The Laws of the Game

Extracts from the Laws of the Game of Crown Green Bowls


2.5 At the commencement of a game the footer may be placed by the leader, but must be within three metres of the entrance to the green, on either the left or right side and one metre from the edge.

2.8 No player shall be allowed to change the jack or bowls during the progress of a game except with the consent of the Referee and then only if, in the Referee's opinion, the jack or bowls are so damaged as to be unplayable.


4.2 A mark is set when the jack having been bowled, does not go off the green, is not prevented from going off by resting against anything at the edge or in the channel or, after lawful objection, is proved by measurement, with a certified measure, to be at least 19 metres from the footer, with the footer at least 1 metre from the edge.

4.3 If the jack in its course is impeded in any way, or stops on the land of other players, it must under all circumstances be returned. If two jacks are bowled near the same place, the one that is last stationary must be returned. The same player to have another attempt at setting a mark.

4.4.a Verbal objection to a mark set by the leader must be made by the leader's opponent only after the first bowl has come to rest, otherwise the leader may have the jack, and bowl if played, returned to have another attempt at setting a mark. An opponent objecting to a mark must make an indication that an objection has been made.

4.5 If the leader fails to set a mark, the leader's opponent is then entitled to an attempt at setting a mark.

4.6 If the leader fails to set a mark, objection to an attempt by the opponent must be made by the leader before delivering the first bowl.

4.8 When the leader, having had an attempt to set a mark, is prevented from delivering the first bowl through a tape on the green during the measure of a mark from another end, or if the first bowl is impeded, the jack may be returned for the leader to have another attempt at setting a mark.


5.12 If a player delivers any bowl out of turn it must be returned to be played in its proper turn.

5.13 If a player, in turn, delivers a bowl of another player, it shall be returned to the proper owner to be played, the offender forfeiting a bowl.

5.15 After each end is concluded, the footer shall be placed at the jack by the last player. The footer may only be repositioned by the leader of the next end and before the first attempt to set a mark, anywhere within a space of one metre from where the jack lay at the conclusion of the last end but at least one metre in from the edge of the green.


6.1 A bowl played while the jack or preceding bowl is in motion shall be forfeited.

6.2 If a running jack or bowl appears to be in danger of striking a still bowl or jack belonging to another end, such running jack or bowl should be stopped and returned to be replayed.

6.3 If a running bowl is impeded in any way, except by either player, it must be played again. If a running bowl is impeded by either player, all the offender(s) bowls shall be forfeited at that end.

6.6 A bowl played or struck off the green, or prevented from going off by resting against anything at the edge or in the channel, is a dead bowl.


7.4 If the jack or any bowl is displaced by the jack or a bowl of any other players, or by any exterior cause, and the players agree as to the spot of replacement, the end must be continued, otherwise the end is void.

7.5 Should any player of an end touch or displace a still jack or bowl before the end is complete, all the bowls of the offender(s) shall be forfeited at the end concerned.

7.6 When an end is concluded neither the jack nor a bowl claimed to count may be moved without the consent of the opponent until the points are counted and all players are satisfied, otherwise all bowls of the offender(s) shall be forfeited at the end concerned.


10.1 Mobile phones or pagers in active mode are not allowed on the green. Should a player fail to comply, that player shall forfeit the game. The offender(s) to receive no further score and the opponent(s) to receive the maximum score.