
The Economics of Climate Adaptation

Publications, working papers, and book chapters

Upholding labour productivity under climate change: an assessment of adaptation options (2019) [With Ed Day, Sam Fankhauser, Nick Kingsmill, Anna Mavrogianni] Climate Policy 2018; 19:3, 367-385 doi: 10.1080/14693062.2018.1517640

Influence of climate change on summer cooling costs and heat stress in urban office buildings (2017) [With Hans Hooyberghs, Stijn Verbeke, Dirk Lauwaet, Graham Floater, Koen De Ridder] Climatic Change 2017; 144(4): 721–735 doi:

Climate change, heat stress and labour productivity: a cost methodology for city economies (2016) [With Graham Floater, Hans Hooyberghs, and Koen de Ridder] Grantham Research Institute WP 278, 2016, London School of Economics and Political Science

Grantham commentary "Heat waves, productivity, and the urban economy" [Link]

Media coverage: The Telegraph, BBC World Business Report, BBC World at One, Bloomberg, Vox, Evening Standard, The Orchard Practice, The Boar

Climate-resilient cities (2016) [With Graham Floater and Jared Finnegan] In Fankhauser, S., and McDermott, T. Eds "The economics of climate-resilient development", Edward Edgar Publishing, July 2016 [Book]

Panel debate for the book launch

Other reports

Adaptation cost assessment framework 2017 [With Matt Ulterino, Diego Rybski, Graham Floater] RAMSES Project deliverable 5.4

Adaptation cost curves 2016 [With Graham Floater, Boris Prahl, Diego Rybski] RAMSES Project deliverable 5.3

Methods inventory for infrastructure assessment 2016 [With Oliver Heidrich, Diego Rybski, Ramana Gudipudi, Graham Floater, Richard Dawson] RAMSES Project deliverable 1.3

Economic costs of climate change in European cities 2015 [With Graham Floater] RAMSES Project deliverable 5.2

Environmental Policy, Labor Response and Firm Performance

Publications and working papers

The role of financing constraints and environmental policy on green investment (2024) [With Lilas Demmou, Guido Franco, and Stefan Lamp] Economics Letters Volume 239, June 2024, 111741 

Complete WP version including Portuguese case study: Making the grass greener: The role of firm’s financial and managerial capacity in paving the way for the green transition OECD Economics Department Working Paper, No. 1791

OECD ECOSCOPE blog post [Link]

Rising energy prices and productivity: short-run pain, long-term gain? (2023) [With Christophe André, Lilas Demmou, and Guido Franco] OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 1755

OECD ECOSCOPE blog post [Link]

SUERF Policy brief [Link]

The economic benefits of early green innovation: Evidence from the automotive sector (2023) [With Alberto Agnelli and Damien Dussaux] OECD Environment Working Papers, No. 209, OECD Publishing, Paris

Local labor impact of wind energy investment: an analysis of Portuguese municipalities (2021) [With Linda Veiga] Energy Economics; 94 doi:

Portuguese economy research report blog post [Link]

Policy Uncertainty and Investment in Low-Carbon Technology (2012) [With Silvia Albrizio] EUI Working Paper ECO 2012/27, European University Institute [Last version]

Other reports

Economic modelling of climate and related tipping points 2022 [With Shardul Agrawala and Elisa Lanzi] Workshop report

Work in progress

Policy Uncertainty and Investment in Low-Carbon Technology: Empirical Analysis [With Vedant Agarwal, Silvia Albrizio, and Antoine Dechezleprêtre] 

Firm Dynamics, Digitalization, and Firm Performance

Working papers

Employment dynamics across firms during COVID-19: The role of job retention schemes (2023) [With Sara Calligaris, Gabriele Ciminelli, Chiara Criscuolo, Lilas Demmou, Isabelle Desnoyers-James, Guido Franco and Rudy Verlhac]  OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 1788, OECD Publishing, Paris

Are online platforms killing the offline star? Platform diffusion and the productivity of traditional firms (2021) [With Giuseppe Nicoletti, Mauro Pisu, and Christina von Rueden] OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 1682, OECD Publishing, Paris

OECD ECOSCOPE blog post "Platforms killed the offline star?" [Link]

Portuguese economy research report blog post [Link]

Welcome to the (digital) jungle: Measurement and diffusion of online platforms (2021) [With Giuseppe Nicoletti, Mauro Pisu, and Christina von Rueden] OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 1682, OECD Publishing, Paris

Short Term Cost of Cash and Mobile Financial Services: Evidence from a natural experiment in India (2022) [With Vatsala Shreeti and Mauro Pisu] TSE Working Paper, n. 22-1351, August 2022

Other reports

Getting the most of the digital transformation 2021 [With Caroline Klein, Markus Schwabe, and Sahra Sakha] OECD Economic Surveys: Portugal 2021 [Full survey]

Harnessing the productivity benefits of online platforms: Background paper 2021 [With Mauro Pisu and Christina von Rueden] An OECD contribution to the G20 Italian Presidency 2021


The role of online platforms in weathering the COVID-19 shock 2021 [With Mauro Pisu, Hyunjeong Hwang, Valeria Patella, Silvia Sopranzetti] OECD Policy Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19) 


Political Economy and Public Economics

Publications and working papers

Pork barrel as a signaling tool: the case of US environmental policy (2016) Grantham Research Institute WP 225 2016, London School of Economics and Political Science

Awarded the IAERE Young Environmental Economist Award 2016

Interactions in Local Governments' Spending Decisions (2015) [With Linda Veiga and Miguel Portela] Regional studies, Vol. 49, Iss. 9, Pages 1441-1456, 2015

The revision of the 2014 European tobacco products directive: an analysis of the tobacco industry's attempts to break the health silo (2015) [With Silvy Peters, David Stuckler, Martin McKee, and Anna Gilmore] Tobacco Control 2016; 25:108-117 doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2014-051919 

Quantifying the influence of the tobacco industry on EU governance: automated content analysis of the EU Tobacco Products Directive (2014) [With Anna Gilmore, Silvy Peters, Martin McKee, and David Stuckler] Tobacco Control 2014; 23:473-478 doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2014-051822

Work in progress

Economic Voting of the Wealthy Hand-to-Mouth [With Zoe Kuehn and Galina Zudenkova]

Lobbying and electoral incentives in environmental regulation: an analysis of the US Senate