
Post date: Nov 2, 2020 3:59:02 AM

From the Z-paper series by Herb Zinser

Z-paper-594 --->

The 14th Dalai Lama genetics experiment PROBLEM at the University of Wisconsin, Madison

Let's look at Nature's message processing system AND its messages.

This paper uses Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE to understand the CARL JUNG collective unconsciousness of the university collective GROUP MIND and the human bio-computer.

In addition, researchers study the Wisconsin state assembly and the state legislature that programs citizen brain computers with behavior and thought instructions. The state assembly uses assembly language. Using Darwinian adaption the copper-wire computer assembly language was adapted to the human brain processor. Citizens approve of this process .... because it eliminates the need to think and study math and science. Thus the brain is then freed to party, dance, watch sports, talk nonsense, etc. Thus the few serious peole that do take INTELLECTUAL life seriously are servants for the party people ..... that rank high on the evolutionary scale for their social psychology manipulation tricks and schemes.

The SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of English language words and concepts, math and physics equations, biochemistry diagrams, electromagnetic sin wave schematics, etc. The SYMBOL MACHINE equivalent are basic college textbooks in math and science that may be found in any bookstore or a bookstore near a university.

To understand the paper below ...we are reminded of ....

books.google.com › Language Arts & Disciplines Linguistics General

A revised, updated edition of S. I. Hayakawa's classic work on semantics. He discusses the role of language, its many functions, and how language shapes our ..


Uit: Language in Thought and Action, door S.I. Hayakawa. Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds. First, we .

Abstraction Ladder - Rijnlandmodel


In fact, both words and thoughts are based on a model of the world, the ... This simple two-line statement is already full of abstractions. ... collected by Hayakawa in his archetypal version of the abstraction ladder, see the illustration alongside.


Korzybski's Structural Differential and Hayakawa's Abstraction Ladder


by S Stockdale - ‎Cited by 4 - ‎Related articles

model, while some of you used Hayakawa's Abstraction Ladder diagram. ... two models should not be confused with each other. ... In other words, my most.

Ladder of Abstraction

Let's look at some nitrogen atom and genetic messages from the foundations of Nature that ought be on your BRAIN's abstraction ladder of concepts that exist.

Nitrogen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


There are two stable isotopes of nitrogen: 14N and 15N. By far the most common is 14N (99.634%), which is produced in the CNO cycle in stars. Of the ten


Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama

Birth to Exile | The Office of His Holiness The Dalai Lama

www.dalailama.com › The Dalai Lama

The offical website for The Office of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, is the spiritual leader of Tibet.


Alfred North Whitehead, OM FRS (15 February 1861 – 30 December 1947) was an English mathematician and philosopher. He has been called the “greatest ...

Process and Reality - ‎Process philosophy - ‎Category:Alfred North Whitehead


The Principia Mathematica is a three-volume work on the foundations of mathematics, written by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell and published in ...

Scope of foundations laid - ‎The construction of the theory ... - ‎Notation used in PM

Let's consider the living EARTH cell and its existential contents on the geography surface of EARTH and the expressions and interactions of those entities .... such as human meetings and conferences.

Above, we see the key phrase ..... about being in the social / relgious presence of the 14th Dali Lama --> transferred to 14 N containing medium.

Such would occur in Madison ... with the people meeting ..

www.dalailama.com › News

by Dalai Lama - in

May 16, 2010 - Madison, WI, USA, 15 May 2010 - His Holiness the Dalai Lama arrived in Madison, Wisconsin ...when different generations/ age groups interact with SYMBOLS, words, concepts .... the genetics of the living English language.

Below, the generations of spirtiual thougth / philosophy / and ideas ..from generation to generation .. ..... a stream of subconsciousness ... a process that parallels the physical biology FLOWCHART below.

A group interaction of various STATES of MINDS and levels of the Hayakawa abstraction ladder.

Delaware equation → De + law + awareness → Code law awareness

Delaware corporations as a Carl Jung collective group

of corpuscles ---> Dela + field → Delafield Wisconsin

Battle zone

blood cell, corpuscle. blood - the fluid (red in vertebrates) that is pumped through the body by the heart and contains plasma, blood cells, and platelets; "blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and carries away waste products"; "the ancients believed that blood was the seat of the emotions"

Blood corpuscle - definition of blood corpuscle by The Free …

Woman charged in UW-Milwaukee …

DELAWARE corporation battles …..

business and business LAW student haroon Khan as a WAR Casualty

www.jsonline.com › news

Oct 8, 2008 — Tammi LaFave met Travis Zoellick on MySpace in mid-September, about two ... On her MySpace page, LaFave, 21, of Delafield,

lists her name as an

DELA agent/translator for

The Delaware STATE of MIND .

Given the

geography state of Wisconsin State

… expected

state of MIND ……. consciousness

.. .. Tuesday, VSAM space …. esda officials in Milwaukee charged LaFave with

DELAWARE corporation …..

Blood corpuscle SOFTWARE errors

Played out VIA a human action figure

….. atomic IRON /

fe = Ferrous oxide atom ….

fe = felony murder in the iron Hemoglobin …… social economic expression system..

Intermediate Value Theorem of human life within the levels of existence

The idea behind the Intermediate Value Theorem is this:

When you have two points connected by a continuous curve:

    • one point below the line

    • the other point above the line

... then there will be at least one place where the curve crosses the line!

Well of course you must cross the line to get from A to B!

Now that you know the idea, let's look more closely at the details.


The curve must be continuous ... no gaps or jumps in it.

"Continuous" is a special term with an exact definition in calculus, but here we will use this simplified definition

---> your bio-math life is a continuous function within EARTH's mathematical -physics fields.

For example ..... ZINJAN continues ... in thought .....

The above picture reminds of the C.P.SNOW 1959 lecture.


The Two Cultures is the title of the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow. Its thesis was that "the intellectual life ...

The lecture - ‎Implications and influence - ‎Antecedents - ‎See also


Thus we see that Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE ...... an information source with math SYMBOLs and English language word analysis tools ...gives us an undertsanding of the deeper levels of REALITY and society.