networks (with Mariagiovanna Baccara) (2009) Mathematical Methods in Counterterrorism eds N. Memon, J. D. Farley, D. L Hicks, and T. Rosenorn, Springer,  271-290. 

Breadth, Depth, and Competition, Economics Letters, (May 2009), Volume 103(2), 110-112.

How to organize crime (with Mariagiovanna Baccara) Review of Economic Studies, 2008, Volume 75(4), 1039–1067. 

Recruitment, training, and career concerns (with Juanjo Ganuza) Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2008, Volume 17 (4). 839-864. (Additional materials: Computational Model

Seller Reputation (with Steve Tadelis), Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics, 2008, Volume 4:4, 273-351.

Something to prove: Reputation in teams RAND Journal of Economics, (Summer 2007), Volume 38(2), 495-511. (reprinted in The Economics of Reputation, 2017 eds J.J. McClusky and J. Winfree, Edward Elgar)

Imperfect Competition and Reputational Commitment, Economics Letters, (November 2005), Volume 89(2), 167-173. 

Reputation and Survival: learning in a dynamic signalling model, Review of Economic Studies, (April 2003), Volume 70(2), 231-251. An earlier version is available as as Self-Confidence and Survival, STICERD Theoretical Economics DP 428 or in my thesis. In addition to a better title, the chief difference with respect to the published version is a finite period version of the model that allows the firm to choose equilibrium prices. The equilibrium might see the firm choose a low price (that is below the consumers willingness to pay) when its reputation is bad. The intuition here is that making life tough in bad states is worse for a bad seller than a good one and so flushes out bad sellers quickly allowing the good to capture higher value.