
09/2021 – 12/2021 Seminar: Behavioral Economics in Action: Course Responsible (Elective Master course in Social Data Science)

Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen

09/2021 – 01/2022 Data Collection, Processing and Analysis (15/30 ECTS): Course Responsible (Elective Master course in Social Data Science)

Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science, University of Copenhagen

09/2021 – 11/2021 Elementary Social Data Science (7.5 ECTS): Lecturer (Master course in Social Data Science)

Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science, University of Copenhagen

09/2021 Introduction to Python and Data scraping: Lecturer (Intro course, Master in Social Data Science)

Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science, University of Copenhagen

09/2018 – 12/2018 Econometrics I (undergraduate) (7.5 ECTS): Teaching Assistant

Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen

In addition I supervise Master Thesis, Co-curricular assignments and seminar papers