Earth Lab ..... social chemistry WAR message via the chemistry glass stopper CODE

Post date: Jan 9, 2021 4:02:47 AM

Earth Lab .....

social chemistry WAR message


the chemistry glass stopper CODE

RD-blog-number-5010 by Herb Zinser reviews the organic chemistry EARTH LAB message from Virginia TECH and other locations.

Earth LAB is just Nature's larger version of the chemistry lab used by humans.

The EARTH Lab signaling event ....

The Washington Post

Dec 8, 2011 - A Virginia Tech police officer was fatally shot Thursday during a routine traffic stop on the Blacksburg campus and a second person was found ...

Virginia Tech police identified the slain officer as Deriek W. Crouse, 39, of Christiansburg.

The periodic atomic table language code Ch --> CH --> Carbon Hydrogen message situation ... hence, EARTH LANGUAGE and the Darwin SYMBOL selection of someone with a proper noun or identifier in their name or town ..... with code CH ..... enabling others to recognize the possible significance of signaling EVENT.

Keyword stop --> chemistry stopper

Thus...we have case of Lewis Carroll with Alice ..Thru the Looking Glass ----> EARTH systems and Nature ...LOOK via the Glass Stopper and Flask.

The most famous LAB event ....

The Lab event occurred at Fort (LAB) Hood in Killeen, Texas In November 2009.

Let's look at another blog post the covers organic chemistry messages and includes more information about Virginia TECH.

Darwinian diesel fuel molecular selection process – DEATH

equation of Germanwings, Virginia TECH, and others

Rd-blog-number-4996 by Herb Zinser reviews the SYMBOL MACHINE keyword –> Diesel fuel.

Rd-blog-number-4996 by Herb Zinser reviews the SYMBOL MACHINE keyword –> Diesel fuel.

diesel fuel gasoline engine-1

The atomic symbols used by Nature’s hydrocarbon organic chemistry MILITARY molecule are ….

atom table 6

The DEATH command keyword –> Diesel –> Die + sel –> die/death selection system of the organic molecule continuum ……. which is Nature’s base operating platform upon which 2-legged humans and 4-legged animals exist.

Thus the underlying foundation of organic chemistry hydrocarbon molecules and their social chemistry thoughts can rise up and influence and/or control human thought and behavior. This is an example of the well-known Hierarchy Problem in physics …. scientists are upset because their wives told them they are superior to everything ……. thus they lose their philosophical perception of Man’s partnership with Nature …. but, still a subset relationship with Nature.

Let’s look at another blog post that outlines Nature’s systems messages to human thinkers.

The organic molecule WAR news – Germanwings crash and Turkish TK-726 accident

Rd-blog-number-4512 by Herb Zinser reviews 2 air plane signaling EVENTs that help explain the organic chemistry continuum wars with the methane and diesel fuel MILITARY molecules.

The organic chemistry …. hydrocarbon molecule MILITARY expression EVENTS generate an information database that provides various codes.

Two events occurred that attracted my attention.

The event that I first read about was the Germanwings tragedy.

Germanwings crash: Reports of video from plane denied ……/france-germanwings-plane-crash-mai…


3 days ago – First up-close footage from the Germanwings crash site ….. seconds from on board the flight as it crashed into the French Alps on March 24.

After reading some things about the Germanwings crash … I glanced at some other articles about other plane crashes. For some reason ….. the article about the Turkish plane accident in Nepal …seemed to linger in my mind an unsolved puzzle.

Turkish Airlines plane crash-lands in Nepal (PHOTOS …–plane–nepal–accident/


Mar 4, 2015 – Turkish Airlines passengers barely escaped serious injuries after their Airbus A330 skidded off the runway in foggy Nepal and crash-landed nose down in … the runway at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu March 4, 2015. … have been reported on the plane which had 238 people on board, with …

Before, I continue ..let’s review some concepts.

Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.

Using Galileo’s suggestions of ” 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS” we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces……. the 2 CHIEF existential entities

1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, molecules, atoms etc.

2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.

Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel

Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.

Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories

There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.

Another idea…..

The Hidden Reality – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Hidden Reality is a book by Brian Greene published in 2011 which explores the concept of the EARTHLY multiverse and the possibility of EARTHLY parallel universes.

Content – ‎Reception – ‎Popular culture – ‎See also

Another concept ….

Do parallel universes really exist? – HowStuffWorks…/parallel–universe.htm

In 1954, a young Princeton University doctoral candidate named Hugh Everett III came up with a radical idea: That there exist EARTHLY parallel universes, exactly like our …

The Theory of Parallel Universes – For Dummies…/the-theory-of-parallel–universes.html

The multiverse is a theory in which our personal universe is not the only one, but states that many EARTHLY universes and schools of thought exist parallel to each other. These distinct information universes within the …

Given these concept tools .. let take a second look at the Turkish plane crash in Nepal.

Turkish Airlines jet carrying 238 passengers crash lands in ……/Turkish–jetliner-skids-runway-passenger…

Daily Mail

A Turkish Airlines jet carrying 238 passengers crash-landed in Nepal’s capital …

Published: 00:08 EST, March 4 2015 |

Updated: 19:00 EST, March 4 2015 …. Rescue: Nepalese inspect the Turkish Airlines jet that skidded off a slippery runway …

March –> information pointer –>

The organic chemistry molecular continuum expression ……………..

Turkish Airlines plane crash-lands in Nepal (PHOTOS …–plane–nepal–accident/


Mar 4, 2015 – Turkish Airlines passengers barely escaped serious injuries after their Airbus A330 skidded off the runway in foggy Nepal and crash-landed nose down in … the runway at Tribhuvan International Airport

in Kathmandu March 4, 2015.

Above, the methane code CH4 —> scheduled day of expression performance –> March 4 ..messages for the 4H-Club of America …… message to these farm agriculture students in high school taking a chemistry course … attention please …. you belong to an organic chemistry humanoid organization.

Thus we begin to realize other molecule messages.

Thus we have the Isaac Asimov concept equation –> alkane –> algorithms Kane –> the social and economic algorithms in Kane county and FermiLAB .. in the CH area –> Carbon Hydrogen expression area of Ch = Chicago

Below, a group of molecular structures at FermiLAB ..some of them are EARTH LAB alkane expression structures.

Others, some from the University of Chicago in Hyde Park.

The Hyde Park section belongs to the Chicago politcial system and elects an alderman.

Leslie Hairston – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Leslie Hairston (born July 17, 1961) is alderman of the 5th ward of the City of Chicago; she was elected in 1999. Hairston is a Hyde Park native. As alderman ..

Thus we have the University of Chicago Chemistry Department SECRET CODE –

-> Alderman Hyde Park … subset code

-> Alde……..Hyde –> Aldehyde humanoid species

Given the history of these social expression of the carbon atom ……. organic chemistry implies –> molecular social chemistry.

Now, let’s return to the tragic signaling EVENT of the Germanwings air plane crash …AND ..let;s look at the database.

Germanwings plane crash: What we know –…/france-germanwings-crash-what-we-kno…


Mar 26, 2015 – Mystery surrounds what happened on board Germanwings Flight 9525, which crashed … The plane had 144 passengers

and six crew members.

The key data –> six crew –> 6 c –> atomic number 6 c = carbon

Germanwings crash: Reports of video from plane denied ……/france-germanwings-plane-crash-mai…


3 days ago – First up-close footage from the Germanwings crash site ….. seconds from on board the flight as it crashed into the French Alps on

March 24

March’s Advanced Organic Chemistry – Wiley Online Library › … › Organic Chemistry

John Wiley & Sons

May 18, 2006 – March’s Advanced Organic Chemistry:

Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure, … The Sixth Edition of a classic in organic chemistry continues its ..

Advanced organic chemistry: reactions, mechanisms, and …

American Chemical Society

by BE Norcross – ‎1993 – ‎Cited by 1 – ‎Related articles

reviews. Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure, Fourth Edition. Jerry March. Wiley: New York, NY, 1992. xv + 1495 pp. Figs.

Thus we see that organic molecule with a March 24 –> number –> h 24 –> 24 hydrogen atoms are gasoline and diesel fuel molecules.

Then we ask ..what molecule is 24 or near 24.

Thus we have diesel fuel range … hydrogen number 23, 24 34.

Now, let’s look at the organic chemistry continuum WORD command –> Diesel –> Nature’s systems command to the molecules in the human brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR.

The Hierarchy of molecular order .. ensures that Nature’s systems order are obeyed by the puppet human species. In other other words, Nature’s molecular system orders OVER-RIDE individual human thoughts …. an example is Nature’s Darwinian selection of Andreas Lubitz the co-pilot.



Darwin ..what data CLUES exist in the database

Germanwings Co-Pilot Deliberately ‘Accelerated the Descent’…/germanwings-co-pilot-deliberately-accelerated-the-des…


Mar 26, 2015 – … 38,000 feet to 100 feet, according to Flightradar24, a website that tracks aviation data. • 5:14 p.m. ET: Police searched Germanwings Flight …



Darwin ..what data CLUES exist in the database

Germanwings Co-Pilot Deliberately ‘Accelerated the Descent’…/germanwings-co-pilot-deliberately-accelerated-the-des…


Mar 26, 2015 – … 38,000 feet to 100 feet, according to Flightradar24, a website that tracks aviation data. • 5:14 p.m. ET: Police searched Germanwings Flight …

The SYMBOL MACHINE organic chemistry molecule keyword

—> diesel –> components –> die + sel –> die/death + hydrocarbon molecule selection process is underway by Nature’s systems …..

the year 2015 month of March announcement ..

about March’s advanced textbook –> and diesel molecule thoughts inside the human brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR march into military action.

Diesel –> die/death selection. …a new natural process of molecules and their social engineering thoughts

Additional database information pointers ….

German flight’s 8-minute descent is key mystery in crash


Mar 24, 2015 – One of the key questions emerging for investigators in the crash of Germanwings Flight 9525, … #4U9525 cruising

at 38,000 feet on course 43°.

Number 38 –> pointer to organic chemistry table –>propane molecule ..poetry sound rhyme –> Pro Pain …

and Barcelona Spain –> spain –> s Pain –> system pain

Now, let’s take the concepts we have outlined and review their messages.

Above, see the periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought … and their molecule extensions …. and the molecule expression system WAR ————>

Hydrocarbon molecules VERSUS human molecules, their bull-stories, and their CH = CHildren molecule errors

Thus Nature’s created air plane crash to generate empirical data for researchers. The generated Germanwings database information implies a very CLEAR message about Darwin and molecular EVOLUTION of molecule social chemistry thoughts and policy.

The struggle for existence by hydrocarbon molecules AND Sartre existentialism.

Sartre, Jean Paul: Existentialism | Internet Encyclopedia of …

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

by CJ Onof – ‎2010

The philosophical career of Jean Paul Sartre (1905-1980) focuses, in its first phase, upon the construction of a philosophy of existence known as existentialism.

Sartre’s ontology is explained in his philosophical masterpiece, Being and Nothingness, where

he defines two types of reality which lie beyond our conscious experience:

……. in year 2015 …. these 2 types of reality are partially accessible to conscious experience via math and chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, etc … basic college textbooks ….. that need about twenty or thirty years to philosophically sink down into the deeper levels of the subconscious MIND

In year 2015, we see the molecular species and their extensions ..molecular display devices …humanoids.

Earlier in this blog post …..

we covered the alkane molecule expression agents that live in Kane County and work at FermiLAB.

We covered the University of Chicago and the aldehyde students and professor that hide in Hyde Park.

Somet University of Chicago physics professor work part time at FermiLAB;

and they take aldehyde messages from Hyde Park to the alkane molecule species in Batavia ….. hence, a molecular data pipeline between species.

Finally, let’s look at some feedback systems between the 2 events data…………..

The 2 Jerry March connected events…..

–> Germanwings March 24 38,000 feet

–> Turkish plane March 4 Nepal 238 passengers code (one estimate given)

The World is Not Enough: A New Theory of

EARTHLY Parallel Universes

and SYMBOL universes…/the-world-is-not-enough-a-n…

Universe Today

Nov 4, 2014 – This is the new theory about parallel universes explained by Australian and American …. Parallel Universes and the Many-Worlds Theory of human activities, schools of thought, etc

..and information parallel systemsThe 2 Jerry March connected events…..

–> Germanwings March 24 38,000 feet

–> Turkish plane March 4 Nepal 238 passengers code (one estimate given)

Analysis of Germanwings event codes that point back to the Nepal event ..

March 24 –> number 2 and 4 –> 2 implies parallel EVENT in March. Remainder number 4 –> gives March 4 in Nepal.

Number 2 (the parallel sign of Euclidean geometry) and number 38 (of 38,000 feet altitude) –> pointer to 238 passengers at a high altitude airport ..hence, Kathmandu, Nepal

Kathmandu – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The city stands at an elevation of approximately 1,400 metres (4,600 ft) in the bowl-shaped Kathmandu Valley of central Nepal.

Thus we have a puzzle of Nature we ought understand ….. about advanced diesel fuel and propane.

Let’s look at some more examples … school shootings.

atom table 6

The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008. Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, killing five people and himself for a

total of six dead –> the atomic number 6 of carbon.

The incident happened at the campus’s Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. local time

Cole Hall at

Cole Hall at

C…. H at

Carbon Hydrogen atomic war site for hydrocarbons in Illinois ..greater CHicago region west to DeKalb, Illinois.

Another CH shooting — > code CH –> Columbine High shooting.


The Columbine High School massacre was a school shooting that occurred on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School in Columbine, an unincorporated area …

Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold – ‎Rachel Scott – ‎Cassie Bernall – ‎Hi-Point Carbine

diesel fuel gasoline engine-1


He was a senior-level undergraduate student at the university. The shooting rampage came to be known as the Virginia Tech shooting. Cho

Diesel fuel C16H34 –> number 16 –> selection of April 16

Diesel fuel C16H34 –> number 34 –> target approximate number for number of dead

virginia tech 8


32 + 1 = 33 (including the perpetrator)

Diesel fuel molecule selection of proper noun –> CHO –> Mr. CHO –> Carbon Hydrogen Organic molecule ….. social engineering process control expression systems AND the feedback ERROR signal.

The orginal EVENT –>


32 + 1 = 33 (including the perpetrator)

diesel fuel gasoline engine-1

The failure to understand the original tragic signal resulted in Nature’s creation of a 2nd CARBON atom signaling event at Virginia TECH. › US

ABC News

Dec 9, 2011 – Police have identified Ross Truett Ashley as the alleged gunman who fatally shot a Virginia Tech police officer before killing himself about 30 …

December 8th, 2011

05:31 PM ET

A Virginia Tech police officer was among two people killed Thursday on the

derierk crouse   virginia tech orgnaic

The male suspect shot and killed Virginia Tech police officer Deriek Crouse in a parking lot Thursday afternoon before killing himself with the same handgun about a half-mile away, school officials said during a press conference Friday.

Crouse was killed after pulling over a Virginia Tech student in a traffic stop at around 12:15 p.m.

Crouse –> subset symbol C –> suggests a Carbon atom message may be involved

Deriek –> Der –> implies an oil derrick ……… hydrocarbon molecule continuum may be involved in this signaling EVENT

Mar 26, 2015 – An oil derrick is a drilling rig used in producing oil and natural gas. A basic oil derrick has an upright stationary section and…

Thus ……Nature is drilling for information in the Carl Jung carbon molecule collective unconsciousness GROUP MIND of the Virginia TECH collective of organic life forms …. students, professors, and employees.

stop at around 12

stop at around 12 –> stop code

stop at around 12 –> chemistry class stopper with carbon 12

atom table 6


the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

glass stopper virginia tech

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

glass stopper virginia  traffic shooting › About Education › Chemistry › Blog

May 7, 2012 – Ground glass stoppers can be temperamental, but it’s possible to get any stopper free without breaking the glass.

Above Nature’s world SYSTEM message for university chemistry and English departments.

derierk crouse   virginia tech orgnaic
diesel fuel gasoline engine-1

Thus the original event on April 16, 2007 LINKED to carbon with 16 C atoms in the molecule.

32 dead + Mr. CHO the carrier messenger dead = 33 …… next event

1 dead + Ross Truett Ashley molecular agent dead = 2 more.

Thus we have a range ………….. of the sum total of carbon social policy messages.

EVENT 1 <———————————————> Event 1 + Event 2

33 <——- diesel fuel blend 34 ——> 33 + 2 gives 35

Alternative fuels tend to be made up of small, fairly simple molecules; for example, … Petroleum fuels are blends of lots of different chemical species; in general, the … this monster is cetane, or n-hexadecane (C16H34), typical of diesel fuel. …

Thus in year 2015, you have some clues about Nature’s MILITARY molecule continuum expression systems …that will help you understand the incomplete explanations printed in the newspapers. The incomplete explanation involve the deeper levels of REALITY that may underlie an expression event.

abstarction ladder 2 larger