Killing TIME vector .... CoVID-19 death
Post date: Oct 30, 2020 9:59:01 PM
RD-blog-number-2955 by Herb Zinser
Killing Time equation
--> Y2K TIME WAR at Killen, Texas
Recently, I was listening to an FM radio station. Between ROCK songs, the music show host makes various comments. Some listeners call in to chat briefly.
Those words I really don't pay attention to. The conversations skim the surface of my conscious mind that is concentrating on my science papers.
The words "KILLING TIME" did ring a bell; as I thought to myself ...... I haven't heard that for some time. It is a popular phase that explains ..... idle leisure time. › ... › Education & Reference › Words & Wordplay
Apr 6, 2009 – The phrase killing time is primarily an idiomatic expression, meaning "spending time in an inconsequential manner." ...
kill time
Fig. to use something up, especially time.
I killed time reading a novel.
The employees were not encouraged to kill time.
kill time
to do something which is not very useful or interesting while you are waiting for time to pass
We usually play guessing games to kill time at airports.
kill time
to do something while waiting We were early for our appointment, so we killed time at a bookstore.
What is an advanced example ..... after year 2000 and the start of the Y2K human bio-computer brain TIME WARS involving the incomplete
Quantum Time Code from --> Quantico, Virginia --> the Quan + ti +co and
the FBI --> Function BIT map for space / time on EARTH surface regions.
EARTH government facilities and agents
Satyendra Nath Bose
...Calcutta India and North America
Subcontinent of India and its BEC extension ….
India reservation at Quantico o
FBI coalition with
Sartre existence and awareness
projects and
Linus Pauling organic chemistry
with IBM coal THOUGHT molecules
and their atomic data bit
….. orbital abilities
Kill Time --> Kill T --> Killeen, Texas at Fort Ho = Hour.
Military time agents at Pentagon and DARPA need to recalibrate and upgrade their brain computer to Nature's year 2000 biochemistry SYMBOL MACHINE standards for human data processors.
Base 16 and the oxygen atomic computer used by the LUNG is not recognized
by the Earth geography computer address space at 1600 Pen at Pennsylvania Avenue.
Let's look at that IBM hexadecimal address again!
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC
1600 Pen --> atomic mass rounded to 16 0 = Oxygen atomic computer ... open data set comprised of the
atomic number 8 --> 8 data bits. Thus we have ORDERS from Nature and n-space that are ignored by the university political science thinkers and other citizens and communities.
(1) filename: Any valid COBOL name. You must use the same file-name in the SELECT and FD statements, and in the OPEN, READ, START, DELETE, and ...
Citizens and Washington, DC ignores Nature's instructions.
Let's see what happens:
OPEN --> O + PEN --> Intellectual CIRCLEs of arrogance & PENTAGON
READ --> Soldier REAd Center for the Y2K brain TIME war Fort HOOD --> HO OD --> HOUR Of Death ....
START --> STAR --> shooting STAR Nidal Hasan with biochemistry and an educated biological clock from Virginia TECH.
DELETE --> 13 bio-computer soldiers with OS/JCL and system 37.0 degree Celsius thermodynamic processor are DELETED.
DISP = Old, Delete. Delete
Delete the FORT Hood
READ data set … because its filled with fetus brain …. family superiority nonsense and BS
Modify this JCL sample to delete an existing data set, using the IBM program ... DD SYSOUT=* // ddname DD DSN= dsname , // DISP=(OLD,DELETE,DELETE) /* ... is to run IEFBR14, which is a program that simply passes control back to z/OS.
Well, how could this happen?
Humanoids are bio-computer SYMBOL MACHINES.
Have been for thousands of years. The introduction of copper wire MAIN FRAME computers between 1950 thru 1980 provides us with a partial mirror to the brain processing system and society.
Now let's return to the FM radio words "Killing TIme". These common slang phrase words have been used in radio, television and in movie reruns on TV.
These are Federal Communication Commission broadcasts using EM = ElectroMagnetic waves. The EM waves are called programs .....television programs .... more correctly they are EM programming instructions to the brain bio-computer of EM = EMPLOYEES.
Thus we see the EM control system used to control society and the brains of millions of people. University professors are EM = EMPLOYEES .....
as are various state and corporate workers.
Hence, we see how TV instructions to the human brain can be used to instruct EMployees to EAT their own brains and own bodies.
Thus we have Alzheimer's brain memory
cannibal sub-routines
and we have FCC EM programmed cancer. BAL = Basic(k) Assembler Language such as BASIC training of bio-computer soldiers at FORT HOOD.
The FCC attack systems --> using the electric(K) field
The FCC current purpose in year 2013 is to attack the internal DNA of a human ..... the FCC = Francis C. Crick.
Thus we have the FCC EM VS FCC DNA.
One would think that the PENTAGON and universities would concerned about these hidden systems.
The pen.TAG.on represents is one of 64 codons of DNA .... the T,A, G combination. Universities and the penTAGON deny this assignment by NATURE's biochemistry systems.
These institutions are so in-bred with their own self-love and concepts of superior thoughts ...... that sometimes ... something simple escapes their attention ... while they are focused on more complex enemy structure.
But what is a component of the MILITARY word:
ENEMY --> EN EM Y --> Y2k war signals.
ENGLISH EM Errors .... hence the battle at Virginia TECH NORRIS HALL engineering.
The U.S.ARMY War Colleges warned the world about the various battles in civilian society and at FORT HOOD.
by TL THOMAS - 1998 - Cited by 20 - Related articles
The Mind Has No Firewall. TIMOTHY L. THOMAS ... The human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited ...
Has Washington, DC upgraded their brain with the year 2000 bio-computer Y2K subroutine.
Does Base 16 address 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue understand Sartre existentialism, the 11-dimensions of physics on EARTH, and the super-symmetry war in Syria.
Serious awareness is very important ..... citizens ought spend more time fixing their brain SYMBOL MACHINE with algebra equations, etc.
The VIRGINIA, Tech TIME WAR with Mr.CHO = Clock HOUR.
English Department says
Twenty-four hours = 24 hours in 1day
20 minus 4 = 16 hours in 1 day ( Time engineering at NORRIS HALL)
LIfe is complicated at Virginia TECH. They refuse to acknowledge the REAL ISSUES underlying ther tragic event.
The empirical data signal is quite clear ..... April 16 and the TIME agent Mr. Clock HOUR and the algebra equation.
Perhaps, its TIME to close Virginia TECH until the students fix their biological clock and brain computer. Pay attention to Chuck Norris ... television broadcast commands via the TEXAS Rangers and .... their influence .... Norris Hall and a Texas style shoot-out.
And the TEXAS Rangers of TIME visited Fort HO.
Thus the complicated battle at TIME military base FORT HO.
The world is big place and NATURE has many systems that interact with humans. DARPA and the PENTAGON ought try to understand these things. Most citizens do NOT care about such things ...but I believe the PENTAGON has some serious thinkers that many awaken.
Do not feel bad. I was over 50 years old before I realized that the books BRAVE NEW WORLD and 1984 where advance warning signals about a planned social psychology war. These are now known as the SCIENCE WARS .... that begun around 1995/ 1996.