Henley in Arden Bowls Newsletter – December 2023

Hello - Greetings!!

It’s that time of year again when we look forward to Christmas, although all we really want to know is when the green will open in 2024.

In 2023 the club continued to change with an influx of some very welcome new members, and, Jon stepping down from a number of duties, most notably Treasurer. This has required a change in the formation of the Forward Planning Group (FPG).  So, it’s well done to Steve Dorow for agreeing to be co-opted as Treasurer - we are sure he will enjoy it!!

In the absence of any other volunteers Steve will be formerly ratified as Treasurer at the AGM, to be held early in March (date to be advised).


Members were advised that we had a problem with the flat roof over the shed and toilet at the rear of the club house.  It was a serious active leak and we learnt that the clubhouse roof itself was in a very poor state.  For reason of affordability the FPG decided to repair only the areas that were leaking.  Due to the exceptional turnout at our organised competitions, we were able to raise sufficient income to cover the cost of the emergency repair without having to deplete our reserves – so well-done members!!

However, in the long term we need to continue to build up our reserves so that we have a comfortable buffer for the inevitable repair of the club house roof.  We will review the subs and fees for next year when we have had sight of the finalised accounts for 2023.

League Results 2023

Team captains Jon and Sandie had another testing year getting full teams out for league games with some surprise(d) members turning out to help. Here are the 2023 results:


Team             League/Div       Played     Won Lost Position

Henley  A S & W B’ham /4      20 10 10 5 /11

Henley  B S & W B’ham /6      20 12 8 4 /11

Henley  A H of E /4         18 6 12 8 /10

Henley  B H of E /5         18 4 14 9 /10

Jon is standing down as Team Captain for 2024 so Gavin Pringle will manage the A Team and Sandie will continue with the B Team.  

It would be helpful if members could indicate their willingness and availability to play league matches at the start of the season.

Club Matches

The attendance at Wednesday’s Singles Competition continued to astound.  On occasion attendances almost caused an overload (on one occasion Bernard and I didn’t finish our match until 13.50).  Whilst the overall situation is good to see we may need to look at the organisation and timings next season to ensure there is no undue hanging around waiting to play.

The Doubles Competition that ran alongside the Monday afternoon “coaching” session appeared to be well received; the sociability it introduced was pleasing to see.  We look forward to this competition next year.

For 2024 a Knock-Out Singles Tournament is being considered. 


This will run in a similar way to the FA Cup and will be played using proper singles rules.  Depending on members appetite for the competition we may also play a “Plate” version for first-round losers.

Rules and plans will be set out before season starts and, in the meantime, we welcome members views on this proposal. 


We want members to use the green more at times when there aren’t organised matches taking place.  Therefore, we encourage any member groups to organise themselves by whatever means come to hand (WhatsApp is useful) and get playing.

Green Maintenance

As Jon reduces his club duties, Rob Jacobs has taken on more responsibility for general maintenance around the green and clubhouse; Jon still intends to remain involved.  

We will always have to rely on costly contractors for green maintenance.  So, Rob will be looking for volunteers (usually Monday mornings) for an hour or so to tidy the green hedges and surrounds.  Contact Rob or Jon to help out.


This year’s Annual Dinner was very successful, to the point that it was almost oversubscribed. 


The Saturday Funday was again well attended, as was our first Evening Bowls Picnic.  Fortunately, the weather was kind to us on both occasions.  We expect to run these again next year.

There appears to be a keenness for Skittles, although we did struggle to fill the large room at Wooton Social Club.  We hope for another skittle night towards the end of February.

We had a couple of quiz nights during the year after meetings and these seemed to be enjoyed.  We will consider doing this again in 2024.

If you have any suggestions for other social events, please contact any of the forward planning team. 


Members are encouraged to use WhatsApp for club communications - should you need any help with the technology just let us know.

So that was 2023 and we look forward to an active, competitive but entertaining new season in 2024.

Stay well, safe, warm and dry!!

Best Wishes for a Happy Christmas
