
What were the Causes of World War 1 ?

We use the acronym " M.A.I.N. " to help us remember what caused World War I.


[ ˈakrəˌnim ]


noun: acronym · plural noun: acronym

an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word (e.g., ASCII, NASA).

M ilitarism A lliances I mperialism N ationalism

What is Militarism?

What are Alliances?

What is Imperialism?

What is Nationalism?


This Policy called "Militarism" is what happens when Nations spend too much of their resources on their Military.

Different European Nations competed with each other to have the best Weapons. This caused European Nations to become extremely unstable and caused neighbors to mistrust each other.

Alliances: noun friendly association, agreement

Why do Nations form Alliances?

Nations form alliances (friendships ) because they need these alliances in case they ever go to war.


The practice of extending a nations power by gaining another Country that does not belong to them.

European countries began to compete for foreign land.

This caused a lot of animosity(strong hosility) among European Nations.

For Example, both France and Britain had many colonies in Africa and Asia.

Germany and Italy decided they wanted a colonial empire too.

Britain was the world’s largest imperialist power.


Do you have pride in your Country ? That is ok.

However if you are blinded by your pride to a point that you want to do harm to others then you might be considered a Nationalist.

All these factors (Militarism,Alliances, Imperialism and Nationalism) caused Europe to become very unstable in the early 1900’s .

Any spark was going to send Europe into total war and that what happened with the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.

Who were the Opposing Sides during WW1 ?

Triple Entente(also called Allied Powers ) vs Triple Alliance( also called Central Powers)

Italy switched from the Triple Alliance to join the Allies.

Who were the Allied Powers?

-Britain,France,Russia, Italy (1915),United States (1917)

Who were the Central Powers?

-Austria-Hungary,Germany,Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire (Turkey)

Before its’ conclusion, 30 nations would fight in World War 1

What was trench warfare ? What conditions like for soldiers in Trenches in World War 1?

Trench warfare was cold, wet and dirty. Soldiers were met with Rats, Body Lice,and Scarcity of Food.

Soldiers spent months in the trenches in these horrible conditions.

How did fighting in the Trenches affect the duration of World War 1 ?

It caused a stalemate between the fighting parties.

Stalemate is defined as the inability for either side to win a decisive victory.

With each side “dug in” in their trenches, a stalemate occurred along the western front.

The stalemate lasted for 4 long years.

What were the new Weapons of World War 1 ?

World War 1 saw the use of new weapons in combat that made war even more dangerous.

The New Weapons included: Machine Guns , Artillery, Poison Gas and Tanks.

Machine Guns had the firepower of approximately a 100 rifles. They dramatically increased the number of casualties during Wrold War I.

Artillery was now able to travel over 15 kilometers which exploded into deadly fragments over enemy positions.

Poison Gas was used first time in World War 1


1. What 3 major European countries

made up the Triple Alliance?

Germany, Austria-Hungary & Italy

Russia, Germany & Belgium

Great Britain, France & Russia

Great Britain, France & Serbia

2. What 3 major European countries

made up the Triple Entente?

Russia, Germany & France

Britain, France & Russia

Britain, France and Italy

Italy, Austria-Hungary & Russia

3. What 3 major countries were part of the

British Empire in 1914?

•China, Canada and India

•Australia, Canada and Mexico

•Canada, Mexico and Mongolia

•India, Canada and Australia

4. The practice of extending a nations power by

gaining territories for a colonial empire is known as:





5. What is considered to be the “spark”

that started World War 1?

British Imperialist expansion.

Assassination of Franz Ferdinand.

Forming of the Triple Entente.

Forming of the Triple Alliance.

6. What were the M.A.I.N. causes of

World War 1?

Militarism, Autocracy, Imperialism, Nazism

Marxism, Alliances, Individualism, Nationalism

Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism

Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nazism

8. In what year did World War 1






9. What 3 new weapons were

introduced during World War 1?

Machine guns, jets & tanks

Bolt action rifles, poison gas & scud


Artillery shells, machine guns & poison gas

Poison gas, apache helicopters & tanks