emerald ash borer


After the Trees Disappear

Ash Forests After Emerald Ash Borers Destroy Them



A 2011 photograph from Wisconsin shows what damage the larvae of the emerald ash borer are doing to ash trees in the United States. CreditJohn Ehlke/The West Bend Daily News, via Associated Press

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      • New York on Front Lines of Fight Against Emerald Ash BorerSEPT. 12, 2011


This past winter was the coldest Detroit had experienced in 36 years. Across the upper Midwest, cities shivered, and more than 90 percent of the surface area of the Great Lakes froze solid.

It seemed like ideal weather to kill an unwanted insect. But it did little to stop the emerald ash borer, an invasive Asian beetle that is devastating ash trees from Minnesota to New York.

“We didn’t find a single dead larva,” said Deborah G. McCullough, a professor of entomology and forestry at Michigan State, who led a study of ash trees in Lower Michigan over the winter.

Even before the severe winter, Dr. McCullough and other scientists had come to the glum conclusion that they were going to lose the decade-long battle against the ash borer. Now they are assessing the cascade of consequences for Midwestern and Northeastern forests, both urban and wild.

The effects will go far beyond what you see on a hike or how you feel about the loss of a tree on your property. They will ripple through forest ecosystems, affecting other plants, animals and water supplies.

An adult emerald ash borer. The larvae burrow into trees during the winter, cutting off access to nutrients and water.CreditMinnesota Department of Natural Resources, via Associated Press

Emerald ash borers do their damage as larvae, eating into the bark and burrowing deep into the trunk to insulate themselves against the cold. In the process, they cut off access to the nutrients and water that the tree needs to survive; it is like severing a human’s network of veins and arteries.

After surviving the unusually cold winter, the beetles emerged in spring as adults. Now they are mating and laying eggs, leaving the next generation of larvae to tunnel through the trees’ internal organs. They can kill an ash tree in as little as two years.

Back in 2002, when the borers were first discovered in North America — in Windsor, Ontario — experts thought it might be possible to eradicate them. But after about six months, researchers realized that the insects had been here for years, probably decades, and had already started spreading across the upper Midwest.

Despite a few moments of optimism since, hope has faded quickly.

“Ninety-nine percent of the ashes in North America are probably going to die,” said Andrew M. Liebhold, a research entomologist with the United States Forest Service.

Nobody was really studying the ecology of ash forests until the borers began destroying them. But now scientists are beginning to see what that change might look like.

A 2009 study in the journal Biological Invasions listed 43 native insect species that rely on ash trees for food or breeding. Those insects are the food supply for birds, including woodpeckers.

“You end up with a different ecosystem that different species prefer and where the old ones can’t do as well,” said Kathleen Knight, a research ecologist with the Forest Service.


A Ravenous Beetle, the Science of Good Fortune and Disco Clams21:34

How tiny emerald ash borers may threaten a vast ecosystem; the psychology behind our belief in winning streaks; scientists discover the secret behind a clam’s brilliant undersea light show. David Corcoran, Joshua A. Krisch


Invasive insects have been eradicated in the past, but the invasion must be detected early, while it is still localized.

In the summer of 1998, when the Asian long-horned beetle was found in Chicago, people were already on the lookout for the bug, which had previously turned up in New York. Easier to spot than the smaller and less flamboyant emerald ash borer, the long-horned beetle quickly became the focus of an eradication effort that combined insecticides, public awareness and the felling of hundreds of trees in infected neighborhoods.

In 2007, the beetle was officially declared eradicated in Chicago, but it has since been found attacking trees in Massachusetts.

To tackle the emerald ash borers, scientists have experimented with chemical traps that attract the insects and can help spot the leading edge of an invasion into new forests when they can still be stopped.

But the traps are not very sensitive, Dr. Liebhold said, and often reveal an invasion only years after the beetles have been established.

The emerald ash borers’ effect may not be as dire as Dr. Liebhold predicts. Dr. McCullough, the entomologist at Michigan State, noted that the bugs’ conquest varied by tree species and location. Of the four major species, black ash and green ash are probably lost, but the beetles kill only 60 percent to 70 percent of blue ash. White ash falls somewhere in between.

And while the eight billion ash trees in wild forests cannot really be protected, ash trees in the city may stand a chance because of thedevelopment of new insecticides.

Still, the losses are bound to have severe consequences. When ash trees die, they leave gaps in the leaf canopy that allow sunlight to reach parts of the forest floor that were previously shaded. Dr. Knight, of the Forest Service, has found that those gaps provide an opportunity for invasive honeysuckle bushes to grow unchecked.

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The Emerald Ash Borer

Areas under federal quarantine for the invasive beetle have been increasing steadily.

April 2008

Sept. 2011



June 2014






















Sources: U.S. Department of Agriculture; U.S. Forest Service

By The New York Times

“In the worst-case scenario, it becomes a dense, impenetrable thicket of shrubs in the understory,” she said.

The thicket prevents native plants from growing and is likely to affect which kinds of animals can thrive there.

While the emerald ash borer is a particularly destructive bug, it’s not the only invasive insect on the march.

Another is the hemlock woolly adelgid, also from Asia. Each the size of a poppy seed, adelgids make fluffy, white egg sacs in which they wrap themselves and which attach to the undersides of hemlock branches. Safely stuck to the tree, the adelgid inserts a feeding tube and proceeds to suck the sap out of the tree like a vampire.

As with the emerald ash borers, the adelgids’ size and life cycle made them hard to notice until it was too late. While not as deadly or as fast as the ash borers, adelgids have worked their way north from Virginia over the last 50 years, and are capable of killing off more than 50 percent of the hemlocks in infected forests.

Though the percentage of dead trees is lower, the devastation can be just as wide, said David Orwig, a senior ecologist in the adelgid-infected Harvard Forest. That’s because, unlike ash, hemlocks often grow in groves of nothing but hemlock. Even if not all are wiped out, the die-off changes the character of the forest — from dark, cool and moist to sunnier, warmer and drier.

These shifts are like a domino that leads to a series of ecological effects. A 2008 study published by Dr. Orwig in The Canadian Journal of Forestry Research showed that the change in the type and quantity of leaves building up on the forest floor as more hemlocks die caused soils to accumulate higher levels of nitrogen. That excess nitrogen can leach into nearby streams, Dr. Orwig said, where it can change what plants and animals grow there.

It’s important to note that a different ecosystem is not the same as no ecosystem. When ash trees and hemlocks die, they are replaced by other kinds of trees. Over time, a new environmental system takes root. Few people living today remember when the Northeast was covered in forests of American chestnut. That species all but died out more than half a century ago from a series of fungal infections. Today, the forests and the life they harbor are very different; in many cases, hemlocks replaced the chestnuts. And now something else will replace the hemlocks.

But we will still have lost something valuable, Dr. Liebhold said.

“The forests and the species that exist there, they’re part of America and what defines America,” he said. “Without being too corny, they’re a symbol of what this country is.”

Correction: July 3, 2014

An article on Tuesday about the destruction of ash forests by emerald ash borers misstated the number of ash trees in wild forests in North America. It is eight billion, not million.